The Sims 4 Cheats The Sims 4

The Sims 4 Milestone Cheats

ts4 milestone cheats

Instantly create a Sim with history using The Sims 4 Milestone Cheats!

Added with the Growing Together Expansion Pack, Sims 4 Milestones make an excellent addition to the game! We’ve written down all the milestones and how to add them manually using Sims 4 Milestone Cheats in case you want to add some past lore to your game!

Growing Together Milestones

At the time of posting this, there is a bug that deletes all of a Sim’s Milestones when switching households. Using these cheats will allow the player to add back any Milestones that were deleted.

How to Use Sims 4 Cheat Codes

Sims 4 Milestone Cheats: Cheats Console

In order to use The Sims 4 Milestone Cheats, you’ll first need to pull down the cheats console in the upper left corner. Then, type in your cheat code!

To Open the Cheats Console:
PC cheats: Press Ctrl and Shift and C
Mac cheats: Press Ctrl and Shift and C

Sims 4 Milestone Cheats

Adding Sims 4 Milestones is easy! Just make sure to turn on testingcheats and install AllCheats by TwistedMexi. All you need to do is select the Milestone that you want to add and then use BOTH parts of the cheat code. Then, make sure to read the instructions at the top of each section for important information.

If you wanted a detailed guide to Milestones, check out our overview article by SnarkyWitch:
The Sims 4 Growing Together: Milestones Guide

Infant Milestones

Infants were added in the Base Game Update before Growing Together! Although they were a cute addition to the game, Growing Together’s Milestone System helps bring those Infants to life!

Sims 4 Infants: Milestone Cheats

To add these Milestones, make sure to use add developmental_milestones.unlock_milestone before each cheat. For example: evelopmental_milestones.unlock_milestone infantMilestones_FineMotor_Clapping

Don’t forget to turn on testingcheats and install AllCheats by TwistedMexi for the cheats to work.

Infant MilestoneMilestone Cheat
Pincer GraspinfantMilestones_FineMotor_PincerGrasp
Toe in MouthinfantMilestones_FineMotor_ToeInMouth
Birth at HomeinfantMilestones_Generic_BirthAtHome
Birth at HospitalinfantMilestones_Generic_BirthAtHospital
First BathinfantMilestones_Generic_FirstBath
First BlowoutinfantMilestones_Generic_FirstBlowout
First Bubble BathinfantMilestones_Generic_FirstBubbleBath
First Finger FoodinfantMilestones_Generic_FirstFingerFood
First Food AnyinfantMilestones_Generic_FirstFoodAny
First Trip to ParkinfantMilestones_Generic_FirstTripToPark
First VacationinfantMilestones_Generic_FirstVacation
First VisitorsinfantMilestones_Generic_FirstVisitors
First Visit to Family MemberinfantMilestones_Generic_FirstVisitToFamilyMember
Pees on ParentinfantMilestones_Generic_PeesOnParent
Slept Through NightinfantMilestones_Generic_SleptThroughNight
Smile Age Up to InfantinfantMilestones_Generic_Smile_AgeUpToInfant
Lift HeadinfantMilestones_GrossMotor_LiftHead
Pull to StandinfantMilestones_GrossMotor_PullToStand
Roll Over to BackinfantMilestones_GrossMotor_RollOverToBack
Roll Over to TummyinfantMilestones_GrossMotor_RollOverToTummy
Sit UpinfantMilestones_GrossMotor_SitUp
Blow KissinfantMilestones_Social_BlowKiss
Blow RaspberryinfantMilestones_Social_BlowRaspberry
First WordinfantMilestones_Social_FirstWord
Peek a BooinfantMilestones_Social_PeekABoo

Toddler Milestones

Sims 4 might not have shipped with Toddlers, but it’s hard to remember a game without them! Growing Together added 20 new Milestones for Toddlers! Add any of them using Sims 4 Milestone Cheats!

Sims 4 Toddler: Milestone Cheats

To add these Milestones, make sure to use add developmental_milestones.unlock_milestone before each cheat. For example: evelopmental_milestones.unlock_milestone infantMilestones_FineMotor_Clapping

Don’t forget to turn on testingcheats and install AllCheats by TwistedMexi for the cheats to work.

Toddler MilestoneMilestone Cheat
Art AppreciationlifeMilestone_Toddler_ArtAppreciation
Asked WhylifeMilestone_Toddler_AskedWhy
First FriendlifeMilestone_Toddler_FirstFriend
First NightmarelifeMilestone_Toddler_FirstNightmare
First Time DaycarelifeMilestone_Toddler_FirstTimeDaycare
Learned to Climb StairslifeMilestone_Toddler_LearnedToClimbStairs
Learned to DancelifeMilestone_Toddler_LearnedToDance
Learned to RunlifeMilestone_Toddler_LearnedToRun
Learned to TalklifeMilestone_Toddler_LearnedToTalk
Learned to WalklifeMilestone_Toddler_LearnedToWalk
Max CommunicationlifeMilestone_Toddler_MaxCommunication
Max ImaginationlifeMilestone_Toddler_MaxImagination
Max MovementlifeMilestone_Toddler_MaxMovement
Max PottylifeMilestone_Toddler_MaxPotty
Max ThinkinglifeMilestone_Toddler_MaxThinking
Played With OtherslifeMilestone_Toddler_PlayedWithOthers
Read First BooklifeMilestone_Toddler_ReadFirstBook
Studied LetterslifeMilestone_Toddler_StudiedLetters
Studied NumberslifeMilestone_Toddler_StudiedNumbers
Studied ShapeslifeMilestone_Toddler_StudiedShapes
Threw TantrumlifeMilestone_Toddler_ThrewTantrum

Child-Elder Milestones

Even the older Sims get to join in on the Milestone fun! Add these Milestones using Sims 4 Milestone Cheats to customize their Sim History.

Sims 4 Children, Teens, and Adult Milestone Cheats

To add these Sims 4 Milestones, make sure to use add developmental_milestones.unlock_milestone before each cheat. For example: evelopmental_milestones.unlock_milestone infantMilestones_FineMotor_Clapping

Don’t forget to turn on testingcheats and install AllCheats by TwistedMexi for the cheats to work.

Child – Elder MilestoneMilestone Cheat
Abducted By AlienslifeMilestone_AbductedByAliens
Adopted PetlifeMilestone_AdoptedPet
Adopted SimlifeMilestone_AdoptedSim
Beat GreglifeMilestone_BeatGreg
Became MermaidlifeMilestone_BecameMermaid
Became Non-OccultlifeMilestone_BecameNonOccult
Became Plant SimlifeMilestone_BecamePlantSim
Became SpellcasterlifeMilestone_BecameSpellcaster
Became VampirelifeMilestone_BecameVampire
Became WerewolflifeMilestone_BecameWerewolf
Began PubertylifeMilestone_BeganPuberty
Best FriendlifeMilestone_BestFriend
Caught Cheating By SimlifeMilestone_CaughtCheatingBySim
Caught Sim CheatinglifeMilestone_CaughtSimCheating
Childhood PhaselifeMilestone_ChildhoodPhase
Defeated Mother PlantlifeMilestone_DefeatedMotherPlant
Earned Degree-Art HistorylifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_ArtHistory
Earned Degree- BiologylifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_Biology
Earned Degree-CommunicationslifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_Communications
Earned Degree-Computer SciencelifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_ComputerScience
Earned Degree-Culinary ArtslifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_CulinaryArts
Earned Degree-DramalifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_Drama
Earned Degree-EconomicslifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_Economics
Earned Degree-Fine ArtlifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_FineArt
Earned Degree-HistorylifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_History
Earned Degree-Language and LiteraturelifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_LanguageLiterature
Earned Degree-PhysicslifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_Physics
Earned Degree-PsychologylifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_Psychology
Earned Degree-Villainy lifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_Villainy
Eaten By CowplantlifeMilestone_EatenByCowplant
Ended Romantic RelationshiplifeMilestone_EndedRomanticRel
Engagement RejectedlifeMilestone_EngagementRejected
Fell in LovelifeMilestone_FellInLove
First Bladder FaillifeMilestone_FirstBladderFail
First Day of Grade SchoollifeMilestone_FirstDayOfGradeSchool
First Energy FaillifeMilestone_FirstEnergyFail
First FightlifeMilestone_FirstFight
First FirelifeMilestone_FirstFire
First PromotionlifeMilestone_FirstPromotion
First Time Burning OutlifeMilestone_FirstTimeBurningOut
First Time Possessed lifeMilestone_FirstTimePossessed
First WoohoolifeMilestone_FirstWoohoo
Forgotten GrottolifeMilestone_ForgottenGrotto
Got FiredlifeMilestone_GotFired
Got JoblifeMilestone_GotJob
Got Laid OfflifeMilestone_GotLaidOff
Had AffairlifeMilestone_HadAffair
Had SimlifeMilestone_HadSim
High School-Dropped OutlifeMilestone_HighSchoolDroppedOut
High School-ExpelledlifeMilestone_HighSchoolExpelled
High School-GraduatedlifeMilestone_HighSchoolGraduated
Learned to Ride BikelifeMilestone_LearnedToRideBike
Midlife Crisis-AdventurelifeMilestone_Life_MidLifeCrisis_Adventure
Midlife Crisis-CreatelifeMilestone_Life_MidLifeCrisis_Create
Midlife Crisis-RelationshiplifeMilestone_Life_MidLifeCrisis_Relationship
Midlife Crisis-SuccesslifeMilestone_Life_MidLifeCrisis_Success
Lost First ToothlifeMilestone_LostFirstTooth
Max Star CelebritylifeMilestone_MaxStarCelebrity
Mount KomorebilifeMilestone_MountKomorebi
Omiscan TemplelifeMilestone_OmiscanTemple
Prom RoyaltylifeMilestone_PromRoyalty
Quit JoblifeMilestone_QuitJob
Reached Top of After School ActivitylifeMilestone_ReachedTopOfAfterSchoolActivity
Reached Top of CareerlifeMilestone_ReachedTopOfCareer
Resurrected By SimlifeMilestone_ResurrectedBySim
Resurrected SimlifeMilestone_ResurrectedSim
Retroactive Only-Had SimlifeMilestone_RetroactiveOnly_HadSim
Saved From DeathlifeMilestone_SavedFromDeath
Self DiscoverylifeMilestone_SelfDiscovery
Significant OtherlifeMilestone_SignificantOther
Smacked by AgneslifeMilestone_SmackedByAgnes
Struck by LightninglifeMilestone_StruckByLightning
Survived Haunted HouselifeMilestone_SurvivedHauntedHouse
Sylvan GladelifeMilestone_SylvanGlade
Werewolf Pack Leader AlifeMilestone_WerewolfPackLeaderA
Werewolf Pack Leader BlifeMilestone_WerewolfPackLeaderB
Won LotterylifeMilestone_WonLottery
Won Village FairlifeMilestone_WonVillageFair

Horse Ranch Milestone Cheats

With the release of Expansion Pack 14, Horse Ranch came with five new Milestone Cheats including Horse related milestones and also one for drinking too much nectar!

Sims 4 Horse Ranch Milestone Cheats
Horse Related Milestone
Adopted HorselifeMilestone_Life_AdoptedHorse
Birth of FoallifeMilestone_Life_FoalBirth
Had Too Much NectarlifeMilestone_Life_TooMuchNectar
Won Ultimate Champion at Horse CompetitionlifeMilestone_UltimateChampion_HorseCompetition
Won First Victory at Horse CompetitionlifeMilestone_FirstVictory_HorseCompetition

For Rent Milestone Cheats

In December 2023, For Rent was released and added an additional five Milestone Cheats. These include Rent related milestones including mold exposure and getting evicted!

Sims 4 For Rent Milestones Cheats
For Rent MilestoneFor Rent Milestone Cheat
First Time Winning MarbleslifeMilestone_FirstMarblesWin
First Mold ExposurelifeMilestone_FirstMoldExposure
Got EvictedlifeMilestone_GotEvicted
Adopted TigerlifeMilestone_AdoptedTiger
First Break-InlifeMilestone_FirstBreakIn

Miscellaneous Sims 4 Milestone Cheats

Some additional Sims 4 Milestone cheats for people that are looking to make the perfect Sim without the work. Fastest SuperSim ever?

Don’t forget to turn on testingcheats and install AllCheats by TwistedMexi for the cheats to work

Unlock all Milestonesdevelopmental_milestones.unlock_all_milestones
Reset all Milestonesdevelopmental_milestones.reset_all_milestones

Want to Add Milestones Using a Mod?

Milestones Cheats Mod by Lumpinou

Lumpinou has a Milestone Cheats mod that allows you to add or delete milestones in any age! This is especially helpful because it allows you to add milestones for ages other than your Sim’s current age.

Milestones Cheats Mod by Lumpinou

UI Cheats Extension by Weerbesu

Weerbesu’s UI Cheats Extension also allows Milestones to be added. They explain how to use the mod for milestones with the instructions below:

Simology Panel

  • Right click on a milestone category title bar to add milestones from the selected category of the current age.
  • Right click on an existing milestone to remove it, or change the Sim/object/location/career/death type/trait the milestone was unlocked with.

Milestones Panel

  • Right click on a milestone category title bar to add milestones from the selected category and age.
  • Right click on an existing milestone to remove it, or change the Sim/object/location/career/death type/trait the milestone was unlocked with.

Instructions from Weerbesu’s Patreon page for the mod.

UI Cheats Extension by Weerbesu Used for Milestone Cheats

Want More Milestones?

Lumpinou’s Milestones Expanded mod adds new milestones and improves milestones. You can read SnarkyWitch‘s review here!

More Milestone Coverage

Looking for more information about Milestones in The Sims 4 Growing Together? Click here!
Read about the Milestone Cross-Compatibility here!

About the author


ThatSimsLady’s love of Sims is only rivaled by her love of grilled cheese. She is a mods addict, a friend to all ducks, and still tries to use The Sims 3 cheat codes in The Sims 4. When she is not playing Sims or writing about Sims, she can be found moderating and providing support on any number of Sims Discord Servers. You could say she eats, sleeps, and breathes Sims.

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