The Gallery The Sims 4 Guides

The Sims 4: How to get seen on The Gallery (PART 2)


How to get seen on The Gallery in 3 easy steps!
Part 2

I decided to make a second article on How to get seen on The Gallery in 3 easy steps, since so many of you liked it, and my latest poll showed that people want me to write about tips and tricks!
Let’s start!

Having a sim consultant!


This is Marissa, she’s my consultant, which is very handy to have when building. I try as best as I can to use her to play-test all of my creations, to see that everything works and that everything is accessible seeing as I am a frequent user of the Move Objects cheat. But, there’s other things she can do to help me get my Gallery images prettier, since I can’t pick the picture myself!
Neither can you! -So get yourself a consultant, and have him/her with you on the lot when you build!

Time of day

I bring Marissa with me on the lot, and I start building. When I’m done, I need her expertise, so I go to Live mode and speed up the time. I wait, and I wait, and then I wait some more. Frequently looking at the sky. PAUSE! The light is perfect! Time to upload.

Here’s why: You have four options when uploading from build mode, morning, afternoon, evening and night. They are all preset times, and will only give you four different images. But, if you have a sim on the lot and freeze time when you think the light and background looks perfect you can upload it as is! Simply press PAUSE when you’re happy, go to BUILD MODE and click the SAVE LOT button. It will take a screenshot exactly like you paused it!


Color of the light

Oh consultant, you’re so handy to have! When building community lots, special rooms, themed houses, etc, it tends to look a lot cooler if you get to play with colors! -And what better way to create a drastic effect with the color of the light? (Remember, if you have your consultant with you on a community lot, you have to set it to Residential. Remember to change it back before uploading!)

Example on community lot:


Example on residential lot:



Lights, lights, lights! I might seem overly interested in lights, but it matters a lot! Like I said in my previous article; The human eye LOVES contrast, and the eyes will instantly go to something with lots of depth and contrast! -Nothing helps you better out than light, the way you place it, and how much of it there is!

If your building when completed, still looks a bit dull. Adding extra light can help a lot. But, it’s not always that pretty when the entire building is covered in lamps…

What to do? -My best advice, and probably my favorite feature of the game is: Lights inside lights! You will have to use the Move Objects cheat, and then you simply double click (or maybe triple click if you dare) to place a light inside a light, and thereby not having to have a house that’s more lamps than walls!


I hope these tips will help you get more downloads, and if you want some input or help with your creations feel free to share at:

Crude’s Critique & Compliments

Happy building!

About the author


A Sims 4 builder, who's main focus is to upload houses and nightclubs to the gallery for others to enjoy. I love focusing on landscaping and exterior, but also decorating houses in themes. I make room-series and house-series, and when I have the time I make houses on request!

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Rogue Hippie
Rogue Hippie
7 years ago

Honestly, This was super helpful! I love the tips about lighting! Definitely going to have to take that into account next time I upload a build!

Kelly Myers
Kelly Myers
5 years ago

I love creating Sims/Sim Families – I have built 5 houses (all tested and played).
I am having trouble getting friends/follower and it seems like so many people are downloading to the Gallery ALL the time that it does not “stay” on the new scroll in the gallery for long enough for people to see my creations. I have been on Origin with Sims 4 for over a year and I only have 11 followers. I am pretty sure that those 11 people get notification of my DL if they see them in their new scroll. I have added my Origin ID: (KellyInMN) to the list on origin and in the “Sims 4 Community” Facebook Group (which is SUPER fun by the way!) but it did not seem to get many more followers from that.
1) Is there another way to get more followers?
2) Is there a better “time of day” to DL it to the Gallery?
3) I would love some feedback to my downloads for tips to make my DL’s more appealing!!
If you would please check out my profile, look at my creations and post some feedback, I would appreciate that (If you like what you see maybe you could “follow” me while your there!!