The Sims 4 Guides Seasons

The Sims 4: Gardening with Seasons for a Bountiful Harvest!

Sims 4 Seasons Gardening
Sims 4 gardening with Seasons

Are you new to gardening and are curious how Sims 4 gardening with Seasons shakes things up? Or a total gardening savant who wants to know how to prep their established gardeners for introducing Seasons? Here’s a guide to everything that Seasons and the big gardening update patch adds to the in-game gardening experience!

Changes to the Base Game

If you’re a gardener in the base game, there’s some big changes that have been introduced for all players in the world of plants. Most of these changes are great in that they make having a healthy profitable garden easier to obtain, so your naturalist sims can live their lives in the garden fairly comfortably as their skills grow.

Synchronized Plants

All your plants are now set to do a check for watering, weeding, spraying etc. at 5am daily. If your sim prefers to garden at night, it is less likely when 5am comes around that they will need tending to, getting more longevity out of tending to your garden. They also need much less frequent watering, leaving you with more time in the day to do other things rather than keep your plants hydrated!

Do More at Once

Some actions now have an ‘area of effect’, meaning you need to do less to get more done! For actions such as weeding and watering, sims no longer need to tend to each plant individually. This depends on the distance between plants though, refer below to a guide on how far apart to place plants or planter boxes to make your garden more efficient.


Better Evolutions

The original gardening system had 10 levels of quality – most seeds starting at 1 and through tender love and care would slowly reach level 10. With some of the new features Seasons added, it was necessary to make it easier to evolve plants to their highest quality. This means simmers working without the expansion will find it much easier to grow higher quality crops and make gardening more profitable without the new Gardening career.

Super Selling Your Harvest

Instead of harvesting each plant then selling each stack from the inventory, you can now streamline your garden by selling produce directly from the stem! By clicking the ready to harvest plant, you now have the option to sell all harvestables from that single plant, the local area of plants, or all plants on the lot. This means you can keep what you want, and quick sell the rest far easier. You can also Research your plants to find out their selling price at each level of quality.

Sims 4 gardening with Seasons

Sims 4 Gardening with Seasons

Harvest by Season

With Sims 4 gardening with Seasons, you’re going to want to be a little bit more strategic when it comes to planting your seeds! Each seed in the game has a period when it will produce harvestables, and most have a period when they are dormant – meaning they won’t produce anything during their off seasons.

For the smaller gardener, this isn’t a problem – build yourself a swanky new greenhouse using the new glass roof tool (or download one of these greenhouse inspired houses and save yourself the time!) as the seasons won’t impact plants planted indoors. However if you’re looking to really maximise your growing space, knowing which plants are harvestable during each season can help you fine tune your garden to make the most amount of profit possible. When it comes to Sims 4 gardening with Seasons, knowing the seasons is a must!

BasilSummer, Autumn
Bird of ParadiseSpring, Summer
BluebellSpring, Summer
Bonsai BudsAll Seasons
CarrotSpring, Autumn
ChrysanthemumSummer, Autumn
Cow BerryAll Seasons
Death FlowerWinter
Forbidden Fruit of the PlantSimAll Seasons
GrowfruitAll Seasons
LemonAll Seasons
MushroomSpring, Autumn
OnionAutumn, Winter
ParsleySpring, Summer
PearAutumn, Winter
RoseSpring, Autumn
SageAll Seasons
SnapdragonSpring, Autumn
Trash FruitAll Seasons
U.F.O (Unidentified Fruit Object)Autumn
WolfsbaneAll Seasons
CDCatnipAll Seasons
CDMadnipAll Seasons
CDNapnipAll Seasons
CDNuzzlenipAll Seasons
CoLCharming MushroomAll Seasons
CoLChocoberryAll Seasons
CoLLovely MushroomSpring, Autumn
CoLMysterious MushroomSpring, Summer
CoLNightly MushroomWinter
CoLSpicy MushroomWinter
CoLVerdant MushroomAll Seasons
CoLWild MushroomAll Seasons
ELSoy PlantSummer, Autumn
GTWFang FlowerSpring
GTWGlow OrbWinter
GTWQuill FruitSummer
ILCoconutSpring, Summer
ILKava RootSpring, Summer
ILPineappleSpring, Summer
ILTaro RootSpring, Summer
JAAvocadoAll Seasons
JABlackbeanSummer, Autumn
JACereberryAll Seasons
JAFlutterberryAll Seasons
JAGutsberryAll Seasons
JAMerry BerryAll Seasons
JAMuseberryAll Seasons
JARazzleberryAll Seasons
JAVimberryAll Seasons
ORElderberrySummer, Autumn
ORFalse Morel MushroomSpring, Summer
ORFireleafSpring, Summer
ORHuckleberrySummer, Autumn
ORMorel MushroomSpring, Summer
ORMuckleberrySummer, Autumn
ORNoxious ElderberrySummer, Autumn
ORPoison FireleafSpring, Summer
ORToxic ChamomileSummer
RoMMandrakeSummer, Autumn
RoMValerian RootSpring, Autumn
SBegoniaSummer, Autumn
SChristmas RoseWinter
SCrocusWinter, Spring
SGreenbeanSummer, Autumn
SGreen PeasSpring
SHollyAutumn, Winter
SMoney FruitAll Seasons
SVBizarre FruitAll Seasons
VGarlicAll Seasons
VPlasma FruitAll Seasons
VSixam Mosquito TrapAll Seasons
[CD] Cats and Dogs
[CoL] Cottage Living
[EL] Eco Lifestyle
[GTW] Get to Work
[IL] Island Living
[JA] Jungle Adventure
[OR] Outdoor Retreat
[RoM] Realm of Magic
[S] Seasons
[SV] StrangerVille
[V] Vampires

Since plants can only be harvested during their season/s, The Sims 4 gardening with Seasons makes evolving your plants a bit harder during their dormant seasons. However in the latest patch, the revamp of the evolution system means it takes less time to reach the maximum evolution, so you aren’t missing out too much on leveling your plants when they’re in their dormant state.

Oversized Crops

The Sims 4 gardening with Seasons is not the only expansion to expand gardening! The Cottage Living expansion pack adds a new type of crop to the game. They are called Oversized Crops and can only be planted in the large dirt plots that come with the expansion. All oversized crops grow in all seasons and can yield a number of small crops or one giant crop depending on how well you care for them. There are a total of 5 oversized crops:

  • Aubergine
  • Lettuce
  • Mushroom
  • Pumpkin
  • Watermelon

The produce can be used in cooking, sold for a profit, or entered into the Oversized Crops competition at the Finchwick Fair. For more detailed information on oversized crops, see our guide!


If your sims are like me, which means you’re a little bit lazier in the colder months, then I have good news for Sims 4 gardening with Seasons! If your budding gardener doesn’t feel like going out in the rain to water – they don’t have to! The rain does affect outdoor plants, giving them their daily dose of H20 (if it’s raining at the 6am plant check!). If you don’t feel like watering, but do feel like messing around with the weather machine, you can set it to rain and that will water them too.

But what about the hotter months, when it doesn’t rain? Don’t worry, you’re covered there too! The new sprinkler object can be placed near plants/planters, and will water all plants in its area of effect. The best thing about Sims 4 gardening with Seasons is, your sim doesn’t need to even get off the couch or out of bed to turn the sprinkler on. Or they can just have a good play in the water while it tends to your plants, that works too!

Watering Plants in The Sims 4

Patchy the Scarecrow

Don’t sleep on this Sims 4 gardening with Seasons addition! While there’s no birds for Patchy to really scare off, building a friendship with our favourite new living scarecrow can harvest some sweet benefits for your garden! Patchy can help tend to plants, as well as gift you new (sometimes rare!) seeds! While befriending Patchy can have other benefits, he’s definitely useful to add to your growing farm empire.

Bee Houses and Beekeeping

Another new gameplay item for Sims 4 gardening with Seasons, the bee house, can be super beneficial to gardeners trying to raise their plant quality! Having one or more bee houses near your plots has an area of effect that can increase the growing and evolution speed, as well as having bee swarms “pollinate” (increase rate of evolution) plants that aren’t as close by. The area of effect on these is large too, meaning to effect a decent garden plot you only need to care for a single bee box! But make sure to keep the bees happy, as you don’t want to get too stung caring for your garden due to unhappy bees.

Sims 4 gardening with Seasons

This master list on The Sims 4 gardening with Seasons will be especially useful if you decide to start a fun new challenge for your Seasons gameplay!

Why not try our Mineral Town Challenge, inspired by the video game, Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town!

This article was updated by SnarkyWitch!

About the author


A cranky old lady who prefers the company of cats and Sims over people. Occasionally peeks out from her lair long enough to chuck Sims articles at innocent bystanders.

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