The Sims 4 Guides The Sims 4 Kits

COMMUNITY POLL: Thoughts on The Sims 4’s Latest Kits


Tell us what you think of the latest Little Campers and Moonlight Chic Kits in our latest Community Poll!

The Sims Team has dropped two new kits simultaneously today; Little Campers and Moonlight Chic! Little Campers is a Build/Buy kit focusing on the imagination of a childhood camping trip in the backyard. Moonlight Chic is a CAS kit of French-inspired designs for the nightlife of Paris.

We’ve already written up handy overviews for the latest Kits. If you haven’t gotten a chance to play with the Kits you can check out our The Sims 4 Kits Articles for coverage and information!

We always love hearing your thoughts on new content so we’ve got a poll for you about the new kits! Let us know what you like and don’t like about the new Little Campers and Moonlight Chic kits below! We can’t wait to hear from you!

This is a community-run poll and is not endorsed by or affiliated with EA or Maxis in any way. It’s just for fun!

Have you purchased Little Campers or Moonlight Chic?

Which kit is your personal favourite out of the two?

Do you like the overall theme of Little Campers?

Do you like the overall theme of Moonlight Chic?

Do you think Little Campers comes with a good amount of new objects for a kit?

Do you think Moonlight Chic comes with a good amount of CAS pieces for a kit?

Are you satisfied with the quality and variety of the items in Little Campers?

Are you satisfied with the quality and variety of the items in Moonlight Chic?

How often do you see yourself using the Little Campers kit in your gameplay?

How often do you see yourself using the Moonlight Chic kit in your gameplay?

About the author


A cranky old lady who prefers the company of cats and Sims over people. Occasionally peeks out from her lair long enough to chuck Sims articles at innocent bystanders.

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Shakaib Iftikhar
Shakaib Iftikhar
2 years ago

EA is such a cash grabbing company, they have released two kits with price tag of almost 10 dollars (together) meanwhile the price of stuff pack is 9.99 with much more content.

When will you stop making people fool EA?

Shakaib Iftikhar
Shakaib Iftikhar
2 years ago

EA is such a cash grabbing company, they have released two kits with price tag of almost 10 dollars (together) meanwhile the price of stuff pack is 9.99 with much more content.

When will you stop making people fool EA?

Shakaib Iftikhar
Shakaib Iftikhar
2 years ago

What should be the real price of DLC.

Expansion pack: 20.99
Game pack: 10.99
Stuff Pack: 5.99
Kits: 2.99

Anything above this is unjustifiable for the amount and depth of content they put in DLCs.

2 years ago

And here we see plainly how EA is getting away with this… “Are you satisfied with the quality and variety of the items in Little Campers? ” at the time of writing this 58% voted yes… Too many people are all too happy to pay the overinflated price for what amounts to a equivalent microtransaction for a skin in any other cash grab money milking battle royale game…

Lucas Hearsay
Lucas Hearsay
2 years ago
Reply to  Unholy_Lillith

You have some great points there! I absolutely like the battle royale game reference! It rteads like what I read on Tweakers (Dutch site for tech news and such!)

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