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Who doesn’t dream of going to space? Become an astronaut and the galaxy will be your playground.
Career Branches: Space Ranger and Interstellar Smuggler
Level 1 (Intern)
Your Sim’s always had dreams about exploring the cosmos, walking among the stars, and discovering places unknown. His/her journey begins here, in the file room, categorizing expense reports.
Pay: 26 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Play Chess)
Level 2 (Module Cleaner)
Little-known fact: Space is an absolutely filthy place. When the shuttles return, guess who gets to hose them down and scrub off the gunk? Your Sim hopes the goo is just dirt and not some incurable form of Oozing Space Measles.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 581 Simoleons
- Astro Solar System Light
Pay: 34 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 12:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Play Chess)
– Reach Level 2 Logic Skill
Level 3 (Technician)
Your Sim doesn’t think of himself/herself as just a glorified mechanic. The shuttle costs billions of Simoleons, and any screw-ups would cost lives. He’s/she’s more like a glorified engineer.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 756 Simoleons
- Astro Model Rocket
- Point Out Constellations interaction
Pay: 54 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 1:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Play Chess)
– Reach Level 3 Logic Skill
– Reach Level 2 Fitness Skill
Level 4 (Command Center Lead)
Guiding virtual rockets into place, analyzing the movements of blinking dots on a computer screen, running simulations…. Looks like all those hours your Sim spent playing video games are paying off!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 869 Simoleons
- Star Seeker Original Blueprints
- Track Satellites on the Telescope
Pay: 71 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
Work Hours: 2:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized – Daily Task: Work Out)
– Reach Level 4 Logic Skill
– Reach Level 3 Fitness Skill
Level 5 (Low-Orbit Specialist)
Low orbit is where the real action is – satellites, space stations, space walks, daredevils attempting to break the world record for high-altitude parachuting. If something goes wrong, it’s also the closest place to breathable air, which is why your Sim likes it.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,130 Simoleons
- Portable Galaxy Lightshow
Pay: 96 Simoleons
Work Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Work Hours: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized – Daily Task: Work Out)
– Reach Level 5 Logic Skill
– Reach Level 4 Fitness Skill
Level 6 (Space Cadet)
Your Sim was hoping that if he/she ”accidentally” derailed a shuttle-board ”simulation” he/she might be able to launch the shuttle and get to space…but it turns out that actual spacecraft are pretty well-secured. That’s good, because your Sim is still learning how to space brake and star park.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,299 Simoleons
- Mission Control
Pay: 104 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Work Hours: 6:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized – Daily Task: Work Out)
– Reach Level 5 Logic Skill
– Reach Level 6 Fitness Skill
Level 7 (Astronaut)
This is it: Astronaut. The best of the best. The heroic few. The job kids want to be when they grow up that they still want to be as adults. Your Sim will now go boldly into that great beyond to explore the secrets of the universe and eat weird freeze-dried ice cream.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,689 Simoleons
- Salyut Aeronaut Chair
- New CAS Parts
Pay: 119 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Work Hours: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized – Daily Task: Work Out)
– Reach Level 6 Logic Skill
– Reach Level 7 Fitness Skill
Level 8
(Planet Patrol – Space Ranger)
Space is wild and unruly – a bit too unruly. Taking a post in the Planet Patrol ensures that space remains safe for future generations.
Your Sim’s drawn a pretty good beat. He’s/she’s patrolling planet Illustria, which is scenic and upscale, with nice shops and restaurants. Luckily, he/she didn’t get the Bloodwar planet, which is also pretty scenic but has fewer restaurants.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,790 Simoleons
- Build Your Own Rocket Kit
- Space Energy drink recipe
Pay: 179 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Work Hours: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized – Daily Task: Space Mission)
– Reach Level 2 Rocket Science Skill
– Reach Level 8 Fitness Skill
Level 8
(Moon Mercenary – Interstellar Smuggler)
The Sim who wrangles the most of the stars takes advantage of the ungoverned frontier. Take any job – even if it doesn’t touch the ground.
Any ranger who’s quick with a laser can make more Simoleons in private security than serving the public good. Your Sim protects galactic warlords, exterminates cabals of tribal terrorists, and helps corrupt governments maintain plausible deniability.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,790 Simoleons
- The Monolith
- Alien Juice drink recipe
Pay: 201 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 4:00 PM – 12:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized – Daily Task: Space Mission)
– Reach Level 2 Rocket Science Skill
– Reach Level 8 Fitness Skill
Level 9 (Sheriff of the Stars – Space Ranger)
This here galaxy’s your Sim’s jurisdiction now. Even-handend with the punishment and generous with the attitude, he/she don’t take no nonsense from alien punks, no matter now how many tentacles or ocular cavities or rows of teeth they have. Also, he/she gets to talk like a sheriff!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 3,149 Simoleons
- Astro-Bunny Beyond Infinity
Pay: 297 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdsay
Work Hours: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized – Daily Task: Space Mission)
– Reach Level 4 Rocket Science Skill
– Max Fitness Skill to Level 10
Level 9 (Alien Goods Trader – Interstellar Smuggler)
Want the horn of an endangered zygax? How about a quilt handmade from 2,000 tiny Q505Bs? Maybe just a few Gibsonian chill-out pods for the big party next weekend? Your Sim doesn’t ask questions. He/she just makes it happen.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 3,865 Simoleons
- Zero-G Training Bag
Pay: 299 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 4:00 PM – 11:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized – Daily Task: Space Mission)
– Reach Level 4 Rocket Science Skill
– Max Fitness Skill to Level 10
Level 10 (Space Ranger – Space Ranger Branch)
When the universe is in danger, one man/woman gets the call: your Sim, Space Ranger! With his/her stout heart, keen wits, and a phozoplasmic Warp Pack strapped to his/her back, your Sim Ranger defents the known galaxies from evil!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 4,567 Simoleons
- Appollo Rocketship
- New CAS parts
Pay: 422 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Work Hours: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
For mastering the Space Ranger Astronaut Branch, your Household will unlock the ”Deeds Headquarters” styled room that’s worth 24,531 Simoleons!
Level 10 (Interstellar Smuggler – Interstellar Smuggler Branch)
There’s no trade route too treacherous, no cargo too controversial for your Sim to covertly ship across the universe and into his/her customers’ covetous hands. Capitalism is capitalism. And a 2000% markup is a 2000% markup.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 5,025 Simoleons
- Retro Rocketship
Pay: 413 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 2:00 PM – 11:00 PM
For mastering the Interstellar Smuggler Astronaut Branch, your Household will unlock the ”Traffic Control Room” styled room that’s worth 27,601 Simoleons!
An athlete requires physical strength, speed, eundrance and intelligence. Start a career where enthusiastic fans will shout your name, wear your jersey and remember your feats forever.
Career Branches: Professional Athlete and Bodybuilder.
Level 1 (Waterperson)
Delivering liquid nourishment to the world’s biggest sports stars. Your Sim will have to be fast on his/her feet to replenish their thirst. If he/she fails, the team will fail.
Pay: 16 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 2:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized – Daily Task: Work Out)
Level 2 (Locker Room Attendant)
This is not just about picking up jock-straps. Your Sim will need a positive attitude and to execute on his/her duties with competence. His/her responsibilities include keeping the locker room clean, supplying players with clean towels, and organizing the team’s equipment.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 110 Simoleons
- Athlete’s Trophy Case
Pay: 19 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 2:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized – Daily Task: Work Out)
– Reach Level 2 Charisma Skill
– Reach Level 2 Fitness Skill
Level 3 (Team Mascot)
A Team Mascot knows how to keep a crowd excited. Through a variety of expressions and body movements, your Sim will bring the fans to their feet to cheer the team on.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 132 Simoleons
- New CAS parts
Pay: 28 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 2:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized – Daily Task: Work Out)
– Reach Level 3 Charisma Skill
– Reach Level 3 Fitness Skill
Level 4 (Dance Team Captain)
Through hard work and unparalleled leadership, your Sim will deliver remarkable choreographed dance routines. Fans will watch his team with amazement.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 198 Simoleons
- New CAS parts
Pay: 39 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 2:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized – Daily Task: Work Out)
– Reach Level 4 Charisma Skill
– Reach Level 4 Fitness Skill
Level 5 (Minor Leaguer – Professional Athlete Branch)
Are you a physical specimen with the motor, ambition, and natural talent to compete with the best? Want to earn a living playing a game that you played as a child? Then a career as a Professional Athlete is for you! Live the lifestyle and entertain the masses with your athletic ability.
It is time for your Sim to show them what he’s/she’s got! Your Sim will elarn from his/her coaches, develop his/her skills and perform because he/she will need to impress the scouts to get to the next level.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 413 Simoleons
- Sole Star Athletic Poster
- New CAS parts
- Discuss Sports Statistics interaction
- Study Opponents interaction
Pay: 51 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 2:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized – Daily Task: Study Opponents)
– Reach Level 4 Charisma Skill
– Reach Level 5 Fitness Skill
Level 5 (Personal Trainer – Bodybuilder Branch)
As a master of muscle, you will partakes in a life of fitness, nutrition, and weight training. Train fellow Sims, show off feats of strength to adoring fans, and sculpt your body into the form of a god.
Your Sim will now help clients to achieve their personal fitness and weight goals. Using the tools of fitness, from different ways to exercise to better ways to eat, he/she will pump them up! They will only go as far as he/she pushes them!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 275 Simoleons
- No Sweat, No Fuss Rug
- Mentor Fitness interaction
- Suggest Workout interaction
Pay: 47 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Confident – Daily Task: Mentor Fitness)
– Reach Level 8 Fitness Skill
– Reach Level 5 Charisma Skill
Level 6 (Rookie – Professional Athlete Branch)
Your Sim is finally playing in the big leagues! Now he/she is going to need to work harder than ever to stay there. He/she needs to keep up on her fitness and study the game tape. Your Sim will get his/her shot to make an impact!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 537 Simoleons
- New CAS parts
Pay: 66 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 2:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized – Daily Task: Study Opponents)
– Reach Level 4 Charisma Skill
– Reach Level 6 Fitness Skill
Level 6 (Professional Bodybuilder – Bodybuilder Branch)
Say goodbye to that puny body! Your Sim needs to work on his/her fitness to reach the next level. Don’t wimp out! Train, train, train. Only then will your Sim become the Sim he/she wants to be!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 330 Simoleons
- ZenXercise Weight Machine
- New CAS parts
Pay: 57 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Confident – Daily Task: Mentor Fitness)
– Reach Level 5 Charisma Skill
– Reach Level 9 Fitness Skill
Level 7 (Starter – Professional Athlete Branch)
No longer a bench warmer, now your Sim is playing with the big boys and earning the big bucks. Fans know who he/she is now and are recognizing your Sim on the street. Keep up the hard work!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 698 Simoleons
- Llamacorns Team Photo
Pay: 86 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 2:99 PM – 9:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized – Daily Task: Study Opponents)
– Reach Level 5 Charisma Skill
– Reach Level 8 Fitness Skill
Level 7 (Champion Bodybuilder – Bodybuilder Branch)
Your Sim is starting to establish his/her name in the body building circuit. Your Sim has to continue to work out and eat right and before he/she knows it, he/she will reach his/her ultimate goal! There is no stopping him/her now.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 396 Simoleons
- Jr. Solar System Trophy
Pay: 85 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Confident – Daily Task: Mentor Fitness)
– Reach Level 6 Charisma Skill
– Max Fitness Skill to Level 10
Level 8 (All-Star – Professional Athlete Branch)
Your Sim has been selected to the All Star team! People from everywhere are asking for his/her autograph. He’s/she’s elite on and off the field.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 605 Simoleons
- All-Star Trophy
Pay: 130 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 2:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized – Daily Task: Study Opponents)
– Reach Level 6 Charisma Skill
– Reach Level 9 Fitness Skill
Level 8 (Trainer to the Stars – Bodybuilder Branch)
Time to step up and help out the stars. They will need your assistance to maintain their looks. A star cannot be flabby or a skinny minny. They need to look fit and healthy when walking down the red or auditioning for a role.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 595 Simoleons
- Inspirational Mouse Poster
- New CAS parts
Pay: 149 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Confident – Daily Task: Mentor Fitness)
– Reach Level 7 Charisma Skill
– Max Fitness Skill to Level 10
Level 9 (MVP – Professional Athlete Branch)
Your Sim is the most valuable player! The whole world knows it and it doesn’t hurt that he/she is booked on every talk show to discuss how he/she achieved success. Everyone is wearing your Sim’s jersey and he/she is getting tons of endorsement deals.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 908 Simoleons
- ZenXercise Treadmill
Pay: 242 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 3:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized – Daily Task: Study Opponents)
– Reach Level 8 Charisma Skill
– Max Fitness Skill to Level 10
Level 9 (Celebrity Bodybuilder – Bodybuilder Branch)
You are on the cover of all of the fitness and bodybuilding magazines. Sims want to know how your Sim got t hose rock hard abs and tight butt. His/her chiseled body didn’t come easy. It took tons of work and there is still room to grow. Keep it up!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 892 Simoleons
- Offer to Pump Up interaction
Pay: 279 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Confident – Daily Task: Mentor Fitness)
– Reach Level 8 Charisma Skill
– Max Fitness Skill to Level 10
Level 10 (Hall of Famer – Professional Athlete Branch)
Your Sim finally made it to the Hall of Fame! His/her name will live on forever as being the best of the best. Record books will contain his/her athletic feats. Invitations to speaking engagements and book deals are rolling in…in other words he/she finally made it to the top of the mountain.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,452 Simoleons
- MVP Trophy
Pay: 333 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 3:00 PM – 9:00 PM
For mastering the Professional Athlete Athletic Branch, your Household will unlock the ”Pro Jock’s Retreat” styled room that’s worth 27, 675 Simoleons!
Level 10 (Mr./Ms. Solar System – Bodybuilder Branch)
You reached the top of the mountain and have become Mr./Ms. Solar System. Your body is your shrine and now you have the trophy and accolades to go along with it. Congratulations!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,338 Simoleons
- Solar System Trophy
Pay: 500 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Work Hours: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
For mastering the Bodybuilder Athletic Branch, your Household will unlock the ”Pump-Up Palace” styled room that’s worth 14, 257 Simoleons!
Synergy! Efficiency! Planfulness! If the mere sound of these industry buzzwords gets you buzzing, then a career in business might just be the right fit for you!
Career Branches: Management and Investor
Level 1 (Mailroom Technician)
Far from the days when postal correspondence was the lifeblood of a thriving business, today’s mailrooms have been made all but obsolete with the rise of email. Still, somebody’s gotta distribute all the online s hopping deliveries! Your Sim will have to keep his/her energy level up to get noticed… and elevated from the mailroom. He/she can now Fill Out Reports on the computer and Gossip About Office Romances.
Pay: 16 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized – Daily Task: Fill Out Reports)
Level 2 (Office Assistant)
It’s amazing how much assistance an office needs. The more energy your Sim has, the more he’ll/she’ll get done. The better his/her social skills, the more recognition he’ll/she’ll receive.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 130 Simoleons
- Desk Nameplate (Stolen)
- New CAS parts
- Make Fun of Corporate Goons interaction
Pay: 20 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized – Daily Task: Fill Out Reports)
– Reach Level 2 Charisma Skill
Level 3 (Assistant to the Manager)
It’s not quite management track, but it’s the next best thing, isn’t it? After all, the manager only has one assistant…
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 156 Simoleons
- S.A.L.E.S. Award
- Imitate Boss interaction
Pay: 23 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized – Daily Task: Fill Out Reports)
– Reach Level 2 Charisma Skill
– Reach Level 2 Logic Skill
Level 4 (Assistant Manager)
This is it… almost. Ok, so your Sim’s not a manager, yet. Surely he’s/she’s next in line for the position. It’s time to build those people skills for when he/she haspeople to boss about, er… manage.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 187 Simoleons
- Brag About Job Title
Pay: 35 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized – Daily Task: Fill Out Reports)
– Reach Level 3 Charisma Skill
– Reach Level 2 Logic Skill
Level 5 (Regional Manager)
Your Sim’s the man now! … Or at least the manager of a region of the company. That means he’s/she’s got to keep working on his/her people skills if he/she wants an even bigger slice of the pie.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 281 Simoleons
- Pie Chart Presentation
- New CAS parts
- Offer Career Advice interaction
Pay: 53 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Confident – Daily Task: Fill Out Reports)
– Reach Level 4 Charisma Skill
– Reach Level 2 Logic Skill
Level 6 (Senior Manager)
Your Sim has proven himself/herself as a manager, but he’s/she’s got his/her sights set on the next level. Whether he/she wants to be an execlutive or a financial whiz, it’s time to put the effort in and make it happen.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 527 Simoleons
- Tiny Tranquility Zen Garden
Pay: 75 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Confident – Daily Task: Fill Out Reports)
– Reach Level 4 Charisma Skill
– Reach Level 4 Logic Skill
Level 7 (Vice-President – Management Branch)
Should everyone be laid off and replaced by robots? Should the company logo be redone to include more llamas? These are the types of critical decisions you would be making should you choose to venture down the path of management.
Your Sim now has the key to the executive washroom! Responsibilities are great, but so are the rewards. It’s going to take top-level people skills to make it to the top of this corporate ladder.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 746 Simoleons
- Executron Executive Desk Throne
- Make Business Calls interaction
Pay: 90 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Confident – Daily Task: Make Business Calls)
– Reach Level 6 Charisma Skill
– Reach Level 5 Logic Skill
Level 7 (Futures Trader – Investor Branch)
It takes Simoleons to make Simoleons. Optimize your investment through diligent research and try to turn piles of Simoleons into even bigger piles of Simoleons!
BLT season coming up? Time to invest in pork belly futures. Commodities are the name of the game, and it’s your Sim’s job to know what’s going to be hot tomorrow. Keeping an eye on the stock market will help him/her make his/her mark.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 746 Simoleons
- Executron Personal Stock Ticker
Pay: 112 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Research Stocks)
– Reach Level 5 Charisma Skill
– Reach Level 6 Logic Skill
Level 8 (President – Management Branch)
The corner office is your Sim’s. Everyone looks to him/her for leadership. Too bad the CEO still calls the shots, but someday…
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,074 Simoleons
- Executron Bookshelf
- New CAS parts
Pay: 134 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Confident – Daily Task: Make Business Calls)
– Reach Level 8 Charisma Skill
– Reach Level 6 Logic Skill
Level 8 (Hedge Fund Manager – Investor Branch)
It’s not actually about hedging; it’s about leverage: maximizing returns on your clients’ investments. If your Sim maximizes enough, there’s a sizeable chunk in it for him/her.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,343 Simoleons
- Executron Desk Pen Set
- New CAS parts
- Give Fake Investment Tips interaction
Pay: 145 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Research Stocks)
– Reach Level 6 Charisma Skill
– Reach Level 8 Logic Skill
Level 9 (CEO – Management Branch)
This is it: the big chair. Your Sim makes the moves and he/she calls the shots. It feels good to be the king/queen, doesn’t it? Well, it probably would if he/she didn’t have the board of shareholders breathing down his/her neck for results all day.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,612 Simoleons
- Executive Guest Chair
Pay: 201 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Confident – Daily Task: Make Business Calls)
– Max Charisma Skill to Level 10
– Reach Level 8 Logic Skill
Level 9 (Corporate Raider – Investor Branch)
Your Sim is a big game hunter, and corporations are his/her prey. Mergers and acquisitions are his/her weapons, and good luck to any straggling executives or minority shareholders that wander into his/her sights.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,746 Simoleons
- Chronos Magazine (Framed Collector’s Edition Issue)
Pay: 218 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Research Stocks)
– Reach Level 8 Charisma Skill
– Max Logic Skill to Level 10
Level 10 (Business Tycoon – Management Branch)
Your Sim used to run a company, and now your Sim runs several. Fortunately, he’s/she’s got smart folks in key positions, so he’s/she’s got more free time to enjoy life… and the private jet.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 2,417 Simoleons
- Executron Executive Desk
Pay: 375 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
For mastering the Management Business Branch, your Household will unlock the ”Elegant Executive’s Chambers” styled room that’s worth 23, 267 Simoleons!
Level 10 (Angel Investor – Investor Branch)
Your Sim’s made his/her mark on the business world. Now, all he/she has to do is find the next guy or gal about to make his or her mark, back them, and wait or their hard work to pay off.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 2,619 Simoleons
- Executron Executive Desk
Pay: 406 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
For mastering the Investor Business Branch, your Household will unlock the ”Modern Day Money-Maker Suite” styled room that’s worth 20,650 Simoleons!
Not every Sim wants to play by the rules. You can make tons of Simoleons and have fun, too, as an outlaw.
Career Branches: Boss Branch and Oracle Branch
Level 1 (Tough Guy/Gal)
Every criminal mastermind needs an entry-level bodyguard with irrational anger issues. Your Sim will beef up doorways and rumble through dark alleys, keeping rivals at bay with those three little words, ”Whaddayou lookin’ at?”
Pay: 9 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 5:00 PM – 12:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Playful – Daily Task: Mischief Interactions)
Level 2 (Petty Thief)
Are those candy bars in your pocket? Where did you get that lovely old-lady-style purse? Your Sim is now in charge of outfitting the bosses with snacks for the interrogation room and birthday gifts for their mother-in-laws, using his/her five finger discount.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 465 Simoleons
- Emblems of Espionage
Pay: 13 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 8:00 PM – 3:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Playful – Daily Task: Mischief Interactions)
– Reach Level 2 Mischief Skill
Level 3 (Ring Leader)
Switching to management is never easy. Will your gang remember to rob the bank before it closes? Can the goon have a sick day when he’s scheldued to work the riot? Fortunately, your Sim knows how to lead a ring of delinquents into trouble, like a total boss.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 558 Simoleons
- Duffle o’ Cash
- Pick Pocket Interaction
Pay: 17 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 8:00 PM – 4:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Playful – Daily Task: Mischief Interactions)
– Reach Level 3 Mischief Skill
Level 4 (Felonius Monk)
It’s time for your Sim to give up the misdemeanors. What is he/she, a baby? Time to put on the big boy/girl pants and pull the big boy/girl crimes: felonies. Maybe he’ll/she’ll even plan a heist!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 670 Simoleons
- Vintage Baseball Bat Sculpture
Pay: 23 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 7:00 PM – 2:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Playful – Daily Task: Mischief Interactions)
– Reach Level 5 Mischief Skill
Level 5 (Minor Crimelord)
Wanna make a deal in this ‘hood’? You gotta go through. He/She worked his/her way up to running the racket on this turf, from that botanical garden over there, all the way down to the new organic grocery store.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 804 Simoleons
- New CAS Parts
Pay: 32 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 8:00 PM – 2:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Playful – Daily Task: Mischief Interactions)
– Reach Level 6 Mischief Skill
Level 6
(The Muscle – Boss Branch)
The streets are your playground. You know there are only two paths: up to the top, or down with the fishes. You? You’re going up.
From knocking out armed guards to intimidating rival gangs with a single arched eyebrow, your Sim is now the brawn behind the brains. And he’s/she’s closer to the action than ever. Don’t mess with him/her!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,148 Simoleons
- Stolen ATM
Pay: 106 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 10:00 PM – 4:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Mean Interactions)
– Reach Level 7 Mischief Skill
Level 6
(DigiThief – Oracle Branch)
Rewards include the ability to divert funds from your neighbor!
Why be part of the machine, when you can take it down? There are plenty of ways to skin a cat, or an enterprise, and you’ll figure them out.
Your Sim can now commit cyber crime from the comfort of home, via email. ”Dear Uncle, I am important king in other country. You have won inheritance. Please send bank account password to receive my crown.”
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,148 Simoleons
- Spy Satellite
Pay: 43 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday
Work Hours: 1:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Hack or make Viruses)
– Reach Level 7 Mischief Skill
– Reach Level 2 Programming Skill
– Hack 3 Times
Level 7 (Getaway Driver – Boss Branch)
Your Sim has taken his/her talents into the mean streets, rocking getaway cars up on two wheels, hugging corners, running from cops. This stuff would make a pretty exciting video game!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 2,201 Simoleons
- Bars of Gold
Pay: 273 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Wednesday, Saturday
Work Hours: 8:00 PM – 3:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Upgrade Objects)
– Reach Level 8 Mischief Skill
– Reach Level 2 Handiness Skill
Level 7 (Elite Hacker – Oracle Branch)
Your Sim has managed to earn the respect of other hackers, a group not valued for an overabundance of respect! They look to him/her for advice on how to work around the toughest security measures while covering their tracks.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,723 Simoleons
- Hot & Cold Teach Spec Poster
- Hack Mainframe on the computer
Pay: 73 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday
Work Hours: 2:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Hack or make Viruses)
– Reach Level 8 Mischief Skill
– Reach Level 4 Programming Skill
Level 8 (Safe Cracker – Boss Branch)
Your Sim has proven his/her strength and dexterity. Now, the big bosses have given him/her a stethoscope, a drill, and a map of target banks. Doors are finally opening for your Sim. Literally.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 4,211 Simoleons
- Stolen Necklace of the Late Duchess Pinky
Pay: 319 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 6:00 PM – 1:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Upgrade Objects)
– Reach Level 9 Mischief Skill
– Reach Level 4 Handiness Skill
Level 8 (An0nymous Ghost – Oracle Branch)
Now hidden behind endless aliases, no one really knows your Sim. He/she sits alone, in a sleek office, overseeing the off-shore diversion of funds by an elite hacker team, while stroking a black cat.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 2,929 Simoleons
- The Indispensable
Pay: 130 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday
Work Hours: 1:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Hack or make Viruses)
– Reach Level 9 Mischief Skill
– Reach Level 6 Programming Skill
Level 9 (The Brains – Boss Branch)
Your Sim has finally earned his/her PhD… from the STREETS. As the brain of his/her own organization. Your Sim will plan the big jobs, make the big scores, and bring home the big Simoleons.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 6,699 Simoleons
- Search For Bank Blueprints on the computer
Pay: 383 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Thursday, Sunday
Work Hours: 6:00 PM – 1:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Upgrade Objects)
– Max Mischief Skill to Level 10
– Reach Level 6 Handiness Skill
Level 9 (Net Demon – Oracle Branch)
Your Sim has really stepped up his/her game. He/she creates viruses that topple international corporations and incites civil wars by releasing sensitive government documents (okay, that second one might have been an accident).
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 4,686 Simoleons
Pay: 234 Simoleons
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday
Work Hours: 1:00 AM – 8:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Hack or make Viruses)
– Max Mischief Skill to Level 10
– Reach Level 5 Programming Skill
Level 10 (The Boss – Boss Branch)
What’s even better than being The Brains of the organization? Being The Brains’ boss! Now your Sim’s crew can do all the work, while he/he takes a bath in 1000 Simoleon bills. Who cares if it’s dirty money when there’s so much of it?
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 8,039 Simoleons
- Fisticuffs Punching Bag
- New CAS Parts
Pay: 445 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday
Work Hours: 5:00 PM – 12:00 AM
For mastering The Boss Criminal Branch, your Household will unlock the ”Capo’s Quarters” styled room that’s worth 16,378 Simoleons!
Level 10 (The Oracle – Oracle Branch)
Bent on taking down the old world order, a team of top hackers, ghosts, and demons takes cues from a single source. Your Sim has become the chosen one. His/her army of angsty teens and disgruntled introverts has its finger on the red button controlling everything.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 6,560 Simoleons
- Mayhem Portable Computer
- New CAS Parts
Pay: 316 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 12:00 AM – 7:00 AM
For mastering The Oracle Criminal Branch, your Household will unlock the ”Deconstruction Room” styled room that’s worth 9,950 Simoleons!
Anyone can make dinner or mix a drink at home. The Culinary career is for those who want to take it to another level and make money doing it.
Career Branches: Chef and Mixologist
Level 1 (Assistant Dishwasher)
Time to do the work of a common household appliance! Your Sim will be scrubbing plates, ensuring crystal glasses have no leftover lipstick residue, and striking up conversations with Sims who couldn’t pay their tab!
Pay: 15 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 4:00 PM – 1:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Prepare Food/Mix Drinks)
Level 2 (Head Dishwasher)
As the Head Dishwasher, your Sim can choose which dishes he/she wants to wash. Hard to scrub pots and pans are no longer an issue, unless your Sim wants them to be. Only the most beautiful china are now placed in your Sim’s hands.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 334 Simoleons
- Corporate Chic Countertop
Pay: 16 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 4:00 PM – 1:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Prepare Food/Mix Drinks)
– Reach Level 2 Cooking Skill
Level 3 (Caterer)
Standing behind food stations unable to eat the food is never easy, but it’s the new reality for your Sim. His/her days will now be filled with ridiculous dancing at weddings, failed team-building exercises, and really weird baby shower games.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 368 Simoleons
- Stainless Steel Auto-Pot
Pay: 26 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 3:00 PM – 11:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Prepare Food/Mix Drinks)
– Reach Level 2 Cooking Skill
– Reach Level 2 Mixology Skill
Level 4 (Mixologist)
The secret to Mixology is proportion. How much sweet juice? How much sour juice? Does this troubled patron want your Sim’s advice, or just for someone to listen? Is this a real job, or just something people do for money until they find a real job?
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 515 Simoleons
- Umber Kitchen Sink
Pay: 35 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 6:00 PM – 2:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Prepare Food/Mix Drinks)
– Reach Level 3 Cooking Skill
– Reach Level 3 Mixology Skill
Level 5 (Line Cook)
Your Sim is now a Line Cook! His/her duties include station setup, prepping food, cleaning up and stocking. Basically everything the real cooks don’t want to do!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 556 Simoleons
- Corporate Chic Counter Island
- New CAS Parts
Pay: 43 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 2:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Prepare Food/Mix Drinks)
– Reach Level 4 Cooking Skill
– Reach Level 4 Mixology Skill
Level 6
(Head Caterer – Chef)
It takes a special touch to craft exquiste food. Begin your journey of making Sims weak in the knees with a dangerously delicious dish.
Rewards include the ability to make higher quality cakes.
The world of private parties now belongs to your Sim! Forget the small-time events, now he/she gets to enjoy short-deadline corporate events, birthday parties for children with more money than he/she has, and incredibly particular brides!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 691 Simoleons
- Positronic Pro Magnetic Knife Rach
Pay: 52 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 3:00 PM – 12:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Prepare Food)
– Reach Level 6 Cooking Skill
– Reach Level 2 Gourmet Cooking Skill
Level 6
(Head Mixologist – Mixologist)
A master mixologist knows the ins and outs of various mixers and ingredients to create a drink that makes the shyest Sim sit up and notice.
Rewards include the ability to make new, high quality drinks.
A master of dooling out advice and a master of mixing fruity drinks, your Sim is now the Head Mixologist! It might be time to start charging therapist rates…
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 691 Simoleons
- Captain Rodrigo de Pablo Cask
Pay: 45 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 6:00 PM – 1:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Mix Drinks)
– Reach Level 5 Mixology Skill
– Reach Level 2 Charism Skill
Level 7 (Pastry Chef – Chef)
Pastries are a tricky thing to master. They must be delicious enough to justify the calories, but also beautiful enough to catch the customer’s eye. Your Sim is branching out into real food artistry!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 933 Simoleons
- Heavy Dutiest Pot Rack, Professional Ceiling-Mounted Pot Rack, Ceiling Pot Rack, Oval
Pay: 104 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Prepare Food)
– Reach Level 7 Cooking Skill
– Reach Level 4 Gourmet Cooking Skill
Level 7 (Juice Boss – Mixologist)
A drink specialist at a nearly divine level, your Sim will be helping clients pair mixed drinks with a variety of meals and desserts. They may swoon as their tastebuds are overwhelmed by a culinary WooHoo of flavors.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,907 Simoleons
Pay: 64 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 7:00 PM – 2:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Mix Drinks)
– Reach Level 7 Mixology Skill
– Reach Level 4 Charism Skill
Level 8 (Sous Chef – Chef)
Second-in-command isn’t bad at all! Now your Sim can do some REAL work without getting any of the credit. But hey, with a little time and a lot of effor your Sim will be the one running things around here!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,306 Simoleons
- Icebox of Steel by Krampft Industries
- Ability to write Cook Book on the computer
Pay: 131 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 8:00 PM – 2:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Prepare Food)
– Reach Level 6 Cooking Skill
– Reach Level 2 Gourmet Cooking Skill
Level 8 (Chief Drink Operator)
Coordinating orders at a corporate level is no easy feat, but your Sim is ready to be the next big CDO. His/her high-demand drinks are now made in large batches and are then shipped out to various restaurants.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 2,559 Simoleons
- Vinoteca Bottle Rack
- Ability to write Bar Guide on the Computer
Pay: 111 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 4:00 PM – 12:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Mix Drinks)
– Reach Level 8 Mixology Skill
– Reach Level 6 Charism Skill
Level 9 (Executive Chef – Chef)
Congratulations to your Sim! He/she is now the master of the kitchen. Yelling at underlings, demanding things be re-cooked, screaming at underlings, reprimanding underlings — it’s all possible now!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,959 Simoleons
Pay: 253 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 5:00 PM – 11:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Prepare Food)
– Max Cooking Skill to Level 10
– Reach Level 8 Gourmet Cooking Skill
Level 9 (Drinkmaster – Mixologist)
Your Sim has really proven himself/herself when it comes to concocting amazing drinks. Students from all over the world will flock to his side, eager to learn from The Great Drinkmaster! There will be magic. Oh yes.
There will be magic.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 3,916 Simoleons
- Lemonade on a Sunny Day Torchiere
Pay: 166 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 2:00 PM – 12:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Mix Drinks)
– Max Mixology Skill to Level 10
– Reach Level 8 Charisma Skill
Level 10 (Celebrity Chef – Chef)
Some might say your Sim has sold out to gain mainstream status, but your Sim cannot hear them. He/she is relaxing in his/her private office, eating hors d’oeurves in front of the fireplace, and considering the latest contract for a ne TV show, cook book , and servingware line.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 3,037 Simoleons
- Discretion Stove Hood, Pro Performance Range Hood, The Obelisk
- Pancake Pro Free-Standing Griddle
- New CAS Parts
Pay: 410 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM
For mastering the Chef Culinary Branch, your Household will unlock the ”Commercial Kitchen” styled room that’s worth 12,054 Simoleons!
Level 10 (Celebrity Mixologist – Mixologist)
Some might say your Sim has sold out to gain mainstream status, but your Sim cannot hear them. He/she is relaxing in his/her private office, sipping an amazing drink in front of the fireplace, and considering the latest contract for a new TV show, cook book, and glassware line.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 4,984 Simoleons
- Bar Setters Bar
- New CAS Parts
Pay: 197 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hour: 12:00 PM – 10:00 PM
For mastering the Mixologist Culinary Branch, your Household will unlock the ”Nectar Bar” styled room that’s worth 22,861 Simoleons!
You’ve wanted your name in lights from the time you could spell it, maybe even before. Answer your calling and claim your fame as a professional entertainer, either making the audience laugh with you or melting their hearts with your melodies.
Career Branches: Musician and Comedian
Level 1 (Amateur Entertainer)
If a joke is told in a comedy club, and nobody’s there to hear it, does it make a sound? As an amateur entertainer, your Sim is about to find out. At least there are no hisses or projectiles!
Pay: 23 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Write Jokes/Practice Music)
Level 2 (Open Mic Seeker)
Your Sim was born to perform. It’s written in the stars! Of course, with the stars as his/her only reference, open mics are your Sim’s only viable path to discovery and fame. The hardest part is suffering all these amateurs who can only book open mics!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 451 Simoleons
- Porcu-Pro Business Card Holder
Pay: 36 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 5:00 PM – 11:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Write Jokes/Practice Music)
– Achieve Level 2 of Guitar or Violin Skill
Level 3 (C-Lister)
C-List is better than no list at all! Why, your Sim is even starting to book a few gigs. At this point, his/her ability to shamelessly promote himself/herself may be a greater asset than any true talent!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 541 Simoleons
- Sim Idol Rug
Pay: 40 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 5:00 PM – 11:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Playful – Daily Task: Write Jokes/Practice Music)
– Achieve Level 2 of Guitar or Violin Skill
– Achieve Level 2 Comedy Skill
Level 4 (Opening Act)
Doors are starting to open for your Sim. And he/she is starting to open for some pretty cool acts. Audiences actually laugh when they’re supposed to. Applause is not unheard of (or unheard). It may not be time to try the old ”Don’t you know who I am?” trick yet, but it’s coming….
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 595 Simoleons
- Rock of Ages Retro Stereo
Pay: 54 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 5:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Playful – Daily Task: Write Jokes/Practice Music)
– Achieve Level 3 of Guitar or Violin Skill
– Achieve Level 3 Comedy Skill
Level 5 (Jingle Jammer – Musician Branch)
The gift of music simply must be shared! Tickle those keys and strum those strings as your adoring fans fall in love with every melody!
Who needs name recognition when everyone recognizes your song? Your Sim will be busy creating jingles that lodge themselves into people’s brains so tightly, it would take highly invasive surgery to get them back out. So what if they’re about cat food, or toilet cleaner? No one can flush them away, not ever!
Rewards include the ability to be inspired through your music.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 937 Simoleons
- A Single Rose
Pay: 67 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday
Work Hours: 2:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Play Instrument)
– Achievel level 2 Piano skill
– Achieve level 4 of Guitar or Violin skill
Level 5 (Jokesmith – Comedian)
The life of a professional comedian isn’t all funny business, so practice those impressions and prepare your best topical jokes!
The ideas are really flowing for your Sim now. Ons tage, off stage, at weddings, at funerals. Everything is a source for hilarious new material! And who doesn’t like a good joke?
Rewards include the ability to Try Out Material in front of friends.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 937 Simoleons
- I Otter Be a Star Pop Art
- Try Out Material social interaction
Pay: 67 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday
Work Hours: 2:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Playful – Daily Task: Write/Perform Routines)
– Achieve level 6 Comedy skill
Level 6 (Serious Musician – Musician)
Your Sim has always known that he/she is more than just a pretty face. He’s/she’s got TALENT. And the instant his/her fingers touch the keys of a piano or the strings of a guitar, everyone in the room knows it. These days, he’s/she’s even got gigs to prove it.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,165 Simoleons
- Off the Charts Music Award
Pay: 78 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
Work Hours: 3:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Play Instrument)
– Achievel level 4 Piano skill
– Achieve level 5 of Guitar or Violin skill
Level 6 (Solid Storyteller – Comedian)
Wow, your Sim can really keep a crowd captive, no handcuffs required! He/she is spending less time peddling business cards and more time practicing one-liners, ”squirrel walks into a bar” jokes, and impressions that people actually recognize.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,406 Simoleons
- You’ve Got Talent Award
Pay: 115 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Thursday, Friday, Sunday
Work Hours: 5:00 PM – 12:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Playful – Daily Task: Write/Perform Routines)
– Achieve level 6 Comedy skill
– Achieve level 2 Charisma skill
Level 7 (Professional Pianist – Musician)
From posh private parties to shopping mall foyers to weddings for the web-date weary, your Sim is in high demand. Whether his/her client wants guests to dance, buy hopelessly expensive trinkets, or pipe down until they say their vows, your Sim’s got the tunes to get results.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,282 Simoleons
- Classical Genius Antique Piano
Pay: 87 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 2:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Play Instrument)
– Achievel level 6 Piano skill
– Achieve level 6 of Guitar or Violin skill
Level 7 (Rising Comedian – Comedian)
Your Sim is doing a stand-up job with his/her stand-up routine, and people are starting to stand up and take notice. Good thing your Sim can cut them back down with a few quick jokes! (His/her jokes are better than these.)
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,688 Simoleons
- Studio Equity Track Lighting Kit
Pay: 172 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 5:00 PM – 12:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Playful – Daily Task: Write/Perform Routines)
– Achieve level 8 Comedy skill
– Achieve level 4 Charisma skill
Level 8 (Symphonic String Player – Musician)
All the world’s a stage, and your Sim has earned his/her place upon it. He/she is still putting bread in his/her jar playing weddings and private parties, but the guest list and grub is getting better every time, and he/she occasionally lifts his/her spirits with satisfying stints in lesser-known sypmphony orchestras.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,575 Simoleons
Pay: 130 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 2:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Play Instrument)
– Achievel level 8 Piano skill
– Achieve level 7 of Guitar or Violin skill
Level 8 (Roast Master – Comedian)
Your Sim is done flying udner the radar. He/she is making some serious dough hosting charity events, award ceremonies, roasts, and pretty much any other kind of party no one actually wants to attend. He/she may even be Best Man at a cheapskate celebrity wedding!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 2,432 Simoleons
- What a Star You Are Wall Mirror
Pay: 258 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 4:00 PM – 11:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Playful – Daily Task: Write/Perform Routines)
– Achieve level 9 Comedy skill
– Achieve level 6 Charisma skill
Level 9 (Instrumental Wonder – Musician)
Strings, winds, woods, brass. Your Sim has mastered them all, and his/her remarkable gifts are remarked upon quite often. Fame is his/hers, and he’s/she’s working on fortune. Just not enough fortune for him/her to say no to that web startup launch party.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 2,272 Simoleons
Pay: 208 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 2:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Play Instrument)
– Max Piano Skill to Level 10
– Achieve level 8 of Guitar or Violin skill
Level 9 (Stand up Star – Comedian)
Just like that, your Sim is the big name on the marquee! Up-and-coming acts are excited to open for HIM. The work is steady, pays well, and he’s/she’s even caught a few people on the street referencing his/her material and cracking each other up. Not bad!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 4,612 Simoleons
- Ability to perform comedy in Space
Pay: 310 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 5:00 PM – 12:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Playful – Daily Task: Write/Perform Routines)
– Max Comedy Skill to level 10
– Achieve level 8 Charisma skill
Level 10 (Concert Virtuoso – Musician)
Bravo! Your Sim will bring the crowd to its feet at nearly every sold-out performance. Applause? Roses? Room keys? These things are offered up to your Sim on a regular basis now. Encore!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 5,089 Simoleons
- Rock Legend Signed Guitar
- New CAS part
Pay: 340 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Wednesday, Thursday. Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 2:00 PM – 9:00 PM
For mastering the Musician Entertainer Branch, your Household will unlock the ”Rehersal Room” styled room that’s worth 23,818 Simoleons!
Level 10 (Show Stopper – Comedian)
Joke by joke, your Sim has climbed the ranks of comedy, and now his/her sets are setting new standards in the industry. An entire generation of comics will one day point back to your Sim as their inspiration. Your Sim is rolling in dough, fame and fans.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 5,534 Simoleons
Pay: 474 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 5:00 PM – 11:00 PM
For mastering the Comedian Entertainer Branch, your Household will unlock the ”The Joke Starts Here” styled room that’s worth 21,018 Simoleons!
Create your own world with a few strokes of a brush! Make a place for yourself in the art world with hyperreal masterpieces or abstract works of unsettling beauty.
Career Branches: Master of the Real Branch and Patron of the Arts Branch
Level 1 (Palette Cleaner)
To create great art, one must suffer. Your Sim is well on his/her way to greatness, as he/she will be asked to create floor-based installations using a water-based medium (i.e. mopping the floor).
Pay: 21 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Create Paintings)
Level 2 (Art Book Collator)
Saving up for art school supplies means working at the art school library. Unfortunately, the books must be re-shelved by number, and no one sees the genius in your Sim re-shelving them by complementary color. Visinoaries are often misunderstood.
Your Sim will receive the following bonus:
- 422 Simoleons
- Picture Perfect Art Lighting
- Option to research Art Reference on the Computer
Pay: 23 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Create Paintings)
– Reach Level 2 Painting Skill
Level 3 (Hungry Artist)
Being a hungry artist isn’t about literal hunger. It’s about your Sim’s burning passion to create an artistic expression that can change people’s lives! (It’s also about literal hunger.)
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 464 Simoleons
- Study of the Human Form
Pay: 26 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Create Paintings)
– Reach Level 4 Painting Skill
Level 4 (Watercolor Dabbler)
Your Sim is now a working artist! At least he/she’s working a booth at a local art fair, where patrons are haggling down the price of her watercolored landscapes. But the words ”work” and ”artist” are coming closer together. And that’s a good sign!
Your Sim will receive the following bonus:
- 510 Simoleons
- Easy Breezy Easel
- Ability to Critically Assess paintings
Pay: 29 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Create Paintings)
– Reach Level 5 Painting Skill
Level 5 (Canvas Creator)
Your Sim has landed a spot in an elite local painter’s group, and his/her portofolio is growing quite large! Maybe he/she should try building her portofolio with photographs instead of the original paintings….
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 587 Simoleons
- Painting Canvas Storage Rack
- Ability to gather Inspiration from Art
- Ability to Hire an Agent from Phone
To hire an Agent, click on your Phone and select ”Hire Agent (150 Simoleons)”. This will let your Sim negotiate for more money from your Sim’s paintings!
Pay: 35 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Create Paintings)
– Reach Level 6 Painting Skill
Level 6 (Imaginative Imagist)
Your Sim has boldly painter his/her way into career in studio art – mastering still life, figure study, interior space, and the fine art of disdain for anyone living in mainstream society.
Your Sim will receive the following bonus:
- 845 Simoleons
- Vase of Sunflowers
- New CAS parts
Pay: 44 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Create Paintings)
– Reach Level 7 Painting Skill
Level 7
(Artist En Residence – Master of the Real Branch)
You have Real Talend, and now others are starting to recognize it. Live your art, treat it with gravitas, and all the world shall follow.
Winning this artist residency is a true honor! Not everyone gets to work in an unheated barn loft for free. What a great way for your Sim to experience a slice of life he/she would never actually choose!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,088 Simoleons
- Artiste Supply Taboret
Pay: 65 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday
Work Hours: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Create Paintings)
– Reach Level 8 Painting Skill
– Reach Level 2 Logic Skill
Level 7
(Patron of the Arts Branch – Color Theory Critic)
Your Sim now spends equal amounts of time improving his/her own technique and politely suggesting how other artists can improve theirs. It allows interaction with the greatest talents of this generation, even if those interactions are sometimes prickly.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,088 Simoleons
- Artiste Supply Taboret
Pay: 70 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Create Paintings)
– Reach Level 8 Painting Skill
– Reach Level 2 Charisma Skill
Level 8 (Master of the Real Branch – Professional Painter)
Your Sim just hung some work in the hottest gallery in town! And it’s actually his/her work this time! This is a wonderful achievement for any artist.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,399 Simoleons
- Deluxe All-Season Easel
Pay: 140 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday
Work Hours: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Create Paintings)
– Reach Level 9 Painting Skill
– Reach Level 4 Logic Skill
Level 8 (Patron of the Arts Branch – Fine-Art Aficionado)
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but money is in the eye of the appraiser. Your Sim draws on his/her significant training to determine the value of fine art, letting others know that not every paint-covered canvas is created equal.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,259 Simoleons
- Pre-Owned Painter’s Easel
Pay: 126 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Create Paintings)
– Reach Level 9 Painting Skill
– Reach Level 4 Charisma Skill
Level 9 (Master of the Real Branch – Illustrious Illustrator)
Professional illustrator is a challenging role. Your Sim controls the final visual, but does not control the subject matter. Whether it’s a famous historical figure or a cartoon squirrel, he/she is up to the task!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,678 Simoleons
- Premium Prima Ballerina
Pay: 280 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Work Hours: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Create Paintings)
– Max Painting Skill to Level 10
– Reach Level 6 Logic Skill
Level 9 (Patron of the Arts Branch – Composition Curator)
With a reputation like your Sim’s it’s no wonder the museum would settle for no one else to curate their contemporary art collection. Your Sim is a scholar and a master of unconventional work. That neon-boxer-shorts-displayed-in-a-bouncy-castle exhibit? Genius!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 2,203 Simoleons
- Stack of Canvases
Pay: 227 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: View Paintings)
– Max Painting Skill to Level 10
– Reach Level 6 Charisma Skill
Level 10 (Master of the Real Branch – Master of the Real)
Students now flock to your Sim, hoping to glean even a bit of the technique that has made his/her artwork so popular. Time to pass on what he/she just learned to the next generation, or just wave his/her paintbrush and sigh, ”Hopeless!”
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 2,937 Simoleons
- Flegel Studio Floor Lamp
- New CAS Parts
Pay: 402 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Thursday
Work Hours: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
For mastering the Master of the Real Branch Painting Branch, your Household will unlock the ”Space to Create” styled room that’s worth 13,265 Simoleons!
Level 10 (Patron of the Arts Branch – Patron of the Arts)
Your Sim’s private collection has gained such widespread fame that he/she now spends his/her days negotiating with museums that want to display it. As long as they each build the ”Your Sim’s Wing”, with a bronze plaque of your Sim’s face, no problem!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 3,273 Simoleons
- Rustic Dream Bed
- New CAS Parts (Same as the ones you get for reaching Level 10 of the Master of the Real Branch)
Pay: 328 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM
For mastering the Patron of the Arts Painting Branch, your Household will unlock the ”Collector’s Studio” styled room that’s worth 16,686 Simoleons!
Secret Agent
Live life unnoticed as a covert operative. From infiltrating enemy headquarters to the art of interrogation, the more you learn, the less you’ll be known.
Career Branches: Diamond Agent and Villain
Level 1 (Agency Clerk)
Before your Sim can conduct international espionage and eliminate targets, he’s/she’s got to process some expense reports. And answer some phones. The occasional bagel run…. Exciting stuff!
Pay: 17 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 7:00 AM – 3:00
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Browse Intelligence)
Level 2 (Intelligence Researcher)
His/her security clearance is pretty low, but your Sim’s still learning some cool secrets. Since he’s/she’s been analyzing intelligence, he’s/she’s learned the real speed limit, a code word that allows him/her to use any employees-only restroom, and the truth about the moon landing in the 30’s.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 349 Simoleons
- The Swiveler
- Ability to Intelligence Research on the computer
Pay: 19 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 7:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Browse Intelligence)
– Reach Level 2 Logic Skill
Level 3 (Agent Handler)
Run. Duck. JUDO CHOP THAT BAD GUY RIGHT NOW. Your Sim loves giving orders. His/her agents will feel safe in his/her capable hands, and he/she can feel fulfilled being able to live his/her spy fantasies vicariously through their adventures.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 384 Simoleons
- Reconnaissance Workstation
- Tranquilizing Handshake interaction
Pay: 21 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Friendly Interactions)
– Reach Level 2 Logic Skill
– Reach Level 2 Charisma Skill
Level 4 (Field Agent)
According to movies, as a field agent your Sim should immediately expect to go undercover to infiltrate a religious cult, street racing ring, or beauty pageant. Until then he’ll/she’ll be interviewing a lot of tinfoil hat-wearers about the radio transmitters implanted in their teeth. Allegedly.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 422 Simoleons
Pay: 37 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Work Hours: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Browse Intelligence)
– Reach Level 3 Logic Skill
– Reach Level 3 Charisma Skill
Level 5 (Lead Detective)
Running major cases is just like running any mid-size organization. It’s all about managing personnel, budgets, and the bottom line. The big difference is that if your Sim fails, the world blows up. Other than that, it’s pretty much the same.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 599 Simoleons
- Nerves of Steel Desk Lamp
- Ability to Investigate on the computer
Pay: 47 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Work Hours: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Friendly Interactions)
– Reach Level 5 Logic Skill
– Reach Level 5 Charisma Skill
Level 6 (Government Agent)
Your Sim feels a deep sense of patriotism serving the greater good. He’s/she’s protecting his/her countrymen from harm, performing a vital public service. Once these feelings wear off, he/she can head back into the private sector and actually make some money.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 851 Simoleons
- Tactical Map
Pay: 52 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Work Hours: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Browse Intelligence)
– Reach Level 5 Logic Skill
– Reach Level 5 Charisma Skill
Level 7 (Secret Agent)
In the world of a spy, every stranger is a potential assassin. Every situation is a potential ambush. Fueled with adrenaline, your Sim lives fast and lives dangerously. He/she also wears a lot of cool disguises.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 936 Simoleons
- Unlocked Hidden Bookcase Door
- New CAS Parts
Pay: 87 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday
Work Hours: 2:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Browse Intelligence)
– Reach Level 6 Logic Skill
– Reach Level 6 Charisma Skill
Level 8 (Spy Captain – Diamond Agent)
You’ve risen through the ranks and have unparalled clearance. As a Diamond Agent, every mission is critical–and no misstep forgiven.
These young agents today, they don’t even understand how tough it was in the old days. Why, when your Sim assassinated his/her first target, he/she had to bury the body himself/herself. With his/her hands! Kids today, they’ve got it too easy.
Rewards include the Information Database.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,039 Simoleons
- Spy Satellite
Pay: 173 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday
Work Hours: 2:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Romance Interactions)
– Reach Level 8 Logic Skill
– Reach Level 7 Charisma Skill
Level 8 (Double Agent – Villain)
Your superior intelligence and training are too great to waste on doing good. So why not be the best among the world’s worst?
After hitting a ceiling with the Good Guys, your Sim’s trying his/her hand at some Evil. Hey, that’s where the real money is! If it works out, he/she may switch over to Evil full time….
Rewards include the Villain outfit.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,039 Simoleons
- Evil Am Eye Swiveler
Pay: 191 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday
Work Hours: 2:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Mischief Interactions)
– Reach Level 8 Logic Skill
– Reach Level 2 Mischief Skill
Level 9 (Shadow Agent – Diamond Agent)
The day that your Sim made Shadow Agent, they took away his/her thumbprints and driver’s license. He’s/she’s a ghost, a specter, a silent entity slipping through motion-detecting security systems and floating through embassies. And sometimes doing a little light paperwork.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 2,078 Simoleons
- Information Database
Pay: 208 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
Work Hours: 2:00 PM – 11:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Romance Interactions)
– Max Logic Skill to Level 10
– Reach Level 8 Charisma Skill
Level 9 ([Redacted] – Villain)
Working for [redacted]. Your Sim does a lot of [redacted] and [redacted]. Sometimes he/she has to [redacted], but [redacted]. Soon he’ll/she’ll [redacted] his/her medication for poison [redacted] before [redacted] spinning class and [redacted] steel drums.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 2,286 Simoleons
Pay: 278 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday
Work Hours: 6:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Mischief Interactions)
– Max Logic Skill to Level 10
– Reach Level 4 Mischief Skill
Level 10 (Double Diamond Agent – Diamond Agent)
Besides getting to wear a ton of incredible formalwear and sip drinks with perilously attractive strangers, your Sim also gets to gamble at foreign casinos with agency money. Being an international superspy is exactly as amazing as it sounds.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 3,741 Simoleons
- New CAS Parts
Pay: 284 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday
Work Hours: 9:00 AM – 12:00 AM
For mastering the Diamond Agent Secret Agent Branch, your Household will unlock the ”The InvisiRoom” styled room that’s worth 15,193 Simoleons!
Level 10 (Supreme Villain – Villain)
As a villain, your Sim is pretty super! You might even say he’s/she’s a… ”Supreme” Villain. But that doesn’t mean every day is just stroking hairless cats and coining catchphrases. There’s a surprising amount of paperwork involved! Paperwork and torture. Some days it’s more paperwork, some day’s it’s more torture. Just depends
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 3,886 Simoleons
- Commemorative Freeze Ray
Pay: 479 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Thursday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
Work Hours: 2:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Promotion Requirements (only Career Branch that has 11 Levels):
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Mischief Interactions)
– Max Logic Skill to Level 10
– Reach Level 6 Mischief Skill
Level 11 (Triple Agent – Villain)
After serving Good, then Evil, your Sim has decided to return to the Good side, to help crime-fighters get into the minds o the truly deranged. But is he/she helping, or leading them into a trap? Can his/her true allegiance ever be known…?
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 5,743 Simoleons
- Our Founder Statue
- New CAS Parts
Pay: 515 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
Work Hours: 2:00 PM – 7:00 PM
For mastering the Villain Secret Agent Branch, your Household will unlock the ”Heart of Darkness” styled room that’s worth 30,025 Simoleons!
Tech Guru
Who needs college with programming skills like yours? Opportunity is out there. Ripe for the picking, and you and your big brain are ready to pluck away.
Career Branches: eSport Gamer and Start up Entrepreneur
Level 1 (Live Chat Support Agent)
Welcome to Babysitting 101! Your Sim will be using his/her above-average intelligence for hours of gentle guidance and virtual handholding, exploring brave new limits on just how thinly one can veil sarcasm.
Pay: 31 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Play Video Games)
Level 2 (Quality Assurance)
Your Sim has entered the exciting world of QA, the unsung heroes of software development. It’s the perfect job for people who feel like they break everything they touch! But hey, better they break it than the customer, right? Right??
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 375 Simoleons
- Stainless Steel Auto-Pot
Pay: 38 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Play Video Games)
– Reach Level 2 Programming Skill
Level 3 (Code Monkey)
Congrats to your Sim! Now, instead of risking life, limb and job pointing out the gaping holes in someone else’s code, he/she gets to put all semblance of a life aside to program code based on someone else’s deadlines. At least there’s a benefits package!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 506 Simoleons
- Computer Hard Drive
Pay: 47 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Programming)
– Reach Level 3 Programming Skill
– Achieve Level 2 Video Gaming Skill
Level 4 (Ace Engineer)
Wielding a rare combination of technical and political skills, your Sim is carving his/her way up the ranks at last! While innovative work is still a faint glimmer on the horizon, it’s finally in view, and not everything your Sim does is totally mind-numbing.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 633 Simoleons
- The Sentinel
Pay: 63 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Programming)
– Reach Level 4 Programming Skill
– Achieve Level 3 Video Gaming Skill
Level 5 (Project Manager)
Your Sim has finally achieved the glory of middle management! He/she gets to drive the scheldue, squeeze hundreds of programming hours out of each week, work magic with budgets and play the ice queen everyone else gets to whine about.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 760 Simoleons
- The Hipster Hugger
Pay: 73 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Programming)
– Reach Level 5 Programming Skill
– Achieve Level 4 Video Gaming Skill
Level 6 (Development Captain)
Your Sim’s got real power now. He/she doesn’t just manage measly one-off projects, he/she is in charge of the development process for several groundbreaking products. Aye, aye, this is going to be fun!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 874 Simoleons
- Innovator’s Award for Excellence in Science
Pay: 78 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Programming)
– Reach Level 6 Programming Skill
– Achieve Level 5 Video Gaming Skill
Level 7 (eSports Competitor – eSport Gamer)
You’ve been living and breathing videogames since the moment you could twitch your trigger finger, and as an eSport Gamer, you can cash in on that.
Rewards include the PrioPerfection Motion Sense Game Mat.
As an amateur cyberathlete, your Sim’s world is about to change. After a lifetime of training within the dimly lit confines of bedrooms and basements, your Sim is ready to travel the world and go head-to-head in dimly lit indoor stadiums. His/her time is now.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 933 Simoleons
- Stack of CDs
Pay: 121 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 2:00 PM – 11:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Play Video Games)
– Reach Level 6 Programming Skill
– Achieve Level 6 Video Gaming Skill
Level 7 (The Next Big Thing? – Start Up Entrepreneur)
Turn your Big Ideas into household names as a Start-up Genius. It’ll take savvy and connections, but fortune is withing your reach.
Rewards include the Plasmatron 3000 Flat Screen TV.
At last, your Sim has ditched big company bureaucracy to launch his/her own company, founded on his/her very own ideals, to build his/her very own innovative solution. The only hitch? His/her very own money is not quite enough to get this thing off the ground.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 933 Simoleons
- A Stroke of Genius
Pay: 98 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Programming)
– Reach Level 8 Programming Skill
– Reach Level 2 Charisma Skill
Level 8 (Pro Gamer – eSport Gamer)
Fantasy, meet reality. Your Sim is actually making a living playing games competitively. Sure, he/she isn’t exactly pulling in six figures yet, but the bounty’s getting bigger, and the sponsors are taking note. Time to invest in media training!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 2,177 Simoleons
- ”Reavanne” Poster
- Brag about Sillz interaction
Pay: 194 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 5:00 PM – 12:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Play Video Games)
– Reach Level 7 Programming Skill
– Achieve Level 8 Video Gaming Skill
Level 8 (Independent Consultant – Start Up Entrepreneur)
Your Sim is making a name for himself/herself in the tech world, but the cash from selling of his/her first company is already getting thin. Instead of bowing to someone else’s vision, he/she decides to earn money as a consultant for private investors.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 2,394 Simoleons
- Minimalist Unplant
Pay: 185 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Work Hours: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Programming)
– Reach Level 9 Programming Skill
– Reach Level 4 Charisma Skill
Level 9 (APM King/Queen – eSport Gamer)
With practice comes speed, and your Sim’s real-time strategy skills are living proof. With APM climbing past the 400 mark, your Sim has been known to assemble an army, equip it, construct an impenetrable base and annihilate at least one other race in the time it takes most people to tie their shoes.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 2,721 Simoleons
- Top Secret Computer
Pay: 261 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 4:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Play Video Games)
– Reach Level 8 Programming Skill
– Max Video Gaming Skill at Level 10
Level 9 (Dot-Com Pioneer)
With an impressive track record for successfully launching companies, your Sim is always on the go and never off the grid, making split-second decisions by text on everything from development to creative to UI. Remarkably, people listen!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 3,112 Simoleons
- Light of My Life Painting
Pay: 371 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Friday
Work Hours: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Focused – Daily Task: Programming)
– Max Programming Skill to Level 10
– Reach Level 6 Charisma Skill
Level 10 (Champion Gamer – eSport Gamer)
WOOT! Your Sim is now rolling in dough, and he/she doesn’t have too many complaints about being famous either. Sponsors are picking up tabs left and right, there are Simoleons to be made by streaming his/her practice sessions, and the tournament prizes are nothing to sneeze at. This is the dream of gamers everywhere!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 3,129 Simoleons
- PrioPerfection Motion Sensor Game Mat
Pay: 328 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 4:00 PM – 10:00 PM
For mastering the eSport Tech Guru, your Household will unlock the ”The Game Room” styled room that’s worth 27,499 Simoleons!
Level 10 (Start Up Genius – Start Up Entrepreneur)
Whiz kid. Wonder. Visionary. Your Sim has been called them all, and he/she is confident he/she deserves it. Everything he/she touches turns to gold. Doors open when he/she so much as glances at them. And technologies only emerge with his/her permission.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 5,335 Simoleons
- Plasmatron 3000 Flat Screen TV
- Brag about Startup interaction
Pay: 516 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Friday
Work Hours: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
For mastering the Startup Entrepreneur Tech Guru, your Household will unlock the ”The HQ” styled room that’s worth 25,288 Simoleons!
Get paid to express your ideas with beautiful turns of phrase, and words – wonderful words!
Career Branches: Author Branch and Journalist Branch
Level 1 (Writer’s Assistant)
Your Sim is about to learn what it means to pay his/her dues as an assistant-assistant coffee-getter, assistant fact-looker-upper, and assistant paperwork-filer. After a while, she may even get to do some writing, although his/her boss will take the credit.
Pay: 25 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
Work Hours: 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Read Books)
Level 2 (Blogger)
It’s more important to write fast than to write well…does your Sim have what it takes? Bloggers only get paid if they get clicks, so she’d better study the things people like to click on. (Cat videos and numbered lists.)
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 407 Simoleons
- Milton Word Processor
Pay: 32 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
Work Hours: 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Read Books)
– Reach Level 2 Writing Skill
Level 3 (Freelance Article Writer)
Now your Sim’s working for himself/herself, writing what he/she wants…or at least w hat paying clients want. Unfortunately, paying clients want articles about ”10 Creative Ways to Eat Mushrooms” or ”Hot Tips to Drive Your Dog Wild.” It’s not glamorous, but it’s a living!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 509 Simoleons
- Still Life with Apple and Pitcher and Books and Bottles and Flowers
- Pitch Story Idea interaction
Pay: 38 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday
Work Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Write Books)
– Reach Level 3 Writing Skill
Level 4 (Advice Columnist)
He’s/she’s always thought of himself/herself as a know-it-all, but now your Sim is a professional know-it-all. The life of an advice columnist is full of deranged in-laws, mailmen without personal boundaries, and secret second families. But only if she’s lucky.
Your Sim will receive the following bonus:
- 611 Simoleons
- The Thinker
Pay: 44 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday
Work Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Write Books)
– Reach Level 4 Writing Skill
Level 5 (Regular Contributor)
It’s important to have a beat. Your Sim didn’t actually have any knowledge of his/her beat before he/she started writing about it. But if you sound convincing, you are convincing. The readers will never catch on! The secret? Use lots of big words.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 703 Simoleons
- An Open Book, Framed
- New CAS Parts
Pay: 50 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
Work Hours: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Write Books)
– Reach Level 5 Writing Skill
Level 6
(Short Story Writer – Author Branch)
Rewards include the ability to make more money from books
If you love the freedom to embellish and invent, the Author’s life is for you. Call up a character, chase after a tale…. The written word is yours.
It’s not like your Sim can’t write longer stories. It’s just that he/she doesn’t want to! Long stories are overrated. Who has the attention span for all that? And novels just end up getting adapted into movies anyway, and your Sim’s pretty busy already, so….
Your Sim will receive the following bonus:
- 956 Simoleons
- Antique Tomes
Pay: 60 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 1:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Write Books)
– Reach Level 7 Writing Skill
– Reach Level 2 Logic Skill
Level 6
(Journalist Branch)
Rewards include the ability to interview other Sims about their lives
Words can be powerful weapons, when used to expose the truth. As a Journalist, you’ll dig up important dirt and scatter it for all to see.
Municipal rezoning? Dog-catcher elections? The local beat isn’t always glamorous, but at least your Sim can use the power of his/her job to crush his/her enemies. Now he/she gets the best restaurant tables and the cleaners never shrink his sweaters.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 956 Simoleons
Pay: 56 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Write Articles)
– Reach Level 7 Writing Skill
– Reach Level 2 Charisma Skill
Level 7 (Novelist – Author Branch)
Most novelists don’t go crazy alone in deserted hotels in the winter. Most novelists don’t die penniless in the streets. Most novelists are happy, well-adjusted, and creatively satisfied people! Your Sim keeps telling himself/herself that….
Your Sim will receive the following bonus:
- 1,243 Simoleons
Pay: 115 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 1:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Write Books)
– Reach Level 8 Writing Skill
– Reach Level 3 Logic Skill
Level 7 (Front Page Writer – Journalist Branch)
His/her crack reporting skills and snappy writing have landed your Sim a plum assignment covering breaking news. Toppling governments! Catastrophic natural disasters! A pop star with a new haircut! Your Sim’s on the big stories now.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,562 Simoleons
- Antique Writer’s Desk
Pay: 83 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Write Articles)
– Reach Level 8 Writing Skill
– Reach Level 3 Charisma Skill
Level 8 (Fan Favorite – Author Branch)
The fans love him/her. The critics hate him/her. Your Sim might be churning out sub-literate dreck, but his/her books sell like crazy, so his/her publisher keeps paying him/her. And that’s the real measure of literary sucess. Right?
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 1,808 Simoleons
- Nom de Plume Quill Pen
Pay: 202 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Write Books)
– Reach Level 9 Writing Skill
– Reach Level 4 Logic Skill
Level 8 (Investigative Journalist – Journalist Branch)
If he’s/she’s lucky, he’ll/she’ll be the reporter who cracked the biggest scandal ever. Someone, somewhere is up to no good, and your Sim’s determined to find them. Your Sim loves revealing wrongdoing and making the big money, not always in that order.
Your Sim will receive the following bonus:
- 2,031 Simoleons
- The Where Should I go? Ball
Pay: 145 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Work Hours: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Write Articles)
– Reach Level 9 Writing Skill
– Reach Level 4 Charisma Skill
Level 9 (Bestselling Author – Author Branch)
Bestselling authors have a tough life-going from talk show to talk show, receiving honors, counting endless stacks of money – but your Sim has worked hard to join their ranks. Of course if the critics don’t like his/her next book his/her career will be over, but no pressure.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 2,421 Simoleons
- The Muse
Pay: 296 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday
Work Hours: 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Write Books)
– Max Writing Skill to Level 10
– Reach Level 5 Logic Skill
Level 9 (Editor-In-Chef – Journalist Branch)
He/she decides which stories run and which get killed. He/she keeps circulation up and costs down. He/she produces amazing journalism, and if he/she could figure out how to make people actually pay for it, he’d/she’d really have it made!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 2,844 Simoleons
- Antique Typewriter
Pay: 189 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Work Hours: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired – Daily Task: Write Articles)
– Max Writing Skill to Level 10
– Reach Level 5 Charisma Skill
Level 10 (Creator of Worlds – Author Branch)
The hardest part about creating a sprawling, multi-volume fantasy epic? Thinking up all those crazy names like Cloydon DeBarboot and Frimzy Peppernoodle. Definitely the names. Oh, and also dealing with the really strange, inappropriate fanfic.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 2,885 Simoleons
- Unlocked Door of Perception
Pay: 465 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Saturday
Work Hours: 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM
For mastering the Author Writer Branch, your Household will unlock the ”Writer’s Den” styled room that’s worth 14, 428 Simoleons!
Level 10 (Scribe of History – Journalist Branch)
Your Sim has transcended day-to-day news and now spends his/her time looking backward…studying what has been, and what it all means. Future generations will study his/her works, and many more will use them as very fancy doorstops.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 3,697 Simoleons
- Deep Thoughts Bookcase
Pay: 287 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Work Hours: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
For mastering the Journalist Writer Branch, your Household will unlock the ”The Newsroom” styled room that’s worth 12,708 Simoleons!
Teen Careers
You’re young and healthy, so get paid by people who aren’t. From mowing lawns to operating big machines, your muscle is where the money is.
Level 1 (Lawn Mower)
For once, being young and inexperienced will work in your Sim’s favor! After all, he/she is strong, energetic, and less likely to sue for hearing loss. In fact, the adults in the neighborhood will almost feel like they are doing your Sim a favor by letting him/her push heavy equipment!
Pay: 45 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 7:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized)
– Achieve Level 2 Gardening skill
Level 2 (Landscaper)
Your Sim is working his/her way up the ladder in the landscaping world, flexing not just his/her muscles, but his/her artistry as well. Sure, your Sim is mostly working off other people’s designs-planting, digging, raking, mowing-but every so often he/she gets to make a fleeting mark on her clients’ verdant tableaux.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 225 Simoleons
Pay: 59 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 7:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized)
– Achieve level 4 Gardening skill
Level 3 (Backhoe Operator)
Every kid goes through a digging phase, but no tiny scoop and plastic pail on the beach can ever compare to the sheer awesomeness of breaking into the earth with a backhoe! This is a big promotion to operate a big machine, and your Sim is hoping the big responsibility will translate into big Simoleons!
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 293 Simoleons
Pay: 70 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 7:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Earn a little spending money serving food to people you know. And wiping up after them, for a while.
Level 1 (Table Cleaner)
Everyone has to start somewhere, and this won’t be so bad. I mean sure, your Sim will come home smelling like fried…something…and his/her hands will reek of mildewed rags, but at least he’ll/she’ll get to see his/her friends! Sort of. While he’s/she’s wearing a paper hat.
Pay: 16 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Wednesday, Thurdsay, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized)
– Reach Level 2 Cooking Skill
Level 2 (Fry Cook)
Congratulations, your Sim has moved up in the world and is earning a smidge more every hour! A whole smidge! Now, instead of just being treated like he/she is invisible, he/she really is out of sight o the customers, focusing his/her attention solely on hot grease and triple orders.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 325 Simoleons
Pay: 18 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Energized)
– Reach Level 2 Charisma Skill
Level 3 (Food Service Cashier)
Sweet, Sweet Simoleons! Your Sim has earned enough trust to handle the Simoleons and the people who spend them. ”Service with a smile.” his/her manager always says, so your Sim takes orders, presses buttons, and grins until his/her heeks hurt.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 358 Simoleons
Pay: 20 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM
If you love hanging out at the coffee house and already know all the fancy drink names, why not get paid for it?
Level 1 (Coffee Stain Remover)
This is your Sim’s first step into the exciting world of caffeine distribution systems. But of course he/she can’t be responsible for pouring coffee until he/she proves he/she can handle mopping floors, setting up chairs, scrubbing mugs and keeping those frothers and foamers shiny!
Pay: 28 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 5:00 AM – 7:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired)
– Reach Level 2 Mixology Skill
Level 2 (Bean Blender)
At last, your Sim can drop the dishrags and become one with the art of fine coffee! Grinding together the finest organic beans from around the globe, your Sim is now a master bean blender, a true mixologist whose arresting combinations of aggressively bold aromas and subtly nutty undertones please every palate.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 193 Simoleons
Pay: 41 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 5:00 AM – 7:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Inspired)
– Reach Level 4 Mixology Skill
Level 3 (Latte Artiste)
Bravo! Your Sim has ascended the barista ranks and seized control of the frother. Now in charge of crafting sumptuous espresso drinks, adorned with a dollop of feather-light froth which he/she arranges in cute patterns. Your Sim knows he’s/she’s a true artiste.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 289 Simoleons
Pay: 62 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Work Hours: 5:00 AM – 7:00 AM
Set your sights on the future by launching your career in sales. From creating displays to disarming customers, you’re on your way to perks, discounts and sweet Simoleons.
Level 1 (Shelf Stocker)
Your Sim is ready to take his/her part in the global economy. People need to buy things to make the economy happen, and that means that people need retailers to sell them things, and THAT means that someone needs to stock a bunch of shelves. Guess what your Sim’s part is?
Pay: 33 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Confident)
– Reach Level 2 Charisma Skill
Level 2 (Sales Floor Clerk)
Your Sim has been promoted to Sales Floor Clerk! Now he/she can interact directly with the customers and brush up on vital salesmanship skills! And between customers he/she can sweep floors, scrape off gum, heft boxes and restock store displays.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 188 Simoleoons
Pay: 40 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Work Hours: 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Confident)
– Reach Level 4 Charisma Skill
Level 3 (Customer Support)
”Happy customers, healthy business!” At least, that’s what your Sim’s training manual says. He/she might be earning a healthier wage, manning the support desk with a smile, but the only customers who get sent his/her way are not happy, not at all.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 244 Simoleons
Pay: 48 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurdsay, Friday
Work Hours: 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Get paid to play with kids – and keep them safe and all that. You get to be in charge….
Level 1 (Baby Sitter)
Your Sim can’t wait to finally earn some dough-and what could be more fun than getting paid to play with kids? Besides, the kids are asleep half the time, right? So it’s basically getting paid to couch-sit and text all his/her friends. Cake!
Pay: 33 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 6:00 PM – 12:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Playful)
– Reach Level 2 Charisma Skill
Level 2 (Nanny)
At last, your Sim has landed a steady nanny job with a nearby family. No more searching or scheduling-just one family with one sweet kid, who he/she only has to win over once. Your Sim doesn’t remember signing up for cleaning, toilet scrubbing, or laundry, but as the mother said, since he’s/she’s there and getting paid…
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 160 Simoleons
Pay: 40 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 6:00 PM – 12:00 AM
Promotion Requirements:
– Performance (Ideal Mood: Playful)
– Reach Level 4 Charisma Skill
Level 3 (Daycare Assistant)
Your Sim has earned back his/her weekend nights by securing a job at Holding Hands Daycare. Working with a loving, experienced team of childcare professionals, your Sim will help provide a gentle, caring and stimulating environment that honors the genius in every chid.
Your Sim will receive the following Bonus:
- 192 Simoleons
Pay: 48 Simoleons per Hour
Work Days: Saturday, Sunday
Work Hours: 6:00 PM – 12:00 AM