With each Expansion Pack it seems that The Sims Team is trying to bring a whole new tune when opening up The Sims 4. This time around there’s a brand new theme song if you have The Sims 4 Island Living Expansion Pack installed!
Take a full listen at the new theme song above.
Sounds like the Carribean!
I’m pretty sure it’s not meant to sound Caribbean.
There are steel drums in the song! So it souds Carribean to me!
I love it!!!
¡La amo profundamente! Me dan ganas de jugar y vivir a la orilla del agua con mis Sims
¡La amo profundamente! Me dan ganas de jugar y vivir a la orilla del agua con mis Sims
I love it!!!
Sounds like the Carribean!
I’m pretty sure it’s not meant to sound Caribbean.
There are steel drums in the song! So it souds Carribean to me!