The Sims 4 Guides

The Sims Through The Years: 19th July

TS4 719 SP08 SCREENS 01 002

On this day just a year ago The Sims 4: Backyard Stuff was released, proving to be quite popular with users it added a whole bunch of new items to spruce up your sims back gardens. Not just adding items it added some fantastic hairstyles and clothes to make any backyard activity look fabulous.

Of course with all of The Sims 4 stuff packs it was slightly different to previous games, each came with at least one object which adds additional gameplay, this pack came with a Lawn water slide, Bird feeder, Drink Pitcher, and Wind chimes.

About the author


Hello, I'm Mike and I'm a Sims addict. I've been playing The Sims since I was 5 years old, most of my early memories of the game revolve around building the perfect houses and burning it down. Since those good days I've played every iteration and most of the spin-offs and have loved every single moment, hope you enjoy my articles!

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