News The Sims 3 Store

The Sims 3 Store – 4 Premium Contents available for individual purchase!

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The Sims 3 Store released Milkin’ It Dairy Coral, Grandpa’s Grove Tractor and Door of Life And Death for individual purchase. Each Premium Content costs 500 SimPoints!

*UPDATE* – It’s Business Time Industrial Oven is available for individual purchase for 600 SimPoints! Thanks SimsOnlineFan for the tip!

Do you want to start your own business and make gobs of Simoleons? How about spending a night out of the town where you have a chef waiting to make your favorite meal? If these things sound appealing, then you should get the It’s Business Time Industrial Oven, hire a chef, and start living like a boss!

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Tired of watering, fertilizing and harvesting all of your plants and trees by hand? Lay down a dirt road near your crops and put the tractor to work! Then, after a hard day of farming, why don’t you give the kiddos a fun hay ride!

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The Milkin’ It Dairy Corral lets you milk cows until the cows come home..err..never mind. These aren’t just normal cows though – they can give you several different flavors of milk, and if you’re lucky, milkshakes! Be careful though, these cows are smart and competitive. They have no mercy when playing an intense game of Tic-Tac-Hoof, and they don’t like to be tipped over!


When most Sims hear that the Reaper is coming they want to run away, but the Door of Life and Death lets your Sim go right up and knock on his door. And you might just find that he’s not that bad after all! Want to bring a lost loved one back? Just knock at the Reaper’s door to have them reincarnated! Have a loner that wants to try parenting all on their own? Have old Grimmy Simulate a Genetic Merger with the Sim of your choosing! You can even challenge the Reaper to a high stakes guitar duel!

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About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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