I’m starting 2016 with a new (and improved)series of articles! With some help from Tatiana, I’ll be showcasing you each week some of the best mods created by talented simmers. The mod spotlights we had before were scattered all over so I thought it’s time to do some re-inventing!
Before I continue, please note the following:
- EA does not pre-screen Custom Content /Mods and players should always exercise caution when adding Custom Content to their game files.
- Make sure your mods are up to date. For a full list of broken and fixed mods CLICK HERE!
- After each The Sims 4 Update your game will automatically disable Mods and Custom Content. You can re-enable them by going to Game Options > Other > Enable Custom Content and Mods.
Spicy Food Fix
The latest Sims 4 Update brought some unwanted reactions. This mod fixes the issue where Sims would react to any type of food (even cereal) like it’s spicy. Please note that this Mod is only temporary and will have to be removed next month when The Sims Team releases an official fix for this issue.
ATM Cards for Sale 2.0
This mod lets you take Bank loans and buy all sorts of credit cards that you can sell later! It’s absolutely perfect for simmers who like storytelling.
Thinner Cell Phones (+ 8 Recolors)
This mod will make your cell phones look less chunky and more colorful with 8 phone recolors. Please note that you can only use one phone recolor in the game.
UFO Investigator Aspiration
4 milestones, a rewards trait and a new interaction; this Mod is the perfect way of completing the Alien aspect that The Sims 4 Get to Work brought.
Category Fix for GTW Objects
Oops – looks like EA forgot to include 2 objects in Build Mode for residental lots. This Mod will add The Galvanized Industrial Wall Pipe and The Still Ambiguous Lab Case into your build catalog.
15 Hour Active Career Day with better Wages
This mod lets your Sim stay 15 hours at work with double the wages!
Simstopics Free Club Perks
Make an ultimate Club in Get Together by getting all the Club Perks for free!
Eligible Sims Always Show Up (Get Together)
No matter if your Sims are at school or at work – you’ll be able to add any eligible Sim to your club!
Janitors on Community Lots
This Mod will spawn a janitor NPC on Community Lots which will repair objects and clean up messy stuff on the lot.
No More Ingridients
This is a mod that removes the required ingredients from anything you wish to cook, bake, grill, roast, brew and so on.
Custom Traits
- Quirky Trait – Quirky Sims are often playful and love to mess around and act funny.
- Determinator Trait – Determinators are hard working, perfectionistic, goal-oriented Sims.
- Tech Genius Trait – Tech Geniuses love to use computers and technology.
- Goth Trait – Goths love everything dark. They are Sad by default and tend towards being a Loner.
Have a Mod suggestion? Post it here!
TY for the useful information! I wouldnt have gotten this myself!
I have desired to write something like this on my webpage and this has given me a concept. Cheers.
This article has geniunely proven to be an eye opener. This field is generally full of such a large quantity of junk, but youve written a real treat amongst the dross. Thanks.