It seems that The Sims Team had more plans for Tragic Clowns rather than the painting they introduced with a Free Update in February 2016.
ModTheSims member VentusMatt was able to find a full Costume of a Tragic Clown inside The Sims 4’s February 2016 patch files. Beside the Costume, she found a Tragic Clown Hairstyle, Face Paint and Shoes.
For now it’s not certain will The Sims Team make an official introduction to Tragic Clowns, but what we do know is that the Tragic Clown outfit is up for download at ModTheSims!
Tip: husseinandali
does this mean we will get circus or rodeo game stuff? counldn’t imagine that in the sims game lol..just a wild guess for the clown suit lol
The Tragic Clown should be a special NPC or lifestate. Maybe both, like how witches and vampires are in TS2.