The Sims 4 Laundry Day Stuff Pack Trailer is really on point, putting a huge emphasis on…well…doing laundry. Beside the usual laundry & drying machine action that you’ve seen in the trailer, here are some other objects / interactions that you might’ve missed!
1) This literal spice rack with raw spices on it
2) The ironing board on the left that sadly didn’t make the Gameplay Object cut
3) This toddler interacting with the washtub
4) A broken washing machine flooding the room
5) The 2×2 coffee table from Parenthood Game Pack makes a refurbished return in Laundry Day!
6) This huge table that can support up to 6 chairs!
7) Also, this cute little tree planted in a rustic little pot.
8) ALSO, this bare lighting bulb!
9) And finally, this huge bay window with enough space to place your favorite clutter!
What are some of the details / objects that caught your attention? Let us know in the comments!
i missed all these details and more because i didnt watch the trailer… yet
Im a retarded fool