It’s time to introduce our brand new section on our site called Under The Spotlight. Here to kick-off is a long-time Simmer and YouTuber – Cristina!
Hello Hello! I’m Cristina otherwise known as Lifesimmer. I’m your average internet addict but with a little twist. I spend my free time indulging on Youtube goodness. I make Let’s Plays and other gaming goods on my channel.
– How long have you been a Simmer?
Oh boy, let’s talk about my avid addiction. I’ve been playing The Sims for about ten years. How, my love for a simulation game began. Well, I was at my cousin’s house one day. She pulled me over to her ancient PC and showed the most glorious game. Well, at the time. The Sims Hot Date. I was so fascinated by the virtual doll house aspect of the game. It was love, at first sight. I actually loved the game right away. I would spend countless hours watching trailers completely and utterly in love. I did chores upon chores to receive my FIRST very own copy, The Sims Deluxe.
– What’s your favorite The Sims game?
This may be the hardest Sims related question I’ve had to answer. It’s so hard to choose an all time favorite. I’ll select one for each era.
The Sims: Superstar
The Sims 2: Open For Bussiness
The Sims 3: Seasons
– If you were a Sims Developer, which feature would you add in The Sims 4 and why?
There is so much to add to the game. However, The first thing that comes to mind is collections. Not, rocks and insects but little knick-nacks, DVDs, video games, etc. Possibly even, thrift stores that your sims could visit and find some hidden gems. It could easily intertwine into a Freetime-esque expansion/game pack. It’s the little things, minimal details that can enhance gameplay.
– Do you play other games beside The Sims?
Certainly, there is a couple of game series that I enjoy equally. The series other than The Sims are Nancy Drew and Kingdom Hearts.
I’ve always collected these three series and plan on purchasing each installment. However, I have acquired a massive steam collection of random PC games. I scare myself sometimes with the game I own on Steam. Tokyo School Life, shout out to you. I love gaming, in general; I’ll try anything because you never know!
Cristina’s Screenshots from The Sims 3 and The Sims 4.
– How was the LifeSimmer Channel born?
Once upon a time, there was a girl who had way too much free time. She spent a lot of her time exploring Youtube and ways to film her screen. It looks her about nine months before learning how to capture her gameplay. She finally filmed the worst possible quality video ever, but she did it! She uploaded the video to Youtube for her personal enjoyment, but shockingly people watched. She called the series, Generations.
– What made you push forward and be persistent in uploading new videos?
Enjoyment, that’s it. Yes, Folks I really do enjoy talking to myself.
Cristina’s The Sims 4 Let’s Play. Her first part reached astonishing 2,4 million views to this date (22/02/15)
Cristina’s Desk Setup. (Check out her Full Video)
– Has your Channel helped you in real life?
Definitely! I’ve learned social skills that a champ, which was extremely hard for me. Don’t get my wrong, I still have my fair share of social awkwardness; trust me. However, I feel more capable of putting myself out there and meeting others. I’ve learned SO much tech information.
I could easily tell you what components you need to enhance your computer or what microphone would do you justice. Lately, I’ve been working in Photoshop trying to learn new tricks. It’s a lot of fun; maybe I’ll learn how to transform myself into Angelina Jolie.
– What advice do you have for aspiring YouTubers?
As I always say, have fun with it.
Well, that’s it Folks! That’s all the nonsense information you get today.
You could always check my channel out for more, me? I don’t know where I was going with that. I hope you all have a Simtastic day.
Thank you Cristina for being the first Simmer under our Spotlight!
You can check out Cristina’s YouTube Channel HERE and make sure you’re following her on Twitter HERE!
Do you want to get under our Spotlight? Contact Us!
Nice idea! Actually great fun. A few little notes though… Is there any way that the “smaller” channels with lesser viewers can ever make a chance to get picked for this? And I do take it one has to have an “english” channel (as in a channel where english is the language spoken and not any other language)?
The amount of views and subscribers are not a factor that get you under our Spotlight.
Those who apply for our Community Links page get a choice of being chosen randomly to get their spotlight, and that’s the only way to do it 🙂
I think EA should add a DLC for a theme park/zoo/museums. Like maybe a field trip version or something. THAT would be awesome! Something to think about if they haven’t already
I watch LifeSimmer all the time, and I’m actually rather happy they got a spotlight feature on here.