It’s time for another The Sims 4 Gallery Spotlight! Simmers were really creative the last 7 days so lets get started..
New England Charm (Download Here)
By wrathofcath
This beautiful, New England themed home is perfect for any Household with over 2 Sims.
#wrathofcath #noc c#4br3ba #family #pool #moo This home has lots of room for a large family with a great backyard including outdoor kitchen, pool, gardens and playhouse for the little ones.
Value: §256,392
Size: 40×30
Type: Residential
Majesty (Download Here)
By SimmyLexis
Although it’s not furnished, this Residental Lot is a beautiful canvas that’s waiting for you to be painted!
Built this house for MagicalMunicorn! Check out the Speed Build of this house on YouTube/Twitter – SimmyLexis #munihouse #modern #daroofdaroofisonfire #sexy #cute #sims4
Value: §27,511
Size: 30×20
Type: Residential
Luxus Loft (Download Here)
By Nicole240586
This Home is a perfect combination of Fancy, Modern and Cozy!
#luxus #loft #modern #white #garden #pool #fountains #mansion #expensive #rich #bedroom #villa #luxury
Value: §242,760
Size: 40×30
Type: Residential
Highgarden Palace (Download Here)
By Findjoo
Only Sims with a massive wallet will be able to enjoy this fairytale Palace…
NO CC 🙂 pls activate MOO and place it on build mode 🙂 enjoy the beauty view of garden palace,for more creation look in my profile tyvm<33
Value: §788,502
Size: 50×50
Type: Residential
Absolutely a fan of New England Charm and Luxus Loft. Both really play with angles and space, and their window placement is really sleek.