Base Game Free Poll September 24, 2022by SnarkyWitch3 min read Do you think it's a good decision to make the base game permanently free? Yes, it's a good decision No, it's a bad decision I'm not sure; I'm torn on the issue I don't care one way or the other Do you think making the base game free will boost DLC pack sales? Definitely Maybe I'm not sure No, I don't think so Do you think making the base game free is a sign of The Sims 5 on the horizon? Yes, absolutely No, I think they just want to sell more DLC Maybe I don't know If you had known The Sims 4 would be free to play 8 years later, would you have waited 8 years to get it for free? No way I might have Yes of course I haven't purchased/downloaded The Sims 4 yet If you do not already own The Sims 4, will you get the game in October when it becomes free? No, still not interested I might Yes, definitely I already own The Sims 4 For players intending to get The Sims 4 when it is free, do you plan to purchase DLC for the game? No, I'll just play the base game for free Yes, eventually when I get tired of the base game Yes, right away! I'm still undecided I already own The Sims 4 and/or DLC for The Sims 4 Do you think offering the base game for free now is fair to players who purchased the game? Yes. We enjoyed it for 8 years so it was still worth purchasing. No. I feel like I was robbed of my money. I have mixed feelings about the issue I don't care either way If you plan to become a new player of The Sims 4 in October, what are you most looking forward to in the base game? Creating Sims! Building amazing homes and venues! Creating drama and mayhem with my Sims. Creating the perfect life for my Sims Other (Tell us in the comments!) I already own The Sims 4 Is The Sims 4 your first Sims game? Yes, it is No; I've played at least one Sims game before this No; I have played every Sims game since the original Sims If The Sims 4 going free does in fact mean The Sims 5 is imminent, will you continue to play The Sims 4 when The Sims 5 releases? No. I'm sick of Sims 4. Time for something new. Yes. I love The Sims 4 and am not eager to move on to The Sims 5. I'm not sure. It will depend on whether The Sims 5 is better than The Sims 4 or not. I'm tired of all the new Sims games; I will continue playing one of the older Sims games. ResultsVote