Take control of apartment lots with these tips and tricks! If you’re looking for some Sims 4...
The Sims 4: How to Recategorize Custom Content
Recently, I went through my skin details and recategorized them so I could overlay them. I put all...
The Sims 4: How to Enable Custom Eyes for Toddlers
Hey guys, I was recently asked on my tumblr how I enabled custom eyes for toddlers. The easiest...
The Sims 4 Vampires: Setting up your Saves to Control Vampires
Hey guys! I posted this on my simblr a few days ago and wanted to share it with those who...
The Sims 4 Vampires: Regaining Control of Vampires without using...
Hey guys! I recently posted this on my simblr and thought it might be of use for those who...
The Sims 4: Toddlers & Restaurants
Hey guys! So it’s been almost a week since THE UPDATE, the one that brought us toddlers. ...
The Sims 4: Broken Mods/CC List Updated 1 – 13 – 17
Hey guys! My friend Suebarr753 has offered to maintain this list on Tumblr (click her name for the...
The Sims 4: Toddlers Update Buy/Build Items Overview
Can you believe it? Finally! Toddlers have arrived to Sims 4. I bet you’re curious to find...
The Sims 4: Check Origin Online In-Game Status
Hey guys, I don’t know when this happen or how but after the last patch, Origin is once again...
The Sims 4 December 1st Patch: Broken Clubs and Mods
Hey guys! I just wanted to give you a little heads up that today’s patch has destroyed the...
City Living: How to Fix Build Issues with 1010 Alto & 702...
Edit: Thank you @Nettlejuice for pointing out that if you can’t place an apartment from the gallery...
City Living: How to Save Apartments to the Gallery – Intact
I do not take credit for this, I saw somebody do it when I was looking at rooms on the gallery. I...
The Sims 3: Tips on how to make Island Paradise playable
Hey guys, I wanted to share what I did when I was playing Sims 3 to make Island Paradise have less...
Sims Community Social: Resources of the Week (2/7 – 2/13)
Hey guys! Every Monday, we will be sharing the resources that were submitted to the Sims Community...
The Sims 4 Mod: No auto mean/mischief (includes dollhouse...
Hey guys! How annoying is it that your Sims can’t go to Granite Falls without that annoying bear...