The Sims Team just keeps them coming!
This time around Origin has listed the 18th Stuff Pack for The Sims 4, which by the look of how it leaked, was a complete accident on their end. The leak didn’t reveal anything related to what the theme of this Stuff Pack could be as it was titled under the “SP18 PH Display Name” which is just a placeholder.
The leak was reported by many Simmers in the community saying they’ve found the SP18 listed under the Stuff Packs category in The Sims 4 Game Library. This listing was only public for a couple of hours until it got removed by Origin.
You can check out the screencap of this listing down below, provided by @TheKixg:
What do you think the next Stuff Pack is all about? Let us know in the comments!
Please be Happy Haunts please be Happy Haunts please be Happy Haunts
I would love happy haunts and I totally agree with your name!
What’s that?
I’d prefer Happy Haunts as a Game Pack tbh
With just one of the features? I highly doubt the community would be satisfied given what was listed as part of the poll for HH. Personally I felt that would do better as a game pack.
By one of the features I mean that only one of the features listed would make it into the stuff pack. Not everything listed as way too many people thought was going to happen. Stuff packs have less resources given to them compared to a game pack and definitely an expansion. So hopefully it comes as a GP because I’m just not in any mood to hear the whining if it comes as a SP with limited features because of the obvious SP budget.
Honestly, I’ve enjoyed it more than I expected, but I would have preferred something supernatural, like Happy Haunts! I hope to see it soon!!
The Sims 4: My First Jedi Stuff! xD
Please god no!!!
Can’t believe that I bought my first pet for 15 AUD
no the star wars themed game pack is bad enough without a stuff pack as well
It’s just ridiculous! Strangerville was crap enough and now star wars… Sims 4 is becoming the worst game! Totally ruined… Could they not just build on the success of sims 3! Could have just added more to an already successful game. What about bunk beds, spiral stairs, resorts and better hair!
Sims 4 my first space stuff. Were getting a tribble in a cage.
You know that they are born pregnant right? That will not stay “a tribble” for long……. 😛
Farming pack! Or add bunny’s to the game.
A farming gp would be awesome. They could do a whole farming town with large ranch and smaller farms, country fresh produce market and maybe horses!
prediction 1: nostalgia stuff pack, with iconic items from previous sims games
prediction 2: baby stuff pack, accompanying a baby patch
This 2 predictions sound actually good ! 😀
Baby pack probably would do okay similar to a toddler stuff pack. They’ve already began to slowly overhaul babies. Broke custom baby skins and outfits with the recent stuff pack.
No more, please!
I want my custom baby skins back ):
Sims 4 Stuff Pack: Melanin is Magic
Imagine a stuff pack for all the skin tones and hair styles we’ve been demanding- and then we only 3 of each and have to pay money for them. EA would never- until they do.
Would be awesome and maybe some meshes for the clothing as well as in sims 3. Everyone could wear the same dress without looking the same as colour meshes would make huge difference.
I live sonetjing that deals with disabilities
We don’t want Star Wars!!! I like the 1. & 2. options Dale C posted below!!!
Well, I do not know… could be everything. But we are talking a stuff pack so… it is not something majorly game-changing but more game adding I would guess. Star Wars is okay… but… in all honesty, everyone is already doing Star Wars… Why not another Sci Fi movietheme if you want to do that… Why not… the competition Star Trek? I would have loved me a Star Trek game theme… really. Sadly… that was not to be of course. So back to the stuff pack… Might be more yarn to knit? Oeh… maybe… we learn to crochet!!! LOL Or maybe… we could just wait in patience and see what they have come up with 🙂 It does not matter, I love the sims anyway.
They need to make a real adult mod for the sims 4
Didn’t we just get one….? I think it’s time for another full expansion… One with farming or artisan crafting… Or future stuff or horses… Or gambling and pool tables…
So many possibilities with farming, cattle, sheep, chickens, riding horses, would tie in nicely with vet… Vet could get called out for all sorts of farm emergencies like difficulty birthing or broken legs etc…
baby stuff pack we gonna get 4 bassinets with 20 swatches, no babies tho.
All sim 4 is a complete letdown and after you buy almost all packs tje game gets even worse
How about a decent holiday destination pack with resorts, hotels, villas and a few mansions for the wealthy. Property that we can actually buy and rent out!
Please be Happy Haunts please be Happy Haunts please be Happy Haunts
I’d prefer Happy Haunts as a Game Pack tbh
Honestly, I’ve enjoyed it more than I expected, but I would have preferred something supernatural, like Happy Haunts! I hope to see it soon!!
With just one of the features? I highly doubt the community would be satisfied given what was listed as part of the poll for HH. Personally I felt that would do better as a game pack.
By one of the features I mean that only one of the features listed would make it into the stuff pack. Not everything listed as way too many people thought was going to happen. Stuff packs have less resources given to them compared to a game pack and definitely an expansion. So hopefully it comes as a GP because I’m just not in any mood to hear the whining if it comes as a SP with limited features because of the obvious SP budget.
I would love happy haunts and I totally agree with your name!
What’s that?
Farming pack! Or add bunny’s to the game.
A farming gp would be awesome. They could do a whole farming town with large ranch and smaller farms, country fresh produce market and maybe horses!
The Sims 4: My First Jedi Stuff! xD
Can’t believe that I bought my first pet for 15 AUD
no the star wars themed game pack is bad enough without a stuff pack as well
It’s just ridiculous! Strangerville was crap enough and now star wars… Sims 4 is becoming the worst game! Totally ruined… Could they not just build on the success of sims 3! Could have just added more to an already successful game. What about bunk beds, spiral stairs, resorts and better hair!
Please god no!!!
Sims 4 my first space stuff. Were getting a tribble in a cage.
You know that they are born pregnant right? That will not stay “a tribble” for long……. 😛
prediction 1: nostalgia stuff pack, with iconic items from previous sims games
prediction 2: baby stuff pack, accompanying a baby patch
Baby pack probably would do okay similar to a toddler stuff pack. They’ve already began to slowly overhaul babies. Broke custom baby skins and outfits with the recent stuff pack.
This 2 predictions sound actually good ! 😀
No more, please!
Sims 4 Stuff Pack: Melanin is Magic
Imagine a stuff pack for all the skin tones and hair styles we’ve been demanding- and then we only 3 of each and have to pay money for them. EA would never- until they do.
Would be awesome and maybe some meshes for the clothing as well as in sims 3. Everyone could wear the same dress without looking the same as colour meshes would make huge difference.
I want my custom baby skins back ):
They need to make a real adult mod for the sims 4
Well, I do not know… could be everything. But we are talking a stuff pack so… it is not something majorly game-changing but more game adding I would guess. Star Wars is okay… but… in all honesty, everyone is already doing Star Wars… Why not another Sci Fi movietheme if you want to do that… Why not… the competition Star Trek? I would have loved me a Star Trek game theme… really. Sadly… that was not to be of course. So back to the stuff pack… Might be more yarn to knit? Oeh… maybe… we learn to crochet!!! LOL Or maybe… we could just wait in patience and see what they have come up with 🙂 It does not matter, I love the sims anyway.
We don’t want Star Wars!!! I like the 1. & 2. options Dale C posted below!!!
I live sonetjing that deals with disabilities
Didn’t we just get one….? I think it’s time for another full expansion… One with farming or artisan crafting… Or future stuff or horses… Or gambling and pool tables…
So many possibilities with farming, cattle, sheep, chickens, riding horses, would tie in nicely with vet… Vet could get called out for all sorts of farm emergencies like difficulty birthing or broken legs etc…
baby stuff pack we gonna get 4 bassinets with 20 swatches, no babies tho.
All sim 4 is a complete letdown and after you buy almost all packs tje game gets even worse
How about a decent holiday destination pack with resorts, hotels, villas and a few mansions for the wealthy. Property that we can actually buy and rent out!