The Sims Team has already acknowledged a few issues and bugs that came with the latest patch for The Sims 4. If you’re experiencing any of the issues listed below then don’t worry – we should be expecting a new update for the game soon to fix these issues.
A few issues we’re aware of, that I’ve been getting lots of reports on:
Skill cheats aren’t working
Watering plants loops infinitely if your Gardening skill is level 1
Grass is greener, dirt is browner than usual
Fireplaces won’t light
Roof texture is on the eaves— SimGuruNick (@SimGuruNick) June 19, 2018
A few more we're aware of:
Plants duplicating beside each other
Lag when placing floor/wall coverings
Festival plants no longer harvestable
Unable to hire gardener
Rare seed packet grants magic beans
Invisible laundry on the clothesline
Many, many, many cheats don't function— SimGuruNick (@SimGuruNick) June 20, 2018
If there are any more issues that you’re experiencing then feel free to let SimGuruNick know as The Sims Team hunts down all the bugs. Please make sure that any of the issues that you may be experiencing are NOT caused by Mods / CC that you might have installed.
Please be sure to tag me on any additional issues, so I can ensure we’re tracking it! If I don’t reply to you don’t hesitate to tweet me again! I might have missed your report, the Twitter Notifications are coming in hot right now 🙂
— SimGuruNick (@SimGuruNick) June 19, 2018
Not sure if I’m the only one experiencing this problem with Sims 4 Vampires, so here goes:
I’ve gotten my vampire to be a grand master. Now after the top vampire rank is maxed, according to my research, I’m apparently still supposed to still be able to gain experience points, 2 points for each full bar, to be exact.
The issue I’m having is that the bar is full, but it won’t then empty or give me the 2 new points. I’m stuck at the same 1 point I had left over when I began to fill the bar, and now that the bar is full, it’s staying full, and not doing anything. Yet, I do still see the plus bat sign above my sim’s head when she does something that should be filling the bar, or causing it to empty and give her 2 more points for a total of three. I’ve tried:
Reloading the game
Evicting my sim and then moving her back in
Neither of these two things have worked.
This is very frustrating, as I’m trying to get enough points to get all the vampire strengths, and according to what I’ve read about it, I should be able to. I’m wondering if somebody from EA, or whoever deals with fixing bugs, could fix this for me, or tell me how I can fix it. I do have mods, but they have never created an issue before. I’ve always used them, and they’ve never screwed with my game. This issue has happened quite randomly, so I doubt my mods are the culprit. However, my game has done one of it’s automatic updates lately, so I wonder if that could be the cause.
Emily Cooper
Same thing here and it happened when the Get Famous patch loaded and now a game that worked is broke thanks EA
İ think everybody who play this game knows perfectly english 🙂 I lived so many years in usa and even there people can’t spell the words properly. haters will always hate 🙂
Does anyone have issues with snow texture? It isn’t glittery anymore and My details are on max
I’ve also noticed that many sims keep their headgear/ masks on after costume events like Comic Fest or whatever its called, and Halloween events. At the Spice festival I had 3 Darth Mals Running around in Spice T-shirts and jeans and Mr LandGrab had on his Astronaut Helmet from the Halloween part I threw a sim week earlier. There are soooooo many funky bugs in this update/ game pack. Loving Seasons though.