Instantly create a Sim with history using The Sims 4 Milestone Cheats!
Added with the Growing Together Expansion Pack, Sims 4 Milestones make an excellent addition to the game! We’ve written down all the milestones and how to add them manually using Sims 4 Milestone Cheats in case you want to add some past lore to your game!
Table of Contents
At the time of posting this, there is a bug that deletes all of a Sim’s Milestones when switching households. Using these cheats will allow the player to add back any Milestones that were deleted.
How to Use Sims 4 Cheat Codes
In order to use The Sims 4 Milestone Cheats, you’ll first need to pull down the cheats console in the upper left corner. Then, type in your cheat code!
To Open the Cheats Console:
PC cheats: Press Ctrl and Shift and C
Mac cheats: Press Ctrl and Shift and C
Sims 4 Milestone Cheats
Adding Sims 4 Milestones is easy! Just make sure to turn on testingcheats and install AllCheats by TwistedMexi. All you need to do is select the Milestone that you want to add and then use BOTH parts of the cheat code. Then, make sure to read the instructions at the top of each section for important information.
If you wanted a detailed guide to Milestones, check out our overview article by SnarkyWitch:
The Sims 4 Growing Together: Milestones Guide
Infant Milestones
Infants were added in the Base Game Update before Growing Together! Although they were a cute addition to the game, Growing Together’s Milestone System helps bring those Infants to life!
To add these Milestones, make sure to use add developmental_milestones.unlock_milestone before each cheat. For example: evelopmental_milestones.unlock_milestone infantMilestones_FineMotor_Clapping
Don’t forget to turn on testingcheats and install AllCheats by TwistedMexi for the cheats to work.
Infant Milestone | Milestone Cheat |
Clapping | infantMilestones_FineMotor_Clapping |
Grabbing | infantMilestones_FineMotor_Grabbing |
Pincer Grasp | infantMilestones_FineMotor_PincerGrasp |
Reaching | infantMilestones_FineMotor_Reaching |
Toe in Mouth | infantMilestones_FineMotor_ToeInMouth |
Waving | infantMilestones_FineMotor_Waving |
Birth | infantMilestones_Generic_Birth |
Birth at Home | infantMilestones_Generic_BirthAtHome |
Birth at Hospital | infantMilestones_Generic_BirthAtHospital |
First Bath | infantMilestones_Generic_FirstBath |
First Blowout | infantMilestones_Generic_FirstBlowout |
First Bubble Bath | infantMilestones_Generic_FirstBubbleBath |
First Finger Food | infantMilestones_Generic_FirstFingerFood |
First Food Any | infantMilestones_Generic_FirstFoodAny |
First Trip to Park | infantMilestones_Generic_FirstTripToPark |
First Vacation | infantMilestones_Generic_FirstVacation |
First Visitors | infantMilestones_Generic_FirstVisitors |
First Visit to Family Member | infantMilestones_Generic_FirstVisitToFamilyMember |
Pees on Parent | infantMilestones_Generic_PeesOnParent |
Slept Through Night | infantMilestones_Generic_SleptThroughNight |
Smile Age Up to Infant | infantMilestones_Generic_Smile_AgeUpToInfant |
Crawl | infantMilestones_GrossMotor_Crawl |
Creep | infantMilestones_GrossMotor_Creep |
Dance | infantMilestones_GrossMotor_Dance |
Lift Head | infantMilestones_GrossMotor_LiftHead |
Pull to Stand | infantMilestones_GrossMotor_PullToStand |
Roll Over to Back | infantMilestones_GrossMotor_RollOverToBack |
Roll Over to Tummy | infantMilestones_GrossMotor_RollOverToTummy |
Sit Up | infantMilestones_GrossMotor_SitUp |
Babble | infantMilestones_Social_Babble |
Blow Kiss | infantMilestones_Social_BlowKiss |
Blow Raspberry | infantMilestones_Social_BlowRaspberry |
Coo | infantMilestones_Social_Coo |
First Word | infantMilestones_Social_FirstWord |
Laugh | infantMilestones_Social_Laugh |
Peek a Boo | infantMilestones_Social_PeekABoo |
Toddler Milestones
Sims 4 might not have shipped with Toddlers, but it’s hard to remember a game without them! Growing Together added 20 new Milestones for Toddlers! Add any of them using Sims 4 Milestone Cheats!
To add these Milestones, make sure to use add developmental_milestones.unlock_milestone before each cheat. For example: evelopmental_milestones.unlock_milestone infantMilestones_FineMotor_Clapping
Don’t forget to turn on testingcheats and install AllCheats by TwistedMexi for the cheats to work.
Toddler Milestone | Milestone Cheat |
Art Appreciation | lifeMilestone_Toddler_ArtAppreciation |
Asked Why | lifeMilestone_Toddler_AskedWhy |
First Friend | lifeMilestone_Toddler_FirstFriend |
First Nightmare | lifeMilestone_Toddler_FirstNightmare |
First Time Daycare | lifeMilestone_Toddler_FirstTimeDaycare |
Learned to Climb Stairs | lifeMilestone_Toddler_LearnedToClimbStairs |
Learned to Dance | lifeMilestone_Toddler_LearnedToDance |
Learned to Run | lifeMilestone_Toddler_LearnedToRun |
Learned to Talk | lifeMilestone_Toddler_LearnedToTalk |
Learned to Walk | lifeMilestone_Toddler_LearnedToWalk |
Max Communication | lifeMilestone_Toddler_MaxCommunication |
Max Imagination | lifeMilestone_Toddler_MaxImagination |
Max Movement | lifeMilestone_Toddler_MaxMovement |
Max Potty | lifeMilestone_Toddler_MaxPotty |
Max Thinking | lifeMilestone_Toddler_MaxThinking |
Played With Others | lifeMilestone_Toddler_PlayedWithOthers |
Read First Book | lifeMilestone_Toddler_ReadFirstBook |
Studied Letters | lifeMilestone_Toddler_StudiedLetters |
Studied Numbers | lifeMilestone_Toddler_StudiedNumbers |
Studied Shapes | lifeMilestone_Toddler_StudiedShapes |
Threw Tantrum | lifeMilestone_Toddler_ThrewTantrum |
Child-Elder Milestones
Even the older Sims get to join in on the Milestone fun! Add these Milestones using Sims 4 Milestone Cheats to customize their Sim History.
To add these Sims 4 Milestones, make sure to use add developmental_milestones.unlock_milestone before each cheat. For example: evelopmental_milestones.unlock_milestone infantMilestones_FineMotor_Clapping
Don’t forget to turn on testingcheats and install AllCheats by TwistedMexi for the cheats to work.
Child – Elder Milestone | Milestone Cheat |
Abducted By Aliens | lifeMilestone_AbductedByAliens |
Adopted | lifeMilestone_Adopted |
Adopted Pet | lifeMilestone_AdoptedPet |
Adopted Sim | lifeMilestone_AdoptedSim |
Beat Greg | lifeMilestone_BeatGreg |
Became Mermaid | lifeMilestone_BecameMermaid |
Became Non-Occult | lifeMilestone_BecameNonOccult |
Became Plant Sim | lifeMilestone_BecamePlantSim |
Became Spellcaster | lifeMilestone_BecameSpellcaster |
Became Vampire | lifeMilestone_BecameVampire |
Became Werewolf | lifeMilestone_BecameWerewolf |
Began Puberty | lifeMilestone_BeganPuberty |
Best Friend | lifeMilestone_BestFriend |
Birthday | lifeMilestone_Birthday |
Caught Cheating By Sim | lifeMilestone_CaughtCheatingBySim |
Caught Sim Cheating | lifeMilestone_CaughtSimCheating |
Childhood Phase | lifeMilestone_ChildhoodPhase |
Defeated Mother Plant | lifeMilestone_DefeatedMotherPlant |
Died | lifeMilestone_Died |
Earned Degree-Art History | lifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_ArtHistory |
Earned Degree- Biology | lifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_Biology |
Earned Degree-Communications | lifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_Communications |
Earned Degree-Computer Science | lifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_ComputerScience |
Earned Degree-Culinary Arts | lifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_CulinaryArts |
Earned Degree-Drama | lifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_Drama |
Earned Degree-Economics | lifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_Economics |
Earned Degree-Fine Art | lifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_FineArt |
Earned Degree-History | lifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_History |
Earned Degree-Language and Literature | lifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_LanguageLiterature |
Earned Degree-Physics | lifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_Physics |
Earned Degree-Psychology | lifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_Psychology |
Earned Degree-Villainy | lifeMilestone_EarnedDegree_Villainy |
Eaten By Cowplant | lifeMilestone_EatenByCowplant |
Ended Romantic Relationship | lifeMilestone_EndedRomanticRel |
Enemy | lifeMilestone_Enemy |
Engaged | lifeMilestone_Engaged |
Engagement Rejected | lifeMilestone_EngagementRejected |
Fell in Love | lifeMilestone_FellInLove |
First Bladder Fail | lifeMilestone_FirstBladderFail |
First Day of Grade School | lifeMilestone_FirstDayOfGradeSchool |
First Energy Fail | lifeMilestone_FirstEnergyFail |
First Fight | lifeMilestone_FirstFight |
First Fire | lifeMilestone_FirstFire |
First Promotion | lifeMilestone_FirstPromotion |
First Time Burning Out | lifeMilestone_FirstTimeBurningOut |
First Time Possessed | lifeMilestone_FirstTimePossessed |
First Woohoo | lifeMilestone_FirstWoohoo |
Forgotten Grotto | lifeMilestone_ForgottenGrotto |
Got Fired | lifeMilestone_GotFired |
Got Job | lifeMilestone_GotJob |
Got Laid Off | lifeMilestone_GotLaidOff |
Had Affair | lifeMilestone_HadAffair |
Had Sim | lifeMilestone_HadSim |
Hermit | lifeMilestone_Hermit |
High School-Dropped Out | lifeMilestone_HighSchoolDroppedOut |
High School-Expelled | lifeMilestone_HighSchoolExpelled |
High School-Graduated | lifeMilestone_HighSchoolGraduated |
Learned to Ride Bike | lifeMilestone_LearnedToRideBike |
Midlife Crisis-Adventure | lifeMilestone_Life_MidLifeCrisis_Adventure |
Midlife Crisis-Create | lifeMilestone_Life_MidLifeCrisis_Create |
Midlife Crisis-Relationship | lifeMilestone_Life_MidLifeCrisis_Relationship |
Midlife Crisis-Success | lifeMilestone_Life_MidLifeCrisis_Success |
Lost First Tooth | lifeMilestone_LostFirstTooth |
Married | lifeMilestone_Married |
Max Star Celebrity | lifeMilestone_MaxStarCelebrity |
Mount Komorebi | lifeMilestone_MountKomorebi |
Omiscan Temple | lifeMilestone_OmiscanTemple |
Prom Royalty | lifeMilestone_PromRoyalty |
Quit Job | lifeMilestone_QuitJob |
Reached Top of After School Activity | lifeMilestone_ReachedTopOfAfterSchoolActivity |
Reached Top of Career | lifeMilestone_ReachedTopOfCareer |
Reputation-Atrocious | lifeMilestone_ReputationAtrocious |
Reputation-Pristine | lifeMilestone_ReputationPristine |
Resurrected | lifeMilestone_Resurrected |
Resurrected By Sim | lifeMilestone_ResurrectedBySim |
Resurrected Sim | lifeMilestone_ResurrectedSim |
Retired | lifeMilestone_Retired |
Retroactive Only-Had Sim | lifeMilestone_RetroactiveOnly_HadSim |
Saved From Death | lifeMilestone_SavedFromDeath |
Self Discovery | lifeMilestone_SelfDiscovery |
Significant Other | lifeMilestone_SignificantOther |
Sixam | lifeMilestone_Sixam |
Smacked by Agnes | lifeMilestone_SmackedByAgnes |
Struck by Lightning | lifeMilestone_StruckByLightning |
Survived Haunted House | lifeMilestone_SurvivedHauntedHouse |
Sylvan Glade | lifeMilestone_SylvanGlade |
Werewolf Pack Leader A | lifeMilestone_WerewolfPackLeaderA |
Werewolf Pack Leader B | lifeMilestone_WerewolfPackLeaderB |
Widowed | lifeMilestone_Widowed |
Won Lottery | lifeMilestone_WonLottery |
Won Village Fair | lifeMilestone_WonVillageFair |
Horse Ranch Milestone Cheats
With the release of Expansion Pack 14, Horse Ranch came with five new Milestone Cheats including Horse related milestones and also one for drinking too much nectar!
Horse Related Milestone | |
Adopted Horse | lifeMilestone_Life_AdoptedHorse |
Birth of Foal | lifeMilestone_Life_FoalBirth |
Had Too Much Nectar | lifeMilestone_Life_TooMuchNectar |
Won Ultimate Champion at Horse Competition | lifeMilestone_UltimateChampion_HorseCompetition |
Won First Victory at Horse Competition | lifeMilestone_FirstVictory_HorseCompetition |
For Rent Milestone Cheats
In December 2023, For Rent was released and added an additional five Milestone Cheats. These include Rent related milestones including mold exposure and getting evicted!
For Rent Milestone | For Rent Milestone Cheat |
First Time Winning Marbles | lifeMilestone_FirstMarblesWin |
First Mold Exposure | lifeMilestone_FirstMoldExposure |
Got Evicted | lifeMilestone_GotEvicted |
Adopted Tiger | lifeMilestone_AdoptedTiger |
First Break-In | lifeMilestone_FirstBreakIn |
Miscellaneous Sims 4 Milestone Cheats
Some additional Sims 4 Milestone cheats for people that are looking to make the perfect Sim without the work. Fastest SuperSim ever?
Don’t forget to turn on testingcheats and install AllCheats by TwistedMexi for the cheats to work
Description | Cheat |
Unlock all Milestones | developmental_milestones.unlock_all_milestones |
Reset all Milestones | developmental_milestones.reset_all_milestones |
Want to Add Milestones Using a Mod?
Milestones Cheats Mod by Lumpinou
Lumpinou has a Milestone Cheats mod that allows you to add or delete milestones in any age! This is especially helpful because it allows you to add milestones for ages other than your Sim’s current age.
UI Cheats Extension by Weerbesu
Weerbesu’s UI Cheats Extension also allows Milestones to be added. They explain how to use the mod for milestones with the instructions below:
Simology Panel
- Right click on a milestone category title bar to add milestones from the selected category of the current age.
- Right click on an existing milestone to remove it, or change the Sim/object/location/career/death type/trait the milestone was unlocked with.
Milestones Panel
- Right click on a milestone category title bar to add milestones from the selected category and age.
- Right click on an existing milestone to remove it, or change the Sim/object/location/career/death type/trait the milestone was unlocked with.
Instructions from Weerbesu’s Patreon page for the mod.
Want More Milestones?
Lumpinou’s Milestones Expanded mod adds new milestones and improves milestones. You can read SnarkyWitch‘s review here!
More Milestone Coverage
Looking for more information about Milestones in The Sims 4 Growing Together? Click here!
Read about the Milestone Cross-Compatibility here!