Paranormal Stuff

The Sims 4 Paranormal Stuff: SimGuru Q&A


The announcement of The Sims 4 Paranormal Stuff Pack revealed a lot, but also brought in plenty of questions revolving what this pack has to offer.

Several SimGurus have already started answering some of the players’ questions over on Twitter. I’ve compiled all of the information that’s been revealed by the SimGurus so far and will be updating this post as new tweets surface so make sure you bookmark this article!

About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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4 years ago

I think the team has gotten better (or maybe also a bigger set of resources than in earlier years) with their stuff packs. I’m pleasantly surprised that the new career is active as well. I wonder if you can make money with the seance but it will likely be modded if not.

4 years ago

i agree the team has finally stepped up to the plate, and smashed the ball to pieces as it flies out of the park!(if i liked baseball lol) the only thing i would like to request for a future update or pack, is recliners..i want to be able to recline and watch tv, or take a nap, or place a foot stool in front of a comfy chair and read a book. <3 maybe some oversized lazy boy furniture..

Daniel McNotMyRealName
Daniel McNotMyRealName
4 years ago

Sigh, it bugs me how they only ever answer low-ball questions.
No word on if Bonehilda comes with her coffin or if she’s summoned by the seance table, nothing about if Bonehilda scares the maid into quitting

4 years ago

Likely kept that for the livestream or for players to play to find out.

4 years ago

Likely kept that for the livestream or for players to play to find out.

4 years ago

some things are better off a surprise.