The Community The Sims 4

Community News: YouTube Gaming is launching tomorrow!


Great news for all Simmers who like to post their gameplay videos of The Sims on YouTube!

Google is preparing to launch one of their biggest projects tomorrow, called YouTube Gaming.

According to Gamespot, YouTube Gaming will focus on gamers who like to create content that’s, of course, related to video game videos, let’s plays and such. It’s important to note that The Sims 4, among other 25,000+ video games will have it’s own YouTube Gaming page.


Google is preparing to launch YouTube Gaming, a service focusing exclusively on gaming content. YouTube Gaming contains over 25,000 dedicated game pages, supports videos as well as live streams, and will be available tomorrow, August 26, on the web and as an app.

Users can add specific games to a collection to stay up-to-date with the latest content or subscribe to a particular channel or user to receive notifications when a live-stream starts. A beta of the live streaming tools can be accessed on site.

YouTube Gaming automatically pulls gaming-related content so that user searches can be more relevant. For example, typing ‘call’ into the search bar will show ‘Call of Duty’ as opposed to ‘Call Me Maybe.’


About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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9 years ago

Super cool! Don’t think any of my content will get “pulled” but it seems handy for people interested in watching gaming!