The Sims 4

The Sims 4: Early UI & 3D Concepts and Prototypes by Chi Chan


Update #3: lumialoversims and I have managed to take some screenshots of various The Sims 4 Prototypes before they got taken down.

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Update #2: NBTS4 was able to download the videos before they got taken down and they sent them to us. We made a compilation of all the UI Mock-Ups and Designs by Chi Chan in the video down below!

Update: Several hours after this post has been published the original creator of these Concepts and Prototypes took everything down. This means that although you won’t be able to see the Videos or the Interactive Prototypes, you can still check out the screens we took down below! We’ll keep the links below the title of each segment in case the creator decides to bring them back.

Chi Chan, Studio Art Director for Maxis (Electronic Arts Divison) posted up some Concepts and Designs he made for The Sims 4 that he was working on for 4 months.

The Sims 4 (PC) – 4 months.
– Consulted on general art direction for the game (already in production).
– Helped define the look and feel of the UI, including game entry and in-game HUD.
– Steer the visual quality of the 3D environments.

The following screens and description are the property of Chi Chan.

Map Design

These mock-ups were intended to illustrate a fun and tactile interaction with the map screen and giving opportunities to showcase the Sim families.

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Game Entry Mock-Up

Pre-viz work to define a dynamic and elegant entry flow into the game.

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Character Creator Pre-Viz

This pre-viz was to explore how interactive manipulation could feel in the Character Creator Mode of Sims 4.

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Load Screen

Loading screen exploration.

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Map Screen Pre-Viz

The existing map view was a 2D representation that had little in the way of the visual flair or dynamism that was needed for a AAA product. My prototype here was to explore how to present the map in a more compelling way.


Build Mode: Tactility and Feedback Pre-Viz

The prototype was to demonstrate an example of how props could be manipulated by the player in a more playful manner- leading to better feedback and richness of interactivity.


Exterior: Visual Bar

Taking existing model assets, polishing them up, and pushing them through a more up-to-date rendering engine; revealing a more deeper and engaging visual target.


Interior: Visual Bar

Same exercise as the exterior, focusing on how lighting can improve the look and feel of interiors.


About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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Arda Tanburoglu
Arda Tanburoglu
9 years ago

Omg i think this guy is can be make mod like this screentshots and videos

9 years ago

Those are some pretty impressive early concept. The characters also look more cartoon to me, which I like. I especially like The Montanarl’s family. I don’t know why the guy reminds me of Clark Kent.

I almost wish I didn’t see these now especially the mock map design and that Sold sign. That map screen looked like a lot of fun and Create a Sim with the arrows looked easier.. It’s a shame none of these made it’ into the final finished game.

9 years ago

They had actual teenagers in early concepts, I see.

9 years ago

I love the sims 4 but i have to admit i prefer this to what we have atm. I miss the epic blue UI

9 years ago

I guess all im trying to say is im surprised at just how plain TS4 really is visually in terms of Cas and the UI. It takes posts with info like this to really relise it.

9 years ago
Reply to  Steve7859

Yeah, and I was beginning to like Sims 4 until I saw this. Now I feel kind of cheated. This looks so much better.

9 years ago

I like the sims 4’s current map view and ui… but gotta be honest. I like this better. Maybe they’ll change it one day to a 3D map view like that.

9 years ago
Reply to  Evan

also really hope to see that tutor world make it into the game!

9 years ago

I like the neighborhood map, looks more interactive and alive.

Lieselotte Sanchez
Lieselotte Sanchez
9 years ago

Looks way too much like simcity.

Aaliyah Timberlake
Aaliyah Timberlake
8 years ago

This neighbourhood map is so much better than the one we have today, even though its coloured now, its still could look a lot nicer. I’m glad this game didn’t come to fruition though, the sims look awful and everything is just so bland.