The Sims 4 Horse Ranch Final Community Poll Add comment September 14, 2023by Jovan2 min read Were you excited about the release of The Sims 4 Horse Ranch expansion pack? Yes No Unsure/Neutral Did you pre-order the expansion pack ahead of time? Yes No Purchased on/after release day I have not purchased the expansion yet Were you happy with the pre-order bonus items that came with Horse Ranch? Yes No I was unaware of the pre-order bonus items promotion The objects should have been part of the pack If you have not purchased The Sims 4 Horse Ranch yet, are you planning to do so in the future? I plan to purchase the expansion in the future I'm waiting for it to go one sale I'm not interested in this expansion pack Other/already purchased the expansion pack Are you happy with the quality and variety of the objects in the Horse Ranch Expansion? I'm happy with both I'm happy with the quality but not the variety I'm happy with the variety but not the quality I'm not happy with either Are you happy with the quality and variety of CAS additions in Horse Ranch? I'm happy with both I'm happy with the quality but not the variety I'm happy with the variety but not the quality I'm not happy with either Are you happy with the quality and variety of gameplay features in Horse Ranch? I'm happy with both I'm happy with the quality but not the variety I'm happy with the variety but not the quality I'm not happy with either Do you like the new world of Chestnut Ridge? Yes No Unsure/Neutral How often do you see yourself using the Horse Ranch expansion in your gameplay? Often Sometimes Rarely Never Overall, how have you found The Sims 4 Horse Ranch? I've really been enjoying it Not as much as I thought I would I'm undecided at the moment It's not what expected it to be ResultsVote