How Do You Play The Sims 4? Add comment October 26, 2022by SnarkyWitch4 min read You just moved in and the welcome wagon shows up at your door. What do you do? Invite them in! A great opportunity to meet new friends! Invite them in but "accidentally" drop the fruitcake in the trash before anyone can take a slice Ignore them and hope they go away Invite them in and then stage an "accident." That'll teach 'em not to trespass and I get some lovely headstone decorations for the yard as a bonus. Invite them into my dungeo-- I mean, basement... then delete the door. They are now my prisoners, mwahahaha! What's your #1 most used cheat? motherlode bb.moveobjects on bb.howhiddenobjects / bb.showliveeditobjects testingcheats true freerealestate on cas.fulleditmode I would NEVER cheat! Cheating is for cheaters! I cheat so much, I can't even keep track anymore. Which area of the game do you spend the most time? CAS Build/Buy Live Mode What's your favourite Sims 4 challenge to play? The Legacy Challenge The Not-So-Berry Challenge Rags to Riches Runaway Teen The 100 Baby Challenge I don't do challenges. I play my own way. Other (Tell us in the comments!) Do you play with the premade households? Of course! The Goths and Landgraabs are iconic! Not really, but sometimes I marry my own Sims into those families. Nope. I just let them wander around as if they were random townies. The what? Oh, you mean those households I always delete right away? Nah. Do you like playing with supernatural Sims? YES!!! I only play with supernatural Sims! Realism is so boring! I like to mix it up between fantasy and realism. Occasionally but I lean more towards realistic gameplay. NO!!! Can't stand them, ugh, so annoying. I only play strict realism. What about kids? Do your Sims typically raise families? Of course! I want to pass down my Sim's legacy to the next generation. Usually one or two, but my Sims still remain focused on careers and hobbies outside their kids, too. Raising kids? That's what nannies are for. My Sims are too busy doing more important things. Get these germy little gremlins away from me, eewwwww! What lifespan do you play on? Short Normal Long Aging Off I switch back and forth depending on my mood. Do you play poor households or rich households? I start them out poor, then work my way up to being rich Poor. I enjoy the challenge. Middle class. Comfortable but not exactly wealthy, either. Rich! I want that mansion on the hill, a vault full of simoleons, and millions of adoring fans! Single Sim household or 8 Sim household? Single Sim. I don't like multitasking. Between 2-4 Sims. One Sim gets boring but 8 is too stressful. Between 5-8 Sims, always! I love big families! I leave 1 or 2 household slots open for the pets, of course! What's the furthest generation you've played to? Just one. I get bored so easily and start a new save almost every time I play. Between 2-3. Once the kids grow up and my first Sim is old, I lose interest. Between 3-5. By then, my Sims are rich and everything gets too easy. Between 5-10. Haven't finished a legacy challenge yet but I'm not giving up! 10+ generations! And I don't intend to stop anytime soon! Your Sim catches their spouse being a little too friendly with the cute next door neighbour? How do you handle it? Divorce the spouse and take the house, all the money, and the kids. Divorce and take the house and money... but dump the kids on them. Invite the neighbour over for dinner... in the basement... and start a fire. Shove both the spouse and neighbour in the pool and build walls around it. Problem solved. Work through my marital problems like a normal, well-adjusted person. Seriously, what is wrong with you people?! Okay, be honest... Have you ever WooHoo'd the Grim Reaper? All the time. He's my husband! I'd tell you... but then I'd have to lock you in an empty room and delete the door... I did once just for the fun of it. Might do it again. No. I'd have to cheat to do that and I'm no cheater! ResultsVote