Take control of apartment lots with these tips and tricks!

If you’re looking for some Sims 4 remove apartment issues tips and tricks, you’ve come to the right place! The City Living expansion brought the exciting feature of apartments to The Sims 4 but placed so many unnecessary restrictions on them. We’ll show you some different ways to get around certain annoying features, like fixed lot traits, not being able to customize doors and windows, and issues with pets.
Table of Contents
Sims 4 Remove Apartment Issues
Apartments in City Living leave a lot to be desired and they only seemed to get glitchier with more packs, especially Cats & Dogs. Here are some solutions to many common problems with apartments. These Sims 4 remove apartment issues tips will have you enjoying apartments again in no time!
Change Fixed Lot Traits
Unfortunately, if you’re a console player, there is no way to get around this one. Apartments with locked traits such as “Historical” or “Needs TLC” are stuck with those traits no matter what you do. For PC players, there is a mod solution, however.
Using MC Command Center, you can delete all those items and they will stay gone. Please note that deleting them means they are gone FOREVER. So be sure to save the apartment first in case you want to get them back. You can save the apartment intact using this handy article.

First off, go and download MC Command Center. We’ve linked to this mod on CurseForge so no complicated installation required. Just download the CurseForge app and then hit the Install button on the MC Command Centre mod page. Once the mod is successfully installed, click on any computer in your game and under the MC Command menu options, make sure that Debug Commands in Cheats is set to true. The default setting is false.

With this setting enabled, you can SHIFT+Click any fixed objects on the lot, like mouse holes, exposed pipes, and electrical boxes. Select Destroy Object (Debug) and VIOLA! They are gone and will stay gone.
Customize Exterior Windows and Doors
Unfortunately this Sims 4 remove apartment issues tip is another one that’s for PC players, only. We really wish console players had more options to fix these annoyances but sadly, there just isn’t a solution that doesn’t involve mods.

If you’re redecorating an apartment but the exterior doors and windows don’t match the style you’re going for, you can change them with the TOOL mod. Like MC Command Centre, all you need to do after installing the CurseForge app is hit Install on the linked mod page.
The TOOL mod has many features and uses, but it’s easiest to learn how to use this mod to replace windows and doors in apartments by watching a visual guide. You can see how it’s done in the below video by SimLicy.
Free Stuck Cats Behind Elevators
Console players will be happy to know that the following Sims 4 remove apartment issues tip can be done without any mods! If you play with the Cats & Dogs expansion pack and find your cat stuck behind the elevator, there is an easy way to get them unstuck. Dogs and even Sims can sometimes get stuck behind the elevator, too, so it’s useful to know how to get them out.

Oftentimes, the Sims 4 remove apartment issues solution is as easy as just traveling to another lot with your pet and then returning home. But if this doesn’t work, you can also try resetting the stuck animal. They should reset in a routable location.
Open the cheat console with all four back triggers, or CTRL+SHIFT+C if you are on PC/Mac. Type in testingcheats true and confirm. Console players will get a warning that this cheat will permanently disable trophies and achievements on that save, so be aware of that.
With testingcheats on, hover your curser over the stuck animal and press X+O (PS) or A+B (Xbox) to bring up debug cheat options. Select Reset Object (Debug).
Let Your Dog Go Potty
Another issue with pets in apartments is dogs not being able to go potty. They get confused because the entire lot is indoors and they just don’t know where to go to pee. This Sims 4 remove apartment issues tip is a super easy one for both console players and PC players but it does require you to be more attentive to your dog.

Your dog will let you know they need to go potty when they pace in a circle and a pee puddle icon appears above their head in a thought bubble. Put a leash on your dog and walk outside with them, then tell them to go potty. When they are finished their business, take them back up to the apartment and remove the leash.
Those are all our Sims 4 remove apartment issues tips! While you’re here, why not check out these cool apartment renovations?
This article was edited and updated by SnarkyWitch!
Hi, just thought I’d mention that there is a smaller mod, to destroy objects, for those who don’t use the MC Command Center (like me) it’s the one by clown and fixed by Weerbesu at Mod The Sims called enable advanced debug/cheat interactions if you skip to page 26 Weerbesu has the updated files also, so don’t download from the ‘main page’. http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=532735&c=1&ht=0&page=26&pp=25#startcomments Cheers.
Thak you! So so so much!
This information is either lacking or no longer correct.
Downloaded and installed MCC but the option to delete the object never shows up (just set as head and reset objects). Tried cheat commands via console too. MCC cheats (which shows via the in-game PC or mailbox does not seem to even give any option to activate cheats to delete those objects).
The info in the article is still very much correct, seeing as I only found it today and did as it said.
The MCCC settings are turned on from the MC Command Center menu on the computer. Here’s some simple instructions for turning on the debug commands:
1. Make sure you have most recent version of MC Command Center.
2. Go in game
3. Click on a computer in the game and choose MC Command Center
4. Choose MCCC Settings at the top
5. Click on Notification/Console/Menu Settings
6. Click on Console Command Settings
7. Click Debug Commands in Cheats and then Enabled
8. Restart your game!
Upon restart you will be able to shift-click things and delete them.
Hi, I’m so confused. I did all this, but it won’t let me shift click anything. I set up the computer with the mc commands and enabled it, then restarted my computer, but even if I shift click nothing works. I’m confused as why not. Someone help me please.
What you need to do once doing that, save the game before restarting. Once youve retart the game back up it’ll work. I had the same problem 🙂
Also, and this is where I got tripped up too, is to use this feature you ALSO have to have testingcheats enabled in the console.
So, to add to Gnewtt’s steps above:
1. Make sure you have most recent version of MC Command Center.
2. Go in game
3. Click on a computer in the game and choose MC Command Center
4. Choose MCCC Settings at the top
5. Click on Notification/Console/Menu Settings
6. Click on Console Command Settings
7. Click Debug Commands in Cheats and then Enabled
8. Restart your game!
9. Bring up the Console (CRTL+SHIFT+C)
10. Type testingcheats true
From there you can shift-click to your hearts content!
Thank you, you were very helpful and because of your comment i was able to delete the items! So thanks again
Thank you so much! This really helped me out! Kudos!!!
Thank you everyone! I gave up on this for a long time, and I wondering if anyone replied, and you guys did! And now it works and I’m so freaking happy! I loved this apartment but hated all of the TLC issues. I’m so grateful! Thanks a lot, everyone! ^_^
So, I am having issues with deleting the objects causing apartment issues. The issue is that the Destroy Object option does nothing, yet every other option works. Here’s a list of everything I’ve tried so far:
Updating/repairing my game
Uninstalling/reinstalling my game
Uninstalling/reinstalling my mods
Isolating all of my mods to check for conflicts
I’ve used MCCC and the mod by Weerbesu, and I run into the same problem each time. I’m currently downloading Seasons to see if that helps.
Has anyone else ran into this issue?
I have followed all the steps listed above and I am able to shift+click and choose the destroy object from the menu, but it doesn’t actually delete the objects (mouse holes, pipes, electric boxes, etc.) Do they actually disappear? It looks like in the screenshots above that they do, but I can’t get it to work.
I’m having the same problem!
This doesn’t work in my game, please help. 🙁
I can’t get it to work either.
So I’ve done every step, and everything BUT the destroy object debug cheat is working. Anyone have any idea why?
I’m in the same position trying to figure it out.
In the FAQ for the MCCC:
After Seasons some Testing and Debug Cheats no longer work when Shift-clicking a Sim. What happened?
EA changed the behavior of cheat commands with the Seasons expansion in June 2018. Basically, they decided to make some of their debug cheat-commands only available to their internal users and to block access to them from existing mod users. This was an intentional change on their part, not a bug. A detailed explanation of this as well as a mod to work around it is available from TwistedMexi here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/19645059
This literally saved my SimSanity. I didn’t realize this function could delete those #*&%! mouse holes. Bless you!
your blog color is wonderful.sims 4 needs cheats fill Thanks for sharing idea.
I can’t get the objects to disappear. I have everything enabled, but clicking destroy item isn’t working. Any help or ideas of what to do?
Same here.
This is driving me insane too, I just wanted the one small apartment with the balcony but this motherf*cking needs TLC trait ruins absolutely everything
1 do you need me command center 2 if your in a different save file will it be there
I play on the PS4 im trying to get rid of my rat problem and I could use the rest of the debug cheats for the TLC problems but none of this works for PS4 since its not a PC
Hi, just thought I’d mention that there is a smaller mod, to destroy objects, for those who don’t use the MC Command Center (like me) it’s the one by clown and fixed by Weerbesu at Mod The Sims called enable advanced debug/cheat interactions if you skip to page 26 Weerbesu has the updated files also, so don’t download from the ‘main page’. http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=532735&c=1&ht=0&page=26&pp=25#startcomments Cheers.
Thak you! So so so much!
I can’t get the objects to disappear. I have everything enabled, but clicking destroy item isn’t working. Any help or ideas of what to do?
Same here.
This is driving me insane too, I just wanted the one small apartment with the balcony but this motherf*cking needs TLC trait ruins absolutely everything
Thank you so much! This really helped me out! Kudos!!!
So I’ve done every step, and everything BUT the destroy object debug cheat is working. Anyone have any idea why?
I’m in the same position trying to figure it out.
In the FAQ for the MCCC:
After Seasons some Testing and Debug Cheats no longer work when Shift-clicking a Sim. What happened?
EA changed the behavior of cheat commands with the Seasons expansion in June 2018. Basically, they decided to make some of their debug cheat-commands only available to their internal users and to block access to them from existing mod users. This was an intentional change on their part, not a bug. A detailed explanation of this as well as a mod to work around it is available from TwistedMexi here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/19645059
Thank you everyone! I gave up on this for a long time, and I wondering if anyone replied, and you guys did! And now it works and I’m so freaking happy! I loved this apartment but hated all of the TLC issues. I’m so grateful! Thanks a lot, everyone! ^_^
So, I am having issues with deleting the objects causing apartment issues. The issue is that the Destroy Object option does nothing, yet every other option works. Here’s a list of everything I’ve tried so far:
Updating/repairing my game
Uninstalling/reinstalling my game
Uninstalling/reinstalling my mods
Isolating all of my mods to check for conflicts
I’ve used MCCC and the mod by Weerbesu, and I run into the same problem each time. I’m currently downloading Seasons to see if that helps.
Has anyone else ran into this issue?
I have followed all the steps listed above and I am able to shift+click and choose the destroy object from the menu, but it doesn’t actually delete the objects (mouse holes, pipes, electric boxes, etc.) Do they actually disappear? It looks like in the screenshots above that they do, but I can’t get it to work.
I’m having the same problem!
This doesn’t work in my game, please help. 🙁
I can’t get it to work either.
This information is either lacking or no longer correct.
Downloaded and installed MCC but the option to delete the object never shows up (just set as head and reset objects). Tried cheat commands via console too. MCC cheats (which shows via the in-game PC or mailbox does not seem to even give any option to activate cheats to delete those objects).
The info in the article is still very much correct, seeing as I only found it today and did as it said.
The MCCC settings are turned on from the MC Command Center menu on the computer. Here’s some simple instructions for turning on the debug commands:
1. Make sure you have most recent version of MC Command Center.
2. Go in game
3. Click on a computer in the game and choose MC Command Center
4. Choose MCCC Settings at the top
5. Click on Notification/Console/Menu Settings
6. Click on Console Command Settings
7. Click Debug Commands in Cheats and then Enabled
8. Restart your game!
Upon restart you will be able to shift-click things and delete them.
Thank you, you were very helpful and because of your comment i was able to delete the items! So thanks again
Hi, I’m so confused. I did all this, but it won’t let me shift click anything. I set up the computer with the mc commands and enabled it, then restarted my computer, but even if I shift click nothing works. I’m confused as why not. Someone help me please.
What you need to do once doing that, save the game before restarting. Once youve retart the game back up it’ll work. I had the same problem 🙂
Also, and this is where I got tripped up too, is to use this feature you ALSO have to have testingcheats enabled in the console.
So, to add to Gnewtt’s steps above:
1. Make sure you have most recent version of MC Command Center.
2. Go in game
3. Click on a computer in the game and choose MC Command Center
4. Choose MCCC Settings at the top
5. Click on Notification/Console/Menu Settings
6. Click on Console Command Settings
7. Click Debug Commands in Cheats and then Enabled
8. Restart your game!
9. Bring up the Console (CRTL+SHIFT+C)
10. Type testingcheats true
From there you can shift-click to your hearts content!
I play on the PS4 im trying to get rid of my rat problem and I could use the rest of the debug cheats for the TLC problems but none of this works for PS4 since its not a PC
This literally saved my SimSanity. I didn’t realize this function could delete those #*&%! mouse holes. Bless you!
your blog color is wonderful.sims 4 needs cheats fill Thanks for sharing idea.
1 do you need me command center 2 if your in a different save file will it be there
Hi, I would like to share a solution that worked for me, since MC Command Center didn’t, for many people below as well. I accidentaly found out that T.O.O.L. mod mainly solves the problem.
I was making a renovation to that tiny apartment in San Mishuno’s art district with mice holes, cockroaches, pipes and electric panel. All of these constantly stress a sim out and anger them. It is a pain to play in such a lot.
I too have had everything enabled and done within the MC Command Center, but alas, as MC have stated below, it doesn’t work anymore. But something else does!
Basically, all you have to do is to learn how to use T.O.O.L mod and move all those disturbing things out of the apartment. Yes, they can be selected and simply moved. I relocated one mousehole to the corridor, another one along with the cockroaches spawner to a neighbouring locked apartment. I couldn’t leave electric panel out of sight though, since whenever it breaks, electricity in an apartment shuts down sooner or later and ain’t restoring until the panel gets fixed soo…i left it in a corridor next to the entrance.
My sim forgot forever about stress from seing or hearing mice and cockroaches and thats a huge boost to gameplay at that lot <3 Though they have to repair pipes and electric panel every now and then.
Hope this helps anyone
[cockroach spawner: it's actually invisible, but it is easy to locate one. When your sim notices cockroaches again, left click on them (cockroaches) and your sim will try to eradicate them. Look closely where your sim comes up to spray the toxin (obviously it doesnt eradicate them, nor does the landlord), this place is where the spawner is. Shift click on that place a few times before you can manage it via TOOL (it has different menus for empty space and selected object, like if you click empty space you cant move or elevare it, so let it be your sign) and…simply manage it via TOOL