Content updates for The Sims 4 are always sizeable when a new Expansion Pack is just around the corner. With The Sims 4 Snowy Escape Expansion Pack coming out on November 13th we can expect some cool new features added to the game.
Here are all the confirmed (and rumored) features and changes coming to The Sims 4 Base Game early in November!
Skin Tone Fixes
the issue with Skin Tones should’ve been solved this month. However, The Sims Team came across some issues when applying the Skin Tone Fixes and how the tones appear in the game. One of the biggest issues currently are the blotchy appearances of the tones around certain parts of a Sim’s face.
SimGuruDuke addressed this saying that they’ve already made some great improvements and that we can expect the issues to be resolved in November’s update.
Not to be mistaken with a whole differen Skin Tones update coming in December, which is adding 100+ new Skin Tones + Skin Tone & Makeup Sliders!
Customizable Platforms
Something exciting for the builders!
The Sims Team confirmed in a Snowy Escape Blog Post that a customizable platforms tool will be coming to the game. Although they didn’t confirm it’s coming in a Base Game update, it’s safe to say that a building tool like this *has* to be added for free through a content update.
As you can see in the screenshot below, it appears that customizable platforms can also be stacked one on top of another.
This feature is just perfect for creating rooms that need some elevating!
Lifestyles & Sentiments?
This is more of a rumor considering that it’s been announced exclusively through Snowy Escape. However, the introduction of Lifestyles and Sentiments in the game seem to be a game changing, essential experience, so it wouldn’t be a surprise if such features make it into the base game.
The Sims 4 Snowy Escape also introduces Lifestyles and Sentiments features, adding more depth to Sims’ personalities and relationships. For the first time, up to 16 Lifestyles will manifest in response to a Sim’s actions and habits, changing their behaviors significantly more than Create a Sim traits as they reflect a Sim’s lived experiences. Sentiments represent how two Sims can feel differently about the outcome of a shared experience and have a lasting impact on Sims’ relationships to each other, affecting their social interactions.
Lifestyles manifest in response to your Sim’s actions and habits, changing their behaviors appropriately. Shared experiences inspire Sentiments and have a lasting impact on Sims’ relationships to each other, affecting their social interactions.
These are all the features that have been confirmed so far. Keep checking on this post and our website in general for more information about The Sims 4’s upcoming update!
sorry but all build mode stuff should be base game, it’s been told long time ago all building related stuff will be always base game
If Lifestyle and Sentiments aren’t included in the free update I’ll give up on Sims for good.
then youre gonna have a bad time
Bad time? Nope. Just enjoy The Sims 4 packs I already own, play the other games, and wait for Paralives.
Paralives is very likely gonna disappoint many that have decided to hype it up solely cause they want a sims 2 in current dev time
How can you be so sure? And who are “they” you refer to?
We’ve seen very little gameplay and from what I’ve seen, the majority of people hyped for paralives are more hate hyping it and expecting it to just be like sims 2 but made by a non ea controlled team. I have no reason not to be extremely cautious on hype for it as there are thousands of indie games that don’t release or release and disappoint the fanbase
Which they should just play sims 2 (my favorite of the franchise) instead of hyping up a game they haven’t played and pressuring devs to create a game like the sims but have no extra income from DLCs since from what I heard originally it would be a one time cost.
From my understanding, its more a case of ensuring that the dlc is on the low. Its also a case of people wanting a sims 2 like game with more modern graphics and modern UI. My honest hope is that if they do occult gameplay its actually done better than in sims 2(which in my case is the only reason it’ll never be my favourite of the franchise as they did witches & vampires dirty here, but mostly witches & wizards).
Just like Parenthood values made it into basegame, right? Heavens forbid they make you pay for features made for packs.
It (Lifestyle and Sentiments) likely will be but more detailed if you get the pack. Similar to lot traits and city living which would be fair. This was likely the way they got EA to allow this sort of addition/revamp since EA isn’t interested in revamping packs or some basegame gameplay if it doesn’t add gameplay to it/interest in potential new players.
It (Lifestyle and Sentiments) likely will be but more detailed if you get the pack. Similar to lot traits and city living which would be fair. This was likely the way they got EA to allow this sort of addition/revamp since EA isn’t interested in revamping packs or some basegame gameplay if it doesn’t add gameplay to it/interest in potential new players.
It (Lifestyle and Sentiments) likely will be but more detailed if you get the pack. Similar to lot traits and city living which would be fair. This was likely the way they got EA to allow this sort of addition/revamp since EA isn’t interested in revamping packs or some basegame gameplay if it doesn’t add gameplay to it/interest in potential new players.
I agree. I believe that the new systems will be a base game update, but they will introduce certain interactions and moments for each pack that will make the memories, etc, and utilize the new systems. Snowy Pack will probably have like “first time snowboarding” or “climbed to the top” memories, or something like that.
Please we need the Sims 4 open world
Very unlikely at this point and with a engine that was originally intended for mobile (and limited like TS2 but lacks TS2 budget). I honestly think since EA wants lower end computers to run rather smoothly the best bet would be open neighborhoods. Gaming computers sometimes have difficulty running TS3 open world.
Love all of these features, but I just hope they fix the freelancer career in the next update. I’m so bummed it’s not working right now.