The Sims 4’s brand new tutorial is a handy walkthrough of some of the game’s most basic and essential features that you’re going to encounter during your further playtime sessions. Beside the usual “click this” and “do that” prompts that you’re going to encounter during the tutorial there are also some permanent benefits that you’re going to get to keep after finishing the tutorial.
After selecting the “Play Tutorial” option you’ll be greeted with a specific set of Aspiration options that differ from the regular Aspirations set that you get when opening Create A Sim without the tutorial. Those include Athlete, Chef, Painter and the Trend-Setter aspirations which are exclusive to this Tutorial.
It doesn’t really matter which Aspiration you choose in Create A Sim considering that they only determine which Career will be given to you in the Live Mode Tutorial. All of these 4 Aspirations will give you the “Career-Minded” Trait, promising a slight jump in your Career Level and slight performance boosts that will make sure you earn promotions in your career much faster.
This trait is yours to keep after completing the tutorial including the Career that you’ve chosen to play with after finishing up the tutorial. However, this isn’t the only trait that you’ll get to keep after completing the brand new tutorial.
The Over-Achiever Trait is another new trait that gets introduced with the latest tutorial change, promising increased job performances and faster skill progress. It’s a Reward Trait that your Sim will get to obtain immediately after finishing up the tutorial and just like with the Career-Minded trait, it’s yours to keep forever.
We know that not everyone would want to play through the entire tutorial in order to get these traits which is why we managed to also uncover new cheats that’ll help you immediately obtain these Traits for your Sims. Simply open up the cheat console using CTRL + Shift + C and enter the following cheats for each trait accordingly:
- Over-Achiever: traits.equip_trait Over_Achiever
- Career-Minded: traits.equip_trait CareerMinded
Thanks ! Good to know
Is that why my tutorial didn’t work? I never selected an aspiration I just loaded a family from my library.
cuz you made it from lib
I played through that tutorial once and it was buggy and ridiculously restrictive. A house and 20 grand was worth it. I don’t normally modify sims traits with chats, but I will be adding these to future sims.
Oops, that should be *was not worth it*
I agree. I tried out the tutorial, just to see what it was like. It never told me to do anything. I was expecting some sort of prompts like “click on your roommate to socialize with them!” but nothing like that ever happened. I had to look at the aspiration itself to clue me in to what I was supposed to be doing next. (Which for someone who’s used to S4 wasn’t a huge deal; but the whole point of a tutorial is that the people who need it probably arent used to the game.) Then, half the time, the aspirations didn’t register as being completed as they should have — there was one where my sim was supposed to shower to get ready for work, and I swear she showered three or four times before it gave me points for having been completed. I put up with the nonsense for about fifteen minutes before I was done. None of those new traits are worth it, anyway; especially because I rarely have sims that have actual careers, and there are plenty of other traits (and other bonuses) to boost skill gaining ability.
The tutorial is honestly completely broken at this point. The final tasks to complete the tutorial aspirations always include calling work to take a day off (impossible because the phone remains disabled) and fishing for 1 hour (impossible, the fishing command remains disabled by the tutorial). This is on a fully patched but completely unmodded new game.
And those are both still problems in December. Ridiculous.
i’m having the same problem in the tutorial but on ps4. i’m new to the sims and just started playing, but i can’t finish the tutorial because it won’t let me use the phone to call out of work and i can’t use the fishing sign because it is disabled by the turorial. i have to look for a public venue still but i’m guessing that will work, i thought maybe after i found one i’d be able to call out and go fishing but from what i’ve read here it’s still glitched. can anyone help? are there any commands for ps4 to unlock the traits i’ll lose if i leave the tutorial? the tutorial also glitched for me on the open the simology tab. i opened it a million times but the message to open it stayed on screen so i kept playing for hours. then, when i saved and quit, the next time i logged in and played it read the open simology message out loud again and after i clicked it that time the tutorial progressed. any help would be greatly appreciated if anyone knows a way to complete the tutorial. i’ve already sunk a lot of hours into the game and don’t want to start over cuz i’ve increased a bunch of skills for my sim and alex. you can email me at with the subject line sims 4 if you have any advice. thank you. oh this is in february 2020 it’s still not working, i read a comment the tutorial still was bugged in dec 2019.
May 2020. And i am having issuss as well. I finally got the take.a vacation day to work. Once you open your phone you have to use L1 AND R2 to go to the briefcase to call work and take a vacation day. Now i finished all of them. My star is blinking but of course it’s disable by tutorial.. I can not get the reward trait of: Over-achiever nor can i change the aspiration.
Is that why my tutorial didn’t work? I never selected an aspiration I just loaded a family from my library.
cuz you made it from lib
I played through that tutorial once and it was buggy and ridiculously restrictive. A house and 20 grand was worth it. I don’t normally modify sims traits with chats, but I will be adding these to future sims.
Oops, that should be *was not worth it*
I agree. I tried out the tutorial, just to see what it was like. It never told me to do anything. I was expecting some sort of prompts like “click on your roommate to socialize with them!” but nothing like that ever happened. I had to look at the aspiration itself to clue me in to what I was supposed to be doing next. (Which for someone who’s used to S4 wasn’t a huge deal; but the whole point of a tutorial is that the people who need it probably arent used to the game.) Then, half the time, the aspirations didn’t register as being completed as they should have — there was one where my sim was supposed to shower to get ready for work, and I swear she showered three or four times before it gave me points for having been completed. I put up with the nonsense for about fifteen minutes before I was done. None of those new traits are worth it, anyway; especially because I rarely have sims that have actual careers, and there are plenty of other traits (and other bonuses) to boost skill gaining ability.
The tutorial is honestly completely broken at this point. The final tasks to complete the tutorial aspirations always include calling work to take a day off (impossible because the phone remains disabled) and fishing for 1 hour (impossible, the fishing command remains disabled by the tutorial). This is on a fully patched but completely unmodded new game.
And those are both still problems in December. Ridiculous.
i’m having the same problem in the tutorial but on ps4. i’m new to the sims and just started playing, but i can’t finish the tutorial because it won’t let me use the phone to call out of work and i can’t use the fishing sign because it is disabled by the turorial. i have to look for a public venue still but i’m guessing that will work, i thought maybe after i found one i’d be able to call out and go fishing but from what i’ve read here it’s still glitched. can anyone help? are there any commands for ps4 to unlock the traits i’ll lose if i leave the tutorial? the tutorial also glitched for me on the open the simology tab. i opened it a million times but the message to open it stayed on screen so i kept playing for hours. then, when i saved and quit, the next time i logged in and played it read the open simology message out loud again and after i clicked it that time the tutorial progressed. any help would be greatly appreciated if anyone knows a way to complete the tutorial. i’ve already sunk a lot of hours into the game and don’t want to start over cuz i’ve increased a bunch of skills for my sim and alex. you can email me at with the subject line sims 4 if you have any advice. thank you. oh this is in february 2020 it’s still not working, i read a comment the tutorial still was bugged in dec 2019.
May 2020. And i am having issuss as well. I finally got the take.a vacation day to work. Once you open your phone you have to use L1 AND R2 to go to the briefcase to call work and take a vacation day. Now i finished all of them. My star is blinking but of course it’s disable by tutorial.. I can not get the reward trait of: Over-achiever nor can i change the aspiration.
Thanks ! Good to know