Welcome back to another week of The Sims Video Spotlight! I hope you enjoy the videos featured, we have a few builds, Create A Sim videos and a Let’s Play.
The Sims 4: Build | Newcrest Condo
By Simified
First up is a beautiful modern condo created for the world of Newcrest. This house is gorgeous, inside and out. Simified such a talented creator and keeps his builds very play-friendly, which great thing in my eyes – this is definitely worth watching!
The Sims 4: Speed Build | Japanese House
By DutchSims4Master
This series, Around the World, is possibly my favourite build series’ yet. It’s so creative and each house is different, this Japanese style house is wonderful and gives me so much hope for a pack in the future similar to World Adventures. DutchSims4Master is just that – a master, at building beautiful houses for our sims to enjoy. It’s very inspiring to watch and makes me want to build outside the box!
The Sims 4: House Renovation Collab w/CharXP
By MaiSims
For the final build themed video we have a renovation collaboration. In this part, MaiSims redecorates the living/entry room of an existing house. I love the idea of this, and it’s interesting to watch rooms transform and how much difference it can make to a house without changing its shape.
The Sims 4: Create A Sim | Spooky Ghost
By GamingMermaid
Now as it is, after all getting closer to Halloween, I spotted this spooky looking sim and just had to watch her being made. There is a lot of custom content used in the creation of this beautifully creepy ghost, so much that I wish she had listed the links but it is still a great video and fun for the month of October.
If Disney Characters Had Children in The Sims 4: Jane and Tarzan
By Sims Wishes
I have seen this tag floating around for a while now and I really adore it. It’s fun and different, with a little nostalgia thrown in. Here are the details she lists in her description box:
In this series, I will be generating the offspring of two Disney Characters in The Sims 4 Create A Sim, to see what they would look like. The results are quite interesting!
I generate two males and two females. Every fifth sim generated using genetics in Create A Sim, will be chosen as the Disney couple’s offspring.
In this episode, I am generating the children of Tarzan and Jane – who I downloaded off The Sims 4 Gallery from user ‘paunda96’.
Let’s Play | The Sims 3: Generations and Pets
By StellaSims101
Finally we finish this weeks spotlight with a Sims 3 Let’s Play, based around Generations and Pets. These two expansions are many peoples favourites, especially Generations, so I think this is a great series to watch if you’re missing these features. I think StellaSims101 did a great job with this Let’s Play so far, and I’m definitely going to keep up with it!
That is all for this week, as always I hope you found something you enjoy watching and feel free to mention any that you have been liking too!