The Sims 3 Barnacle Bay Assets

Are you looking for adventure? A New World Awaits – Escape to Barnacle Bay today!

Live the island life in Barnacle Bay! Your Sims will enjoy stunning beaches, parks, campgrounds, and a curiously modern downtown. Whether they’re meeting new Sims or uncovering the community’s secrets, life at the seaside is full of surprises! A New World Awaits—Escape to Barnacle Bay today!


• Meet new Sims, discover the world’s secrets, and grab a bite to eat at Hogan’s Deep Sea Diner.

• Discover the mysterious Barnacle Bay lore by exploring the abandoned piers of Founder’s Beach and the relics found within the Goldbeard Galleon Gallery

• Explore the mystery hidden in Pirate’s Hideaway or meet new Sims at The Wanderer’s Watering Hole

• Enrich your Sims and their lives in all-new ways with 18 exclusive items only available in Barnacle Bay

• The Barnacle Bay Retail Pack includes premium content!

• Buccaneer’s Bounty Set – Exclusive and All-New architectural Items






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