The Sims 4 Mods

Get Updates for your Essential The Sims 4 Mods


This week’s The Sims 4 Update (version changed a lot of things in the game’s tuning files – causing a lot of Mods to break and not work properly in the game. There were also a lot of reports where the game broke due to outdated Mods, which is why it’s very important to disable Mods before checking if a new Mod version is required.

Modders have started updating their Mods and CC to ensure they’re compatible with The Sims 4’s latest version. In this post I’ll be listing some of the most popular Mods for The Sims 4 that got updated to work for the latest version.

Make sure you remove the older versions of Mods you have and replace them with the current version in the Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods folder.

MC Commad Center

This powerhouse of a Mod just got updated and is now compatible with the latest version of The Sims 4!

UI Cheats Extension

The UI Cheats Extension Mod, which allows you to control certain aspects of gameplay straight through the game’s User Interface just got updated – and with some new features too!

v1.26 [07/20/2021]

  • Updated for game version 1.77.131 (Cottage Living patch).
  • Added new relationship bits cheats.
  • Added a new University GPA cheat.
  • Added a new University suspension/probation removal cheat.
  • Added a new Buy/Sell panel quantity +10 shortcut cheat.
  • Added a new career reputation cheat.
  • The career performance cheat now works for the interior designer career.
  • The career promotion/demotion cheat now works for the interior designer career, as well as Odd Jobs rating.
  • Fixed the vampire power point cheat not working as expected.
  • Fixed the lot eco footprint value sometimes getting reverted after cheating it.
  • Added a way to check the mod version number in-game.

T.O.O.L. Build Mod

Everyone’s favorite (and essential) Build Mod T.O.O.L. received a compatibility update to work with The Sims 4’s latest version and the newly released Cottage Living Expansion Pack!

Better Build / Buy

Another must-have for all the Build Mode enthusiasts out there is now fully compatible and working!

More Columns in CAS

You’re finally able to enjoy the Create A Sim catalog in its full glory again!


This PG friendly version of TurboDriver’s popular Mod is back and working!

Basemental (18+)

The previous version of this Mod was causing major glitches with doors being removed from players’ homes. This new version fixes all of that and makes the Mod fully compatible with the game’s latest version.

If you don’t see a Mod that you use you can ensure to get the latest updates Mod Updates from our Sims Community Discord! There’s also a handy list created by @luthstings of broken / updated Mods over at The Sims Forums!

About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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