PLEASE NOTE: This post contains speculative information and does not contain any official confirmation from EA / The Sims Team.
Since the release of The Sims 4 we’ve goten a lot of improvements and updates that were definitely needed for the game. The last life stage update we’ve gotten was in January 2017 when we finally got Toddlers – a fully fleshed out life stage that pretty much surprised everyone because for a long time it was thought that adding a whole new life stage to the game just wasn’t possible. After the update it was certain what needed to be improved next – the Baby life stage.
You’ve probably played with them already in the game and noticed there isn’t much to do with them considering they are basically “objects” since they’re locked to the baby bassinet. The community wasn’t shy to let The Sims Team know that they’re worthy of an improvement and making them more than just an object.
Although it’s not known officially that The Sims Team would update the Baby lifestage they’ve definitely acknowledged the community’s demand for their improvement in numerous occassions, tweets and even official blog posts. Now, it seems there’s actual evidence that The Sims Team is doing something for this lifestage!
Modder @RAVASHEENCC has uncovered a new portion of game code that’s been added to the game since the latest Sims 4 update. The game code is “used to test the age of a sim for an interaction” and previously the baby tag was never used in this particular coding segment.
After last week’s patch I am seeing something new in the sims tuning/coding – BABY!!! BABIES!!! This ‘test_global’ snippet is used to test the age of a sim for an interaction… and there was never a baby tag before… sooooo just saying!!!!!
— RAVASHEEN (@RAVASHEENCC) November 15, 2020
Modder TheSimsPlus was also able to confirm the existence of the newly-added baby tag in the game code:
Found them as well! Babies are definitely coming (soon™?)
— Arnie (@thesims_plus) November 15, 2020
Although this could be a sign that The Sims Team is working on improving the Baby lifestage, it could also mean nothing else but a pure accident / coincidence while the code was being developed.
Zerbu, who is also a modder, explained that this could be nothing more but residue code that was forgotten about before releasing the latest patch:
Regarding the apparent “improved babies” leak: sorry to break it to you all, but it’s nothing new. Plenty of interactions have “BABY” tags. All it means is that the employee who coded the interaction didn’t uncheck it in their internal tools because ages are checked elsewhere.
— Zerbu🌴🦞🍌 (@ZerbuTabek) November 15, 2020
It wouldn’t be the first time The Sims Team left residue code in the game files that were early signs of upcoming content. Still, it’s best taking this speculation with a grain of salt considering that there’s, at least for now, not enough information that would prove otherwise.
no one cares about babies make an article on broken Sims clubs and club outfits please
Most of us care, honestly.
On the contrary, I care. Have also never played with clubs in my gameplay. Don’t try and speak for everyone… just yourself.
I don’t know if you saw this reddit post. Apparently last patch introduced a bug where toddler can bath an other toddler in the sink. My first thought seeing this was “Maybe a baby update is coming, and we’re gonna be able to bath babies in the sink!” In Sims 2 babies could be bathed in the sink ! So…. I don’t know… maybe… let’s not get our hopes too high though !
That interaction would check for a toddler, not a baby. They’re two entirely seperate life stages.
This would be like saying before they added toddlers, that a bug where a child could interact with another child was evidence of toddlers coming.
I concur with Zerbu, this tag has been there for as long as I can remember. I don’t remember exactly when I first saw it, but it was likely introduced for the onesies that came with Nifty Knitting. So, I hope people aren’t getting their hopes up on this one.
hi I have something to say my sims 4 game keeps crashing occasionally and then also my EA logged me out of my account can you please help me asap thank you