How to build a Vardo!
A Vardo, also known as a living-wagon is a horse-drawn portable home which was used around the mid 1800s. With it’s highly decorated exterior and fun design, it makes the perfect home for the more artistic sim who loves the outdoors and bright colors! (Most of the items used in this particular Vardo are from Get Together and Movie Stuff Pack)
Lets begin!
Start by making a floating rectangle one floor above ground floor. I made mine diagonal, but you can of course choose that yourself
Get together have a decoration item called vacker sot floral cart, resize it (SHIFT+]) about four times, and place under your majestically floating rectangle:
Then add a gabled roof, pull the adjustment blobs until it becomes as rounded as it gets, and drag the roof tip arrows as far up or down as you want them:
Add a one square patio around the “majestic-rectangle-sitting-on-a-floral-cart-with-a-super-round-roof-on-it” like so:
Add a hip door in the center of the building (preferably with flowers on it), like so:
Do you see the white line up in the left corner of your game? No? Press CTRL-SHIFT-C, and you definitely will! And then you type in: bb.showhiddenobjects
Then go to the little search menu down left, and search for DEBUG, you’ll be taken to a page filled with wonderful little items that I personally can’t live without. Anyways, pick a fishing sign, any fishing sign, and place it down. Then another one, but resize it once. Then another one but resize it twice. Then another one but….You get the picture! Have it look something like this:
The go to surfaces>displays and pick the Immaculate:
Resize it once and place it on the ground in front of the first sign, then pick another one and raise it (CTRL+9) so it “rests” on the first fishing sign. Do so on every sign, and bam, you have some I-can’t-believe-it’s-not-stairs stairs!
Then put in some real stairs in the back:
Paint the wagon, add windows, and lot’s of colorful decorations and flowers! Don’t forget a rug and maybe some hippie-looking curtains!
Here’s what I did:
The Movie Pack has a tree with lights in it, but it’s not that cool that all the trees look similar. So, I made my own! Raise lights under a tree, and check from different angles that it looks like it’s hanging from the tree and not the air, like so:
A bonfire and flower decorations from Get Together and some funky Movie Pack chairs makes the garden look like the perfect place to spend long nights talking about how many llamas you’ve saved this year!
Here’s an example on what I did for some of the interior design. Messy, clunky, clumsy and ridiculously colorful! (Also, the kitchen is outside in the back. why not?)
And that’s it!
I hope you have fun making your own Vardo!
If you want some input or help with your creations feel free to share at: