The Sims 3 The Sims 4

SimGuruRyan is leaving The Sims Studio



Ryan Vaughan – Lead & Marketing Producer of The Sims 4 (and previous Sims games) has decided to leave The Sims Studio.

I wanted to share some news with you. After 8 amazing years, from The Sims 2 Castaway all the way through The Sims 4 Get To Work, the time has come for me to leave The Sims Studio. This has been a deeply personal and challenging decision for me, but it’s one that I believe is the best for the future of my family. The commute between home and the studio is crazy long. When you are a young single game developer it’s something you can cope with, but when you have a young family, that 3 hour commute becomes pretty arduous, no matter how much you enjoy your work.

Make no mistake, my love for this game, the people that make it, and you guys – the people that play it with such passion! – is unwavering. Deciding to leave has been one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make.

The memories that I’ve made over the last 8 years working in The Sims Studio are ones that I will cherish for the rest of my life, and I wanted to share just a few of my favorite with you!

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We wish him all the best in the future!

About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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Tena Hankins
Tena Hankins
9 years ago

I understand why your doing it but I’m so sad we are going to miss you so much

9 years ago

Ahhhhhwwwww Ryan… I concider this actually on one side sad news. I enjoyed to see you speak about the sims in the video’s on various Game Meetings. However, the decition is understandable. I do have a feeling however that we will hear from you again one day. And I KNOW that the community of sims players will not forget you. Your personallity is linked with the sims forever 🙂 All the good to you and maybe until we hear from you again. Have a good one!!!

Best wishes from SimGandr (A dutch sims player… Yeah even here we have seen and heard of you 🙂 )

Rhonda Carroll
Rhonda Carroll
9 years ago

You will be dearly missed! Wish you all the best!

Kardam Hristov
Kardam Hristov
8 years ago

The best price at all!
The Sims 4 – PC/Mac $29.99