The custom content community has been hard at work to fill the void we’ve all been feeling ever since the release of the last official Stuff Pack for The Sims 4 – My First Pet Stuff, which came out a year and two months ago.
Just a few weeks ago the Pufferhead Custom Stuff Pack by MLys came out, bringing a huge amount of Maxis Match items for players to enjoy in. Now, there’s another great Custom Stuff Pack that’s all about bringing more items for your Sims’ bedrooms!
Creator IllogicalSimmer has put together an amazing Custom Stuff Pack set of over 25 new items that are completely Maxis Match, meaning that they completely fit in with The Sims 4’s art style. The set includes both new functional items and decor that have at least over 10 different color swatches.
This Custom Content set only requires The Sims 4 Base Game to work! You can install it by downloading the .zip file we’ve linked within the download button down below.
Installing this set is very easy. Simply extract the .zip content to Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods folder and make sure you’ve enabled Custom Content / Mods in your Game Options. There isn’t a new Pack Filter with this Custom Content Stuff Pack considering it’s, well, Custom Content, but you are able to search through the new items by searching for [Minimalist Bedroom] in the Build Mode search menu (brackets included).
Ready to treat your Sims with some new bedroom items? Hit the download button below!
FYI: The same creator of the Minimalist Bedroom Stuff Pack has also created some other Custom Stuff Packs in the past few months. Make sure you check out the following Packs from his Patreon page:
You can also follow @IllogicalSimmer on his Twitter account to stay up to date on all of his current (and upcoming) creations!
It’s not letting me download it on this site, is there any other way i can do it?
Omg they are perfect
Does it work on console?
Naz, sadly CC/Mods don’t work on consoles. 🙁 Perhaps they will in the future?
sorry for stupid question, yesterday I have downloaded sims for free on my pc, and I don’t have idea how to download this pack, because always I played sims on the console, and now I want to try play sims on my pc. So I tried to download this mode and another one, but I don’t understand how to install, I followed instructions from youtube, but nothing it’s not working.
Regimantai, atsisiųskit pack’ą į kompiuterį, susiraskite per Electronic arts The Sims 4 folderį, o jame MODS folderį, į ten įkelkite atsisiųstą failą. Daugiau nieko daryti bent jau man nereikėjo, items’ai atsidarius žaidimą per kompą jau buvo.
Did you place the files into the mods folder for the sims 4? If you look at where The sims 4 is downloaded on your pc you should be able to find a folder there that says “ Mods” then you just place the files for the mods into that folder while your sims game is not active. Then when you start the game up it should tell you what mods you’re using by listing them before you enter into a game.
This will be a long process. It depends also on what PC you have. I will walk through the steps but take note i have a DELL Microsoft computer. First you will need make sure that your custom content on the sims 4 has a check mark on it in the category “Other” on the Game options. Then you will download the CC you want. You will then go into your files and go into your documents. There should be a document called “Electronic Arts”. You will click that and then press “The Sims 4” after there will be a bunch on documents but click the one that says “Mods”. You will copy the pack you’ve chosen and paste it into the “Mods” document. You will then start up your game and go into game options and click “other” and click the button where it says “View custom content”. There should be your CC that you have chosen.
sorry for stupid question, yesterday I have downloaded sims for free on my pc, and I don’t have idea how to download this pack, because always I played sims on the console, and now I want to try play sims on my pc. So I tried to download this mode and another one, but I don’t understand how to install, I followed instructions from youtube, but nothing it’s not working.
Regimantai, atsisiųskit pack’ą į kompiuterį, susiraskite per Electronic arts The Sims 4 folderį, o jame MODS folderį, į ten įkelkite atsisiųstą failą. Daugiau nieko daryti bent jau man nereikėjo, items’ai atsidarius žaidimą per kompą jau buvo.
Did you place the files into the mods folder for the sims 4? If you look at where The sims 4 is downloaded on your pc you should be able to find a folder there that says ” Mods” then you just place the files for the mods into that folder while your sims game is not active. Then when you start the game up it should tell you what mods you’re using by listing them before you enter into a game.
This will be a long process. It depends also on what PC you have. I will walk through the steps but take note i have a DELL Microsoft computer. First you will need make sure that your custom content on the sims 4 has a check mark on it in the category “Other” on the Game options. Then you will download the CC you want. You will then go into your files and go into your documents. There should be a document called “Electronic Arts”. You will click that and then press “The Sims 4” after there will be a bunch on documents but click the one that says “Mods”. You will copy the pack you’ve chosen and paste it into the “Mods” document. You will then start up your game and go into game options and click “other” and click the button where it says “View custom content”. There should be your CC that you have chosen.
Does it work on console?
Naz, sadly CC/Mods don’t work on consoles. 🙁 Perhaps they will in the future?
It’s not letting me download it on this site, is there any other way i can do it?
Omg they are perfect