In April last year, The Sims 4 development team invited Sims fans to help them create a stuff pack through a series of votes. This project culminated in the release of The Sims 4: Laundry Day Stuff.
Throughout the project we also got to have a look at the development process, including seeing concept art for other themes that were options in the first vote.
Some fans expressed disappointment that the themes that didn’t win the vote wouldn’t be used, especially after seeing the amazing concept art for them. However, SimGuru Graham reassured simmers that this likely wouldn’t be the last we’d see of that concept art;
“. . . none of the work that was already done will go to waste. We’ll file these ideas and pieces of art away for the future. Some of them may get made into a Stuff Pack eventually, some could be incorporated into a Game or Expansion pack, and some may simply catch our eye as an object or piece of clothing we want to create someday.”
This promise has come to fruition with the release of Get Famous. It’s only one CAS item, but it goes to show that the development team do indeed keep old unused concept art and bring it into packs where it makes sense.
This leaves the door open for other cool concepts such as the rustic wedding themed items, and the modern Japanese arcade concept, and it will be exciting to see if they revisit these themes in future packs.