The Sims Team has released a brand new Update for The Sims 4 on PC, Mac and Consoles!
To download the latest version of The Sims 4, simply open your Origin program and if the game doesn’t update automatically, right click on The Sims 4 and select ”Update”.
In case you have Mods or Custom Content, the game will automatically disable them for you after first launching The Sims 4 after the update. To re-enable all your Mods and Custom Content, select the Settings option in the Menu and select Settings. Under the”Other” section you’ll find the ”Enable Custom Content and Mods” option. Check it and restart your game in order for it to take effect!
Patch Notes
Update 9/3/2020
PC: / Mac:
Console: Version 1.31Hello Simmers!
We are super excited for the upcoming release of The Sims™ 4 Star Wars™: Journey to Batuu, so today we have an important update for you to address a couple of critical issues as well as a few updates to some existing features.
Have your Sims ever dreamed of a jungle-themed wedding escapade? Or a quiet yet elegant wedding in the woods? Sims can now elope in any of the Destination Worlds. Picture this… a warm sunny day in Selvadorada, your Sim and their loved one accompanied by the bustling sounds of Puerto Llamante… it is like the best premise for one of Russkii’s telenovelas.
Besides letting… I mean, encouraging Sims to elope to Destination Worlds, we have made windows a little more dynamic if you will. You can now place windows by stacking them above each other without the use of the bb.moveobjects cheat. Which may seem small but we hope builders enjoy this addition!
For Playstation 4 players, we checked around and we found some additional memory. This should help those Simmers who were unfortunate enough to crash during travel and transitioning in and out of Build Buy on some of their more built-up saves.
Last but not least, we have also made a change for PC and Mac in which there will be a new folder auto-generated in DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4 called “ConfigOverride”. Inside this folder, players can place a copy of Default.ini, GraphicsCards.sgr, and/or GraphicsRules.sgr which will override these files where the game is located. So, if you edited these files before, you can now edit them in the new folder.
Happy Simming,
-SimGuruRomeo Ft. SimGuruRusskii
Now onto the fixes:
Sims 4
- Mouse hovering over purchased traits will no longer display the text “Not available for Robots.” We understand that Robots are sentient beings, but unfortunately, these traits are not robot compliant.
- Fixed an issue in which Lots with applied Terrain Manipulation were being placed backwards when downloaded from The Gallery. Where’s the door? Is this the front or the back? Order has been restored at last.
- Fixed an issue in which Terrain Paint did not apply correctly under trees or foundations.
- The UI team did some housekeeping and have fixed some background stretching happening in career panels.
- Blinking shadows no longer appear when placing windows in basement levels that are of the same variant. I do admit that was a bit spooky, not the time windows… not the time.
- Color swatches for Build Mode item “Large Dancing Water Emitter” have been fixed.
- Staircases will no longer get cut through trims when there is no landing. Safety first!
Discover University
- Some flowers and trees in Gibbs Hill will no longer appear to be floating as Sims walk by. To be honest, the idea of floating flora is quite appealing to me.
Eco Lifestyle
- Civil Designer Sims will no longer come home after work wearing random footwear. I’m all for putting your feet up after work, but switching footwear in the middle of things and coming home from work in a completely different state as you went out, is kinda suspicious.
- Fixed an issue that caused some color swatch glitches on Civil Designer outfits.
Realm of Magic
- Fixed an issue with thumbnails generated in The Gallery for Toddlers that generated not only their Sim form but also included their Spellcaster form. We can only contain the cuteness so much!
Nifty Knitting
- What’s that? Did you still hear the sounds of knitting when cancelling knitting interactions? <singsongy voice> Not a problem anymore.
- Fixed an issue with asset cfHair_SP17LocsLong that made it display all adult color swatches.
I’m going to legacy if this bull keeps up because i can’t have the game open for several minutes until it just crashes, and remember THIS UPDATE IS MANDATORY
Ever since the update, the game has been crashing. I tried right-clicking and repairing in Origin, but it didn’t seem to help.
Since this update my game has crashed twice and I’ve updated the mods I use and still crashes.
yes! mine too. especially if there’s a lot of npc’s that are having conversations. the game crashes immediately. i updated all the mods i have and it still keeps crashing.
Well all this update has done is mess with my game can uninstall updates as I now can’t ask people to help with anything like potty training or blowing candles out and the phone calendar and job skills and other icons have all changed and move I don’t like it PLEASE HELP!
my game automatically updated now i cant place cc windows or doors
Under application settings for origin, move the option for automatic update for games from 1 to 0. This will gray it out and prevent the game from updating automatically in the future. This way you have to manually update your game instead. You’ll be able to play offline and usually have no issues (unless origin has a mandatory update then it may try to force you to update but if you allow origin to update just quickly go offline once the origin screen launches after it updates so it doesn’t start a sims update by accident).
Can you guys fix the issue with sims randomly doing the bored animation despite them not being bored?
Was trying to make a storybook house and was planning to use the stone outlined windows and doors from get together and they are glitching into the wall. I havent played sims in a month so I’m not sure if this is due to the update but it is very frustrating…
So I just updated my game with the new patch and now when I load my save, all my sims faces are replaced with question marks along with most of my wallpapers, trees, and a few items. Also, some of my floors are all black and won’t change no matter what floor option I choose.
Basically, this patch completely broke my game. My save basically just one big question mark.
Do you use custom content?
This update crashes when I press update. It also will not download itself. What gives?
It’s closing out the game. This my 3ed time I had to close out and I’ve deleted all my mods again
broke my windows and doors and im not able to pick a person for something because its all glitchedn out loading dimond thing is broke it is gray and white im on pc and im really starting to dislike EA alot more for their effortless work
Mine looks exactly the same!
the game non stop crashes every 20 minutes ever since this update, plus textures are missing. fix this !!
My game keeps crashing after I play with my sims for about 5 min. Are you guys going to address this issue anytime soon. Because now I don’t even want to open my sims game anymore. All though I will say that I can be in build mode I can play for hours. Once I go to actually play my sim, my game shuts down on me. Please take the time and address this issue because I do enjoy playing sims.
UPDATE!! one of the adult mods (WW) was updated wrong, they have sense repaired this mod and now just have to update it in your mod folder. My game has been working ever sense.
Probably won’t be a priority for them until the first patch post Star Wars pack release. 🙁
What about the plopsy bug!?!?! Can we fix that too!
i wanna know this too, items show no expiration date and are not listed anymore, only the background colour change but thats all
Every single property I have ( quite a few) all have CC windows and doors. What a total fail by EA. Who cares about SW in a Sims game, Seriously???
sadly whenever i open sims it has that little weird glitch when you don’t have the correct mesh this comes up on every sim i have even if they are not wearing any cc or just wearing undergarments i’m not sure what to do
I have the same issue! All of my sims look like the missing CC sims..
I even disabled my mods and cc and still nothing changed. All of the skins are broken.
And I went through and deleted almost all of my CC thinking that was the issue 🙁
My game is crashing every 5-10 minutes. Any update EA???
Is anyone else having an issue with the cheat console not working? The Ctrl+shift+C combo does nothing anymore. It worked fine until one of the recent patches. I took my mods out of the folder, updated the game fully, repaired the game, and then put my mods back in, and still no cheat console. I’ve updated every single script mod I have and it all works. Cheat console still won’t appear. Doors and doorways are also not working, and it’s not just CC. The actual doors that come with the game are glitching out as well. I’m so frustrated.