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(Not finished yet)
Your Sim wants to work out and become as strong as they can be!
Reward Trait: High Metabolism
It is easier to stay fit and trim when you have High Metabolism.
Milestone 1 (Basic Trainer)
- Own 2 Pieces of Workout Equipment (50 Satisfaction Points)
Workout Equipment can be purchased from Build Mode under the Study Room Sort.
- Work Out for 8 Total Hours (50 Satisfaction Points)
Use Workout Equipment or Go Jogging to work out.
Milestone 2 (Exercise Demon)
- Go Jogging for 10 Total Hours (300 Satisfaction Points)
Click on a selected Sim to use the Go Jogging interaction.
- Push the Limits for 1 Hour while Energized (250 Satisfaction Points)
Push the Limits by Working Out twice in a row without stopping or leaving the Energized emotion. To become Energized, Work Out, Drink Coffee, or Take a Brisk Shower.
- Work Out at 3 Different Lots (300 Satisfaction Points)
Travel to a different lot using the World Map, then use a piece of Workout Equipment or the Go Jogging interaction.
Tip: to quickly finish this step, visit a Gym in Oasis Springs and in Willow Creek and Work Out for about 10 seconds. Then, go Home and Work Out there as well.
Milestone 3 (Fit to a T)
- Achieve Level 6 Fitness Skill (500 Satisfaction Points)
To increase Fitness Skill, work out by using the Treadmill, Workout Machine, or Punching Bag. Alternatively, Sims can also Go Jogging!
Tip: Sims gain Fitness Skill more quickly if they’re Energized!
- Show Off for 15 Sims (350 Satisfaction Points)
Click on a Sim and select the Show Off Muscles social interaction from the Friendly Category. Show Off Muscles can be unlocked by increasing your Fitness Skill to level 6.
- Spend 50 Hours Exercising (500 Satisfaction Points)
Use Workout Equipment or Go Jogging for a total of 50 hours.
Milestone 4 (Bodybuilder)
- Achieve Level 10 Fitness Skill (1000 Satisfaction Points)
To increase Fitness Skill, work out by using the Treadmill, Workout Machine, or Punching Bag. Alternatively, Sims can also Go Jogging!
- Reach Sim’s Maximum Body Potential (1000 Satisfaction Points)
Continue to work out on a consistent basis to attain maximum muscle mass!
Tip: Sims finish this step by maxing out the Muscle Slider in CAS. Once your Sim Workouts for a certain amount of time period, they’ll max out the Muscle Slider.
- Mentor 15 Sims in Fitness at the Gym (750 Satisfaction Points)
Travel to a Gym using the Phone or the World Map, then click on a Sim that is working out and select the Mentor social interaction. Mentoring can be unlocked by increasing the Fitness Skill to level 10.
For completing the Bodybuilder Aspiration, your Sim will receive the Long Lived Trait. This trait lets your Sim live longer life, barring any accidents.
Painter Extraordinaire
This Sim wants his/her life to be all about art and painting!
Reward Trait: Muser
Musers get better boosts to their skills when they’re inspired.
Pro Tip: Join the Painter Career for more benefits and easier shortcuts of this Aspiration.
Milestone 1 (III at Easel)
- Start 3 Paintings while Inspired (75 Satisfaction Points)
Click on the Easel, then choose a Painting Style and Size. To become Inspired, Take a Thoughtful Shower, Read a Book, or do Creative work.
- Paint for 5 Hours (75 Satisfaction Points)
Click on the Easel, then choose a Painting Style and Size. Easels can be purchased from Build Mode under the Study Room Sort.
Milestone 2 (Fine Artist)
- Achieve Level 5 Painting Skill (300 Satisfaction Points)
To increase Painting skill, create paintings on an Easel or read a Painting Skill Book. Skill Books can be purchased directly from a Bookshelf by using the Purchase Books interaction!
Tip: Making your Sim Inspired speeds up leveling your Sim’s Painting Skill.
- Sell 10 Paintings to Collectors or Art Gallery (250 Satisfaction Points)
Click on a completed Painting to have your Sim sell it.
Note: Option to sell your Paintings to the Art Gallery only shows up after you create a Masterpiece quality painting.
- Complete 3 Emotional Paintings (200 Satisfaction Points)
Sims can create special paintings while in certain emotions. Click on the Easel and select and Emotional Painting to begin.
Milestone 3 (Brushing with Greatness)
- Have 25 Paintings on Display (500 Satisfaction Points)
Purchase or paint 25 paintings. Paintings can be purchased from Build Mode under almost any room sort. They can be found under the Paintings & Posters category.
- View or Admire 30 Paintings (350 Satisfaction Points)
Simply click on a painting to use the View interaction.
Tip: this task can easily be done by visiting a Museum.
- Complete 10 Excellent Paintings (500 Satisfaction Points)
Click on the Easel, then choose a Painting Style and Size. Hover the cursor over a painting to check its quality.
Milestone 4 (Painter Extraordinaire)
- Achieve Level 10 Painting Skill (1000 Satisfaction Points)
To increase Painting skill, create paintings on an Easel or read a Painting Skill Book. Skill Books can be purchased directly from a Bookshelf by using the Purchase Books interaction!
- Complete 5 Masterpieces (750 Satisfaction Points)
Click on the Easel, then choose a Painting Style and Size. Hover the cursor over a painting to check its quality.
- Have sold 15,000 Simoleons worth of Art to Collectors or Art Gallery (1000 Satisfaction Points)
Click on the Easel, then choose a Painting Style and Size. Afterwards, click on the painting to sell it.
For completing the Painter Extraordinaire Aspiration, your Sim will receive the Expressionistic Trait.
Expressionistic Sims have captured the essence of feeling, and can create highly emotional works of art regardless of their actual mood!
This Trait lets your Sim paint all 5 Emotional Paintings: Angry, Confident, Sad, Playful, Flirty.
Musical Genius
Your Sim wants to be an expert musician and songwriter!
Reward Trait: Muser
Musers get better boosts to their skills when they’re inspired.
Pro Tip: If you don’t want to spend a lot of Simoleons and time to max out the instrument skill in order to complete this Aspiration, you’ll only need one instrument (Guitar is preferred).
Milestone 1 (Tone-Deaf)
- Practice Music for 6 Hours (75 Satisfaction Points)
Click on an Instrument and select Practice. Instruments can be purchased from Build Mode under the Study Room Sort.
- Listen to Music for 4 Hours (50 Satisfaction Points)
Click on a Stereo and select which genre to Listen To. Stereos can be purchased from Build Mode under the Living Room Sort.
Tip: Multitasking really comes in handy with this task. Click on a Stereo, select ”Listen to..” and you can do lots of other things while listening to Music.
Milestone 2 (Fine Tuned)
- Achieve Level 6 Skill in an Instrument (150 Satisfaction Points)
To increase a Sim’s Musical Instrument skill, click on an instrument and select one of the interactions or read a Musical Instrument Skill Book. Skill Books can be purchased directly from a Bookshelf by using the Purchase Books interaction!
Tip: Inspired Sims level up Instrument Skills faster!
- Earn 100 Simoleons Playing for Tips (350 Satisfaction Points)
Travel to a Venue by pulling up the World Map and selecting a destination. Once there, click on a Musical Instrument to play! Other Sims may tip if they like the tunes.
- Serenade a Sim while Flirty (200 Satisfaction Points)
Click on a Musical Instrument and select Serenade. Sims must have a Romantic interest nearby and at least level 6 in that Musical instrument skill.
Milestone 3 (Harmonious)
- Achieve Level 8 Skill in an Instrument (500 Satisfaction Points)
To increase a Sim’s Musical Instrument skill, click on an instrument and select one of the interactions or read a Musical Instrument Skill Book. Skill Books can be purchased directly from a Bookshelf by using the Purchase Books interaction!
- Write 4 Songs (400 Satisfaction Points)
Click on a Musical Instrument and select Write Song. Sims with high Skill are more likely to create higher quality Songs.
- Earn 1,000 Simoleons from Licensed Songs (500 Satisfaction Points)
Click on the Mailbox and select License Song. Sims can unlock this interaction by increasing their Musical Instrument skill an writing a song.
Milestone 4 (Musical Genius)
- Achieve Level 10 in an Instrument (1,000 Satisfaction Points)
To increase a Sim’s Musical Instrument skill, click on an instrument and select one of the interactions or read a Musical Instrument Skill Book. Skill Books can be purchased directly from a Bookshelf by using the Purchase Books interaction!
- Have Spent 100 Hours Playing Musical Instruments (1,000 Satisfaction Points)
Play a Guitar, Piano, or Violin for a total of 100 hours. These Musical Instruments can be purchased from Build Mode under the Study Room Sort.
- Mentor Others in Music for 15 Hours (750 Satisfaction Points)
Click on a Sim playing a Musical Instrument and select Mentor. This interaction can be unlocked by maxing out a Musical Instrument skill.
Tip: If you’d like to Mentor a Sim and raise their skill more quickly, buy a Lifetime Reward for 1000 Satisfaction Points called ”Mentor”.
For completing the Musical Genius Aspiration, your Sim will receive the Piper Trait.
Pipers know an arsenal of songs that have significant power over others.
This Trait unlocks 4 special Songs for each instrument that, after playing, make Sims around you do certain action.
For playing the Carol of Cleaning, Sims around you will start to clean; Ditty of Drowsiness will make Sims sleep, Etude of Egress will make Sims leave and the Song of Sophistication will make Sims around you wear Formal clothes.
Bestselling Author
Your Sim wants to write books and become a famous author!
Reward Trait: Muser
Musers get better boosts to their skills when they’re inspired.
Pro Tip: Join the Writing Career for more benefits and easier shortcuts of this Aspiration.
Milestone 1 (Fledge-linguist)
- Write 2 Books (75 Satisfaction Points)
Click on a Computer and select a genre of book to write under the Write category. Sims can unlock more genres by inreasing their Writing Skill.
- Beat Writer’s Block (50 Satisfaction Points)
Sims will sometimes run into Writer’s Block when writing for too long. When this happens, try to have your Sim relax by taking a bath or doing something fun.
Tip: Socializing with other Sims is one of the best ways to cure your Sim’s boredom!
Milestone 2 (Competent Wordsmith)
- Have Written for 15 Total Hours (200 Satisfaction Points)
Click on a Computer and select a genre of book to write under the Write category. Computers can be purchased from Build/Buy under the Study Room Sort.
- Write for 3 Straight Hours while Inspired (200 Satisfaction Points)
Click on a Computer and select a genre of book to write under the Write category. To become inspired, take a Thoughtful Shower, Read a Book, or do Creative work.
Tip: Purchase/Add Inspiring Decor in the room where your Sim writes for better results.
- Write 5 Good Books (300 Satisfaction Points)
Click on a Computer and select a genre of book to write under the Write category. Hover the cursor over a book to check its quality.
Tip: Inspired Sims write better quality books! Also make sure your Sim is skilled at Writing; if not, click on the Computer and select Writing > Practice Writing.
Milestone 3 (Novelest Novelist)
- Achieve Level 7 Writing Skill (500 Satisfaction Points)
To increase Writing skill, write books on a Computer or read a Writing Skill Book. Skill Books can be purchased directly from a Bookshelf by using the Purchase Books interaction!
- Publish 10 Books (350 Satisfaction Points)
Click on a Computer and select a genre of book to write under the Write category. Once the book is complete, click on the Mailbox to Publish it!
- Write 5 Excellent Books (500 Satisfaction Points)
Click on a Computer and select a genre of book to write under the Write category. Hover the cursor over a book to check its quality.
Milestone 4 (Bestselling Author)
- Achieve Level 10 Writing Skill (1,000 Satisfaction Points)
To increase Writing skill, write books on a Computer or read a Writing Skill Book. Skill Books can be purchased directly from a Bookshelf by using the Purchase Books interaction!
- Complete 3 Bestsellers (750 Satisfaction Points)
Click on a Computer and select a genre of book to write under the Write category. Once the book is complete, click on the Mailbox to Publish it. Sims with high Writing skill are more likely to create a Bestseller!
- Have Earned 25,000 Simoleons in Royalties Publishing Books (1,000 Satisfaction Points)
Click on a Computer and select a genre of book to write under the Write category. Once the book is complete, click on the Mailbox to Publish it. Sims with high Writing skill are more likely to create a Bestseller!
For completing the Bestselling Author Aspiration, your Sim will receive the Poetic Trait.
Poetic Sims can capture life itself in a book, and wield it to bring back someone they’ve lost.
To revive someone from the dead, your Writer Sim has to write a book (The Book of Life) and then Capture Epic Saga about a Sim your Sim knows about (while he/she is still alive).
After the Sim dies, you can summon a ghost of that Sim by clicking on The Book of Life and selecting ”Summon”. You’ll need to have 95% Friendship level with that Ghost in order to add him/her in your Household. As a Ghost, select The Book of Life and select the ”Restore Life” interaction.
Public Enemy
These Sims want to cause Mischief and Misery for other Sims in town.
Reward Trait: Dastardly
Sims perform stronger and more successful mean interactions.
Milestone 1 (Mostly Harmless)
- Perform 10 Mean or Mischievous Interactions (50 Satisfaction points)
Click on a Sim and select a Social from the Mean or Mischief category.
- Have 2 Sims Dislike Me (75 Satisfaction Points)
Continue to perform socials from the Mean category to incur the wrath of other Sims.
Milestone 2 (Neighbourhood Nuisance)
- Be Disliked by 4 Sims (300 Satisfaction Points)
Continue to perform socials from the Mean category to incur the wrath of other Sims.
- Become an Adult (0 Satisfaction Points)
You know, age them up with a Birthday Cake.
- Join the Criminal Career (300 Satisfaction Points)
To become a Criminal, click on the Phone or Computer and select the Find a Job interaction. Click here to go to our Criminal Career Guide.
Milestone 3 (Criminal Mind)
- Have a Declared Enemy (0 Satisfaction Points)
- Reach Level 4 of the Criminal Career (400 Satisfaction Points)
To get promoted, complete Promotion Requirements and attend work in the career’s Ideal Mood.
Tip: Daily Tasks for Criminal Career can be completed on the Computer in early levels by “Troll teh Forums”.
- Get Into 5 Fights (500 Satisfaction Points)
Click on a Sim and select FIGHT! Continuously performing Mean Socials will decrease relationship and provoke Anger.
Tip: Having a higher Athletic Skill will increase your chances of winning fights.
Milestone 4 (Public Enemy)
- Reach Level 8 of the Criminal Career (750 Satisfaction Points)
- Have 3 Declared Enemies (1000 Satisfaction Points)
- Witness the Death of a Sim (750 Satisfaction Points)
Sims can die from fire, drowning, starvation, extreme emotion and more!
- Mastermind Trait: Masterminds know just the right things to say to cause anger, sadness and jealousy in their opponents.
Chief of Mischief
These Sims want to cause Mischief and Misery for other Sims in town.
Reward Trait: Dastardly
Sims perform stronger and more successful mean interactions.
Milestone 1 (Mostly Harmless)
- Perform 10 Mean or Mischievous Interactions (50 Satisfaction points)
Click on a Sim and select a Social from the Mean or Mischief category.
- Have 2 Sims Dislike Me (75 Satisfaction Points)
Continue to perform socials from the Mean category to incur the wrath of other Sims.
Milestone 2 (Artful Trickster)
- Achieve Level 3 Mischief Skill (300 Satisfaction Points)
To increase this skill, click on a Sim and select a Social from the Mischief category or read a Mischief Skill Book. Skill Books can be purchased directly from a Bookshelf by using the Purchase Books interaction.
- Use a Computer to Cause Mischief 3 Times (350 Satisfaction Points)
Click on a Computer and select a Mischievous interaction. Sims can send Chain Letters, Hack, and more!
Tip: Troll teh Forums is a Mischievous Interaction and is a fast way to accomplish this when your skill level is still new.
Milestone 3 (Professional Prankster)
- Achieve Level 6 Mischief Skill (600 Satisfaction Points)
- Pull 10 Pranks (550 Satisfaction Points)
Click on a Sim and select a prank from the Mischief category. Sims can also use other objects to Prank Sims like the Phone, Computer and Observatory.
Milestone 4 (Chief of Mischief)
- Achieve Level 10 Mischief Skill (1,000 Satisfaction Points)
- Clog Drains at 3 Different Homes (750 Satisfaction Points)
Mischievous Sims can clog Sinks and Drains.
- Perform Voodoo 5 Times (750 Satisfaction Points)
Click on the Voodoo Doll to perform Voodoo on another Sim. Don’t forget to bind the Voodoo Doll to a Sim first.
Tip: The Voodoo Doll can be purchased on the Computer for 950 Simoleons, or can be found by digging it up.
- Tormentor: Tormentors can sabotage almost anything, be it an object or another Sim’s best efforts.