Hey everyone, Zerbu here!
I’m here to bring you a special Christmas gift for all of the community: The Sims 4 Buff and Trait Factory!
The Sims 4 Buff and Trait Factory is a user friendly tool allowing even beginners to create their own custom traits for The Sims 4. It uses textboxes, sliders and other features to let you easily input data you want.
Using The Sims 4 Buff and Trait Factory, you can apply various attributes to your trait. It allows you to set the rate at which needs decay, set the skill gain rate for individual skills or skill categories, assign autonomy templates from other traits as well as set the strength of both autonomy templates and needs, set the relationship increase and decrease rates, assign a default emotion, block Sims with the trait from experiencing certain emotions, assign whims, and of course, you can set the name, description, icon and category. Once you get deeper into trait creation, you can also create buffs (Moodlets) which can be linked to the trait and pop up every so often, like how many of the base game traits occasionally generate Moodlets that assign emotions.
You can download the program here: http://zerbu.tumblr.com/post/106141962267/the-sims-4-buff-and-trait-factory
How to Install Mods: https://simscommunity.info/2014/10/07/sims-4-tutorial-installing-custom-contentmods/
I just wanted to thank you so much for this and the opportunity to make new traits! I came here expecting my comment to be lost in similar ones thanking you, and I was sadly disappointed when I found out that mine was the only one – I’m sure with time others will discover this and be as excited as I first was.
I’ve loved Zerbu’s trait mods since the start and so I was really excited to be able to make some of my own and I had lots of ideas – some of them I’ve realized I still won’t be able to make, like sexuality traits or an infertile trait, but I still have so many ideas that I want to pursue! Thank you so much!
I really love this Trait Factory…but my own problem is…I don’t actually know how to use it, lol :laugh: ?:-) :-(( Maybe you could release some sort of guide to help people? I have absolutely zero modding knowledge, I have figured out a few things, but I’m still trying to understand what the autonomy and buff sections do.
One other issue I have is the size of the window that it opens into…I don’t know if this is just me being totally stupid or if it’s an issue others are also having. But I’d be really grateful if you could help me solve it. Basically it is as if the window isn’t the size height, but there isn’t a scroll bar on the far right, so I can’t move up or down at all. On your pictures I can see there should be an ‘add’ button, but I can’t even see that at all, even with the program as big as I can make it :/ Maybe that’s why I can’t work out how to do anything, because I can’t see the bottom buttons?
Anyway, I’d appreciate you getting back to me about it, but keep up the good work and remember how wonderful people think you and this creation is 😛
I’ve implemented a temporary fix which moves the buttons to the top and adds extra space to the bottom. I’m currently working on an upgrade which will include a more permanent fix.
I don’t really have time to write a guide right now, but I’ll explain what commodities and buffs do: commodities defined how Sims act autonomously. For example, if you give a Sim the “Trait: Active” commodity, they will be drawn to the same interactions as Sims with the Active trait, even if they don’t have the Active trait.
Buffs are explained here: http://zerbu.tumblr.com/bat/buff – they’re a bit complicated, so only use them once you have some experience.
Thank you so much! You’re the best, Zerbu! I understand that you might not have time to write a guide, but your explanations are really helpful. Now I’ll be able to start making my own traits! Yay! 😀 Thanks so much again, I truly am grateful.
Hello, Zerbu!
Thank you so much for the software! It is amazing!
I have a question, though: Can I set the “skill gain” and “relationship” slider to more than 2,000? I have created a trait in which all skill gain are 10,000, but it doesn’t seem to work!
Thanks so much anyways!
This is, frankly, going to take me a while to figure out, but I want to say thank you from the start because this has the potential to be so useful in my game. So, yeah, thank you so much for making this, (and the custom traits from the start).
I will probably return with questions in a few days.
Hi Zerbu. I’m a user of Mod the Sims^^ (DrHouse93)
I’ve recently just created my own custom trait with your tool (the Nymphomaniac trait) and I found it really impressive. Good work!^^
However, I wished you to ask: I read your tutorial on adding occasional buff, but I didn’t understand it so much, because I settled my custom buff related to the trait to appear every 60 to 180 sim-minutes, however, it never appeared until this day, when it did apparently randomly. Furthermore, I’ve also created an own .package file for the moodlet to make him appear randomly also on normal Sims, but same thing: it doesn’t seem willing to show up. So I wished you to ask if you can explain better the Occasional Buff and Occasional Buff Options tabs
Hope you can help,
Zerbu, I need help, I downloaded it, but every time I extract the application from the folder, two seconds later it disappears, like permanently. Is there something I’m missing? Please reply back
Same 🙁
can you please make one for mac please
Yes please
Do you know if/when you can create a version for mac? I’m sure there are a lot of mac users that would love this (i’m one) but there’s no version… so it sounds really good but I can’t really know for sure?
under whims, how to u use commands like “27791 *Make Out with {2.SimFirstName}”” ?
do i have to remove the 2 in {2.SimFirstName} ? and why is there more then 1 commands for embrace and kiss, ect. ?
I can’t seem to get whims to ever happen in the game. I have tried countless times and I am definitely compiling all the files that are put out. My trait’s autonomy and skills/social/decays work, but the whims do not. Is there something I have to do for the whims to appear?
Me too! Thank God it’s not just me. I only noticed this yesterday so I haven’t had time to play around with it much, but I’ve noticed it as well. I don’t know if it’s something I’m doing wrong or what.
It is a very good thing to use, because sometimes I want a trait, but it’s not visible on ModTheSims! But why go on there when I can just make the trait I want in minutes! Although, I want to see how to make a custom icon.
Whoops I meant to say nevermind here…
Working on figuring this out, and have a question: Is there anyway to block “very”, as in I want a trait that blocks both “very happy” and “very sad”.
Heya there! First of all THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH for this! It’s PURE GENIUS!!! 😀
Also, it’s my first try with it, I was trying to get a more direct “Shy” trait, and I think I did everything right, it’s just that in game, when I select it, the sim animation is more like the “genius” one, or anyway very related to logic. 🙁 Any idea of what am I doing wrong?
I love this so much! But I have a few questions.
1.) Skill gain
Which is bad, left or right
2.) Commodity Advertising
Which is bad, left or right
3,) Need Advertising
Which is bad, left or right
4.) Relationships
Which is bad, left or right
Thanks Zerbu, I really thought all was lost when Twallan decided to resign, you and some other awesome folks in the community have really kept hope alive. (since EA cant seem to get it quite right) Power to the modders !!!! LOL
However, I’m hoping someone can make video tutorial on how to use this very sweet tool “The Sims 4 Buff and Trait Factory”
Hi, I just downloaded this and I used 7zip to open it I guess, I’m extremely experienced in this. It just won’t open for me. What program am I suppose to use to open it? Thanks for the reply in advance.
mZip works for unzipping the program, otherwise it seems you just end up with an XML file for the sliders.
Are you going to update to include the in-game actions from Movie Hangout Stuff? Just curious.
There’s no info on how any of this works!
Is there a way to load up existing traits to get a handle on how they accomplish things?
Hi Zerbu.
Thank you for you amazing job ! I tried your Buff and Trait factory and managed to do some stuff I like a lot.
I have one single question : is it possible to make a new trait incompatible with a pre existant one ? I have make a “Stupid” trait and I want to make it incompatible with the “Genius” one.
I don’t know how to make the traits, can u help mme?
I didn’t understood how to make the traits :/
Actually, it don’t work for me. I extract it, put it to the MODS folder, but still I can’t see that mod in the game, can somebody help? Thanks.
I also can’t find file for turning it to .package :/
I really enjoyed this Mod! Could launch a new version with different languages? So it would be easier to understand
how do i install the mod trait that i made? im having problems doing that
I’d love to download this! One problem, since Zerbu deleted his blog, how can I download it?
http://peachandherpan.tumblr.com/post/126721657474/the-sims-4-buff-and-trait-factory i found the download for it here
Thank you so much!
Great! But how do you create multiple buffs for a trait? I can only make one :l
How Do You Turn The Mod Into A Package Or Do You Zip It
http://peachandherpan.tumblr.com/post/126721657474/the-sims-4-buff-and-trait-factory <Zerbu's trait maker if ppl are still searching for it.
how do i know if my custom trait is working on the sim?
Hi! I wanted to thank you for making this! I have a few questions.. though so, but you can ignore them if you like.. I’m having some trouble turning my traits into .package files.. and what you said was a tutorial isn’t show for me, saying ‘Not Found. The URL you requested could not be found.’ Do you think you look over that? Thank you!
Hey! I poked around his tumblr page and found this:
This is the new version of the mod we were looking for! He just hasn’t come up here and changed the link.
That is a lot harder than the trait factory.
Is there a later version? I am missing all the labels for needs and skills in the mod creator. I have date format in Swedish on my computer and no idea if that’s what’s causing the problem or how to change it (I found someone with a similar problem with another application somewhere).
The link to installin it dont be a workin
The link is broken, when i try to click on the download, it just takes me to a page that says “sorry, this link doesnt exist”
How do you load the trait into the game?
Nice respond in return of this issue with solid arguments and describing the whole thing about that.
Here’s an updated link to the mod: https://zerbu.tumblr.com/post/181782526135/the-sims-4-mod-constructor-v4