On this day, a year ago, The Sims 4 has launched for Xbox One and PS4 Consoles. The game didn’t initially release with a lot of packs with only 1 Bundle / 3 seperate packs including City Living Expansion Pack, Vampires Game Pack and Vintage Glamour Stuff Pack.
However, in just 1 year The Sims Team managed to release the following packs for the game (in order of release for each pack type):
Expansion Packs
- The Sims 4 City Living
- The Sims 4 Get To Work
- The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs
- The Sims 4 Get Together
- The Sims 4 Seasons
Game Packs
- The Sims 4 Vampires
- The Sims 4 Dine Out
- The Sims 4 Parenthood
Stuff Packs
- The Sims 4 Vintage Glamour Stuff
- The Sims 4 Perfect Patio Stuff
- The Sims 4 Cool Kitchen Stuff
- The Sims 4 Luxury Party Stuff
- The Sims 4 Romantic Garden Stuff
- The Sims 4 Backyard Stuff
- The Sims 4 Toddler Stuff
- The Sims 4 Kids Room Stuff
- The Sims 4 Laundry Day Stuff
- The Sims 4 Spooky Stuff
In just a year The Sims Team managed to release 18 packs for the game, with the following packs still waiting to be released:
Expansion Packs
- The Sims 4 Get Famous
Game Packs
- The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat
- The Sims 4 Spa Day
- The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure
Stuff Packs
- The Sims 4 Movie Hangout Stuff
- The Sims 4 Bowling Night Stuff
- The Sims 4 Fitness Stuff
- The Sims 4 My First Pet Stuff
With 18 packs out and 8 packs still waiting to be released it’s safe to say that in the following months The Sims 4 will entirely catch up with the PC / Mac console. It’s still not known if finishing all the packs previously released would mean faster releases for newer packs in production along with PC / Mac version but it could definitely be the case.
Are you satisfied with all of the packs, updates and adjustments that were made to the console version over the last year? Let us know in the comments!
I’ve been playing the sims since the first part. Over the years I’ve managed to play the sims, the sims 2, the sims 3, and the sims 4 along with allost all of the packs from each game. I currently play the sims 4 on my ps4 but I also have it on my pc. I can truly say I am extremely happy that all of the sims gurus have worked so hard to make sure each pack that pc has out, console gets them as well. If I could individually thank them all right now In person, I would! I love all of my packs on the sims 4. For console, I have every pack that has came out for ps4!! I just want the sims gurus to know that I appreciate their hard work and I’m extremely thankful for every pack I have!