The Sims 4’s latest Gameplay Kit – Bust the Dust comes with new vacuums and a “Dust System” that lets any residental home get dusty and dirty over time. However, many have reported that the dust system is being too agressive on their residental lots with dust and dirt accumulating way too quickly on each story of a home.
There’s also a gameplay mechanic within the game where befriended dust bunnies make it way too easy for your Sims to get rich by finding Simoleons in every corner of your house.
These type of issues should all be resolved this month according to The Sims on Twitter. The update that should fix these problems with this Kit is scheduled for release “later this month”.
Oh no! Thanks for the feedback! We’ll be making some tuning adjustments to the gameplay starting with extending the period of time before your home becomes dusty in an update later this month. 💚
— The Sims (@TheSims) March 9, 2021