SimCity News

SimCity Cities of Tomorrow Review


Hello! Previously I showed you how other futuristic cities can affect your city. Now it’s time to build a futuristic city by myself!  😀

After you successfully registered SimCity Cities of Tomorrow on Origin, this Expansion Pack will activate by itself and it won’t require any further installation.

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I loaded my old region and I was immediately greeted with helpful tips for Cities of Tomorrow. They will only appear once every time you load a server for the first time.

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I wanted to start from scrath, so I made a new region.

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I started playing in 2 towns. 1 was for OmegaCo production and the other one was all about High Wealth and Tourism.

I started badly in my OmegaCo city. I already managed to get my profits in minus. The only reason I selected this City area is because it’s full of Ore and Oil. In order to produce OmegaCo, you need those 2 resources. You can import them, but it pays off better if you extract them by yourself. It was time to build a new city in order to help out this one.

OmegaCo helps your Residental,(MegaTowers too) Commercial and Industrial Zones to boost up their profit. No one knows what does OmegaCo look like, but it does help you make a lot of money.

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I zoned some Commercial and Residental Zones in my new Town.

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After some time, my Town grew.

It was time for me to plop The Academy.

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With The Academy, you can research Futuristic Buildings so that, after you finish the research, they get unlocked.

Those buildings also provide ControlNet, which is needed for buildings that are researched by The Academy.

1 Sim can help to provide 50 ControlNet. There are maximum 350 Sims who can work in The Academy: 50 Low Wealth, 100 Medium Wealth and 200 High Wealth.

Upgrading The Academy will boost up ControlNet productivity. There are 3 Upgrades available. Each Upgrade brings 25% more ControlNet.

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After finishing the Maglev Research, I’m able to build Maglev Stations and rails.

Each Maglev Station requires 50 ControlNet.

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That will surely help my Sims transport throughout the town.

Still, I needed more Sims in my City. The best way to get a huge number of Sims in 1 small area is to build a MegaTower.

MegaTowers are leveled buildings that can be stacked one by one. Each MegaTower can have 8 levels + a Crown.

You can build maximum 8 MegaTowers in 1 City.

This is the Elite MegaTower. You can only place Medium and High Wealth levels in there.

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I needed more tourists, so I plopped the Launch Arcology. The Launch Arcology comes with the Limited Edition of Cities of Tomorrow.

It launches 10,000 Sims into Space. Most of them are tourists, but some of them are also Prisoners and Homeless Sims.

Tourists will pay you to go to space, which is a great way to earn money.

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You can launch the Arcology after more than 5,000 are prepared for the launch, but I’ll till the Launch Arcology is full.  🙂

All 10,000 Sims were ready to go to space! It was time to push the big, red, ”Launch Now” button! After pushing that button, you will initiate the 1 hour countdown.

Farewell dear tourists and thank you for giving me so much money!  :laugh:

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Oh noes, looks like they were captured by hostile Aliens! Oh well, it’s not my fault.  :smug:

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Luckily, that won’t stop me from plopping another Launch Arcology. This time, it only costs 200,000 Simoleons!

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I plopped a lot of MegaTowers in my region, and thanks to the finished Academy Research, I can now build Skybridges between them.

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I reached the max by building all 8 MegaTowers. All of them have crowns. Most of them are Advertising Crowns that boost profit to Office and Mall Levels. The more Crowns you have, the bigger bonus boost you get. For each crown in the region you get 20% boost. You can only boost 1 crown to 100%.


Ooops, I totally forgot about my first City!

I sent all money I earned from MegaTowers to invest in OmegaCo production. Sadly, that didn’t work out well since there were a lot of Low Wealth Sims, causing a huge traffic jam. That gave me a huge minus in profits, so I decided to build some regular MegaTowers.

Regular MegaTowers are for Low-Medium Wealth Sims only. They can accomodate a lot of Sims.

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I don’t like my Low-Wealth city so much. First of all, I don’t earn enough money. Then there’s a huge traffic jam causing all Sims to stop.  🙁

I advise you to play it safe and build Elite MegaTowers. They can bring you up to 40K Simoleons per Hour + Sims are much happier when they are surrounded by High-Wealth Buildings.

The good:

This Expansion Pack is full of new ways to expand your city and earn quick money. There are a lot of cool new features that make the base game much more enjoyable and playable. From new Transportation system to new ways to produce Energy, this Expansion Pack helps your Sims of today prepare for better tomorrow.

Money income from MegaTowers is very stabile, but you need to have a good strategy of leveling your MegaTower in order to get your MegaTower profits even bigger.

I really love futurized SimCity tunes included in this Expansion Pack!


This Expansion Pack doesn’t include flying cars!  :-(( (joking) Still, OmegaCo causes a huge complication in your City, which is why I’m not a fan of this feature.



SimCity Cities of Tomorrow is a great way to introduce new players to the SimCity franchise.

Thanks for reading my review!

If you like this Expansion Pack, why not PURCHASE IT?

For the end of this review, please enjoy some of Cities of Tomorrow screens that didn’t make the cut.

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About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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11 years ago

Another fake review alert.

You did not mention any of the bugs and I doubt you played the game at all really.

I would say you are a EA employee after having read the EA forums from what real people would rate this game at.

11 years ago

What about confirmed bugs – maglevs and megatowers plus tons unconfirmed ones…

You mention omega but for me and most of other gamera works justi fine. But these megatowers…

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