You may have heard of The Legacy Challenge, a self-imposed set of rules and goals that challenges you to approach The Sims from a very different play style. You start the game with a single young adult Sim, move them into a gigantic and completely empty lot and strip them of most of their starting funds. Beginning life penniless, homeless, jobless and without any family, your starting Sim or “founder,” starts the process of building a family that will go on for 10 full generations!
The Legacy Challenge has been around since the days of The Sims 2. What inspired me to create the Legacy Challenge is threefold. Of all the pre-seeded families provided in the original version of The Sims 2, the one family I LOVED playing the most is one that gets very little attention: The Brokes. Brandi Broke starts out as a single mother with two children and begins the game pregnant! Pretty soon Brandi will have three kids, very little money and a very difficult teenage son. This was an extremely difficult start compared to other families but for me it was the most interesting and satisfying. I learned from the Brokes that a family in poverty with resources stretched thin is actually MORE interesting to play.
When I started The Legacy Challenge, I was playing on my own. I had no formal rules, but started discovering little challenges that made things interesting. On a whim, I decided to write all the rules down and publish them on The Sims 2 forums. I had NO idea this would explode in popularity the way that it did.