The Sims 4 Mods The Sims 4 Custom Content

The Sims 4 CC: Functional Sleeping Bags

07 01 17 1 55 45 PM

It’s just not camping when you can’t sleep out in the open. The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat only came with tents which you couldn’t see what’s happening inside and there weren’t any options in other packs which could let you sleep out in the open.

Pickypikachu came up with a brilliant CC object which lets you sleep out in the open with the sleeping bags. You can put them in your inventory, place them anywhere in the world, sit and chat with other Sims and of course, sleep in them. There are some new poses when sitting and animations when going to sleep.

This awesome gameplay item can be installed easily. Just extract the content in the .rar file to Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods folder and make sure you have Mods / CC enabled in your game options.

Click the download button below to get this item!


About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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Nija Jones
Nija Jones
7 years ago

Yes!! I’ve been waiting for these! 😀

carl arvhult
carl arvhult
6 years ago

When i tell sim to sleep the action is aborted. it can only nap in it. Also cannot put it in inventory

6 years ago

Any idea on if this will be updated soon? It’s causing problems with the current update.

5 years ago

I can’t find the sleeping bag.
It’s not in my build mode, where would it be at?

4 years ago

Any idea on if this will be updated soon? It’s causing problems with the current update.

4 years ago

I can’t find the sleeping bag.
It’s not in my build mode, where would it be at?

carl arvhult
carl arvhult
4 years ago

When i tell sim to sleep the action is aborted. it can only nap in it. Also cannot put it in inventory

Nija Jones
Nija Jones
4 years ago

Yes!! I’ve been waiting for these! 😀