Get To Work The Sims 4 The Sims 4 Guides

The Sims 4 Get to Work: Selfies 101

TS4 2015 04 01 22 50 41 64

The Sims Studio always gives their best to keep up with the latest World Trends, and The Sims 4 Get to Work Expansion Pack is no exception!

This Pack allows your Sims to discover the magical World of: SELFIES!

You heard that correctly; Sims can now take Selfies of themselves, others or together (2 Sims). Click on the Phone Icon on the bottom and select Entertainment > Take Selfie.

You’ll be greeted with a Photography User Interface that has tons of options.


  • Switch Orientation
  • Take Photo
  • Turn off Flash
  • Drag to rotate your Sim (1 Sim feature only)

Switch Orientation flips your Camera view to Horizontal and Vertical.

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The ”Drag to rotate” slider allows your Sim to rotate for 360°, letting you find the perfect angle.

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To move the camera left and right, click on any part of the screen once and when you’re ready to lock your camera position, click again.

You can take selfies by clicking the Camera icon or by pressing C. Once you’re done with taking selfies you can exit by clicking the X button. Sims will change their Selfie poses each time you exit and start using the Selfie feature again. There are about 4-5 different poses and a couple of changes you might notice on your Sim’s face.

On the left side of the User Interface there are 10 filters available to decorate your Selfie: Grayscale, Sepia, Oversaturate, Undersaturate, Vignette, White Vignette, Invert, Warm, Cool, Bright, Dark.

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Taking a picture of yourself isn’t that fun when there’s someone else to do it for you! To take a photo of another Sim, click on the Phone > Entertainment > Take Photo Of.. which will bring up the list of all nearby Sims. Once you select your desired Sim you’re able to take photos!

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Your Sim can also take photos with someone! Just select Phone > Entertainment > Take Photo With.. and select your desired Sim nearby.

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Just like Selfies, both Take Photo Of and Take Photo With interactions will show a different pose on your Sim(s) each time you bring up this interaction.

Your Selfies and Photos will be stored in your Sim’s inventory that you can place anywhere on the wall. The quality of your photos will vary depending on your Photography Skill.

04-01-15_11-02 PM

About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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9 years ago

I never thought I would have so much fun with photography in the sims, Kudos to Maxis, you outdid yourself with this one.

9 years ago

Great guide, but I love your Sims in this tutorial. They are adorable!

Osmone Everony
Osmone Everony
6 years ago

There is no mouse pointer control during selfie mode. So how do I access all the controls?

5 years ago

How do you access the selfies if your sims? I am trying to grab one of my sim for an online account that I just opened based on my sim.