UPDATE: Added plenty of new tweets!
After the first week of SimGuru’s Twitter Q&A, they’re back with more info for The Sims 4 Dine Out!
You can set how customers dress when they arrive to dine at your restaurant. Formal? Casual? Swimwear?! #TheSims4 Dine Out
— Aaron Houts (@SimGuruHouts) May 25, 2016
When you share your restaurant to the Gallery, your staff outfits, customer dress code, and customized menu are all shared too! #TheSims4
— Aaron Houts (@SimGuruHouts) May 25, 2016
.@Phantoms1717 Yep! You can choose the dishes you want to have on the menu.
— Aaron Houts (@SimGuruHouts) May 25, 2016
@DoodleMarley Customers will mainly be focused on getting some food. They’re hungry!
— Aaron Houts (@SimGuruHouts) May 26, 2016
@yversims @TheSimified Your restaurant’s settings are always saved with the blueprint.
— Aaron Houts (@SimGuruHouts) May 26, 2016
@SGC_Chloe @SimGuruRusskii There’s one more that’s a little bit space-themed, but the word “space” isn’t in its name.
— Aaron Houts (@SimGuruHouts) May 26, 2016
@Quaay00 You can dress employees almost however you want (not nude). Customer outfits are based on the standard outfit categories.
— Aaron Houts (@SimGuruHouts) May 26, 2016
@SimmingFan3000 Yep! You can customize your NPC restaurants in most of the same ways as your owned ones.
— Aaron Houts (@SimGuruHouts) May 26, 2016
@catloverplayer Maaaaayyyyyybe. 😉
— Dave Miotke (@SimGuruNinja) May 26, 2016
@KitOnlyHuman They’re NPCs.
— Dave Miotke (@SimGuruNinja) May 25, 2016
@knewt93 @YouTube Yes, you can absolutely put any of the booths in your house (or anywhere else you like). 🙂
— Dave Miotke (@SimGuruNinja) May 25, 2016
@knewt93 @YouTube It’s super fun. The food thumbnails look so good now. *drool*
— Dave Miotke (@SimGuruNinja) May 25, 2016
@catloverplayer Absolutely!
— Dave Miotke (@SimGuruNinja) May 25, 2016
@knewt93 @YouTube You can make it at home; provided you’ve learned how to cook it. 😉
— Dave Miotke (@SimGuruNinja) May 25, 2016
@SimmingFan3000 You can can add slices of pizza to the menu.
— Dave Miotke (@SimGuruNinja) May 25, 2016
@ke_Wired Yes they can! You can open your restaurant for business even when you’re not there! pic.twitter.com/GGptdz75cX
— Dave Miotke (@SimGuruNinja) May 25, 2016
@Mhmd_Yassir @SimGuruGraham @SimGuruHouts The left is a decorative object. The station on the right is where waiters will dump dirty dishes.
— Dave Miotke (@SimGuruNinja) May 26, 2016
@HazzaPlumbob They sure will.
— Dave Miotke (@SimGuruNinja) May 26, 2016
@josema_marrufo @SimmingFan3000 What about yes, yes, and yes! 🙂
— Dave Miotke (@SimGuruNinja) May 26, 2016
@ItsCallumBowyer You sure can.
— Dave Miotke (@SimGuruNinja) May 26, 2016
@adventfear Yup. And they won’t do this either… pic.twitter.com/ifOgJIopGl
— Dave Miotke (@SimGuruNinja) May 26, 2016
@KitOnlyHuman @SimGuruHouts Yes (with some restrictions).
— Dave Miotke (@SimGuruNinja) May 26, 2016
@KitOnlyHuman @SimGuruHouts You can do that. 😉
— Dave Miotke (@SimGuruNinja) May 26, 2016
@Black1976 There is no physical version, it will be digital launching on June 7th since there is no pre-order for this GP.
— Nad J (@SimGuruRusskii) May 25, 2016
Yes, you can totally open a vegetarian restaurant in Dine Out! 🙂
— SimGuruEmory (@SimGuruEmory) May 26, 2016
@Liamer01 If you own the Cool Kitchen Stuff Pack and enjoy your men half-clothed, yes!
— SimGuruEmory (@SimGuruEmory) May 26, 2016
If you own other packs like Get Together and Cool Kitchen Stuff, most foods from those packs are available for your restaurant’s menu! 😉
— SimGuruEmory (@SimGuruEmory) May 27, 2016
@Vane_Sims We’ve got every flavor, but as you can imagine, every topping / garnish was way too much! Cones & bowls are both available though
— SimGuruEmory (@SimGuruEmory) May 27, 2016
@thesimsserbia @DruTruBuilder Unfortunately no, each lot can only have 1 venue type. Cool idea, though!
— SimGuruEmory (@SimGuruEmory) May 27, 2016
@catloverplayer Only one size of aquarium in this pack, but it’s really awesome looking!
— SimGuruEmory (@SimGuruEmory) May 27, 2016
@TheSimScraper @catloverplayer You can totally visit an NPC restaurant and dine there as a patron! 🙂
— SimGuruEmory (@SimGuruEmory) May 27, 2016
@DoodleMarley The drinks from Spa Day are available in the menus, but the foods aren’t. Gotta level up your wellness skill to make them!
— SimGuruEmory (@SimGuruEmory) May 27, 2016
@DruTruBuilder You’ll need to hire them in restaurants that you own. Mixologists will show up automatically at NPC restaurants with bars 🙂
— SimGuruEmory (@SimGuruEmory) May 27, 2016
@catloverplayer @TheSimScraper Yep! Out of our 6 premades there are a few I’d consider pretty classy.
— SimGuruEmory (@SimGuruEmory) May 27, 2016
@DoodleMarley The 2 unlockable wellness food recipes (Superfood Salad & Carob Cake) unfortunately aren’t available on restaurant menus.
— SimGuruEmory (@SimGuruEmory) May 27, 2016
@catloverplayer @TheSimScraper Yes, if you go dine at a restaurant with a formal dress code, your Sims should arrive in their formal outfit
— SimGuruEmory (@SimGuruEmory) May 27, 2016
@PattonKieran Kids and Teens can go on their own! Just make sure you’re not skipping school 🙂
— SimGuruEmory (@SimGuruEmory) May 27, 2016
@PattonKieran Teens and adults alike can select restaurants as a date destination 🙂
— SimGuruEmory (@SimGuruEmory) May 27, 2016
@catloverplayer You can just go into build mode of any unowned restaurant to edit menus, staff uniforms, and diner dress code.
— Dave Miotke (@SimGuruNinja) May 28, 2016