The Sims 4 Mods

The Sims 4 Road To Fame Mod Now Fully Available


The creator of The Sims 4 Road To Fame Mod has made it fully available on Sims 4 Studio!

After downloading this mod you can install it by extrating the .zip file and copy-pasting all the content from the Road to Fame folder into Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods folder. Make sure you have mods / CC enabled in your game options!

For more information about what new features this mod brings make sure you check out our Road To Fame Mod Playthrough!


The Sims 4 Road To Fame Mod Now Fully Available

About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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4 years ago

its not working like i downloaded it but only the “disabled reaction to celebrity” triaits comes up like no build mod no simtagram nothing like when i clikc on my sims to look for the road to fame button it doesnt show nothing please help i uninstalled the mod then reinstalled it and it still dont work and yes i do have Script mods enabled

4 years ago

Having a problem with the mod in that often when I try to take a photo manually I end up looking through the camera at the back of the photographer as he blocks any view of the model. Has anyone else encountered this bug?

Shaon Sen
Shaon Sen
4 years ago

The Mod doesn’t work for two sims played by the same person in a household….the mod’ll only work for the sim the game was set to while installing the mod.

4 years ago

The game says that this mod is installed but it won’t pop up in the game. I have all the props but I don’t have an icon that’s supposed to say: Simstagram… Any help? ;-;

6 years ago

I just got this mod today (5.1.18)
It is up to date. I have the newest current version.
All of the components to this mod are all together in the same main folder.
They are not within other folders. The only expansion I have currently is Parenting.
The police are missing their clothing mesh. It shows up in CAS but not in-game.
Also, the tripod is missing from buy mode along with the other buyable objects.
Not sure what the issue is because all of his other mods work perfectly.
I’m going to stick it out and wait for the next update.
Is there anybody with this mod and doesn’t have these issues?
Does it require a certain expansion for the meshes?

4 years ago
Reply to  Glitch

I got it a couple of days ago and it seems to be working fine with a few things like the camera missing as you mentioned. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one with no mesh for the cop uniform. I hadn’t realized that was the case until today when my Sim called the cops and the no mesh patrol came running up the lawn. Hopefully he’ll update it soon.

6 years ago

i have the paparazzi camera in cas but nothing else?

4 years ago

The mod works but people wont come out to meet and greed and wont be star struck and theres no paparazzi spawning… Please help!

4 years ago
Reply to  em0123

how do i download it ? everytime i click the dropbox it says it isnt available, how did you do it ?

4 years ago
Reply to  chaxticdragxn

I’m having the same problem.

4 years ago

Is this free

4 years ago

The only frustration I have with this Mod is with Dine Out . When my sim goes to a restaurant and sits down, she constantly gets up from her table to react to attractive sims.

I have tried disabling her reactions to attractive sims , hired a body guard to shoo people away and also set the lot traits to “no paparazzi” “No fans allowed” and “no obssessed fans” but she keeps interrupting her dinner date and making him hella jealous when she gets up to react to people.

4 years ago

Download not working due to traffic limit!!! 🙁 I really want this.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ashley

Same, will it ever let me download 🙁

4 years ago
Reply to  ellsheree

I am having this same issue. :/ Sacrificial needs a better download source this is ridiculous.

4 years ago

I just added the mod to my game a few days ago, but haven’t really played it until today. It worked fine for a while, but eventually I began getting last exception errors mainly when using the simstagram options. And then my celebrity sim lost all his fame levels and simstagram followers for no apparent reason? Has anyone else dealt with these issues?

4 years ago

my antivirus program is saying there is something in this file not allowing me to download. virus detected

Kenzie T
Kenzie T
4 years ago

i have been playing using this mod and i love it however a recent problem has come up and i cant play using this mod anymore. i was playing as usual and all of my sims started to say there was a object in there path to do an action and they couldn’t interacting pretty much anything i went threw my mods/CC and disabled them to see which one has an issue and the only one i found that made this issue come back up was this one. i love the mod and want to keep playing it however this is killing my sims as they cant use anything to get basic need met.

4 years ago

How do I update the mod?