The Sims 4

The Sims 21st Birthday Livestream Info & Overview


The Sims recently celebrated its 21st birthday and what better way to celebrate than with a new update and a livestream! Hosted by GrimSuruDoi, he was also joined by MmKhayyy, SpringSims and ForeignSimmer later on through the stream.

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Unlike normal streams from The Sims team, we had a small agenda to help structure the stream itself and make it all flow nicely together. After a short introduction from GrimSuruDoi, we quickly jumped in and took a look at the new content that came with today’s update.

The Sims 21st Birthday Livestream Info & Overview

You can read the full overview of all twenty-one new items here.

Throughout the month, The Sims team have been highlighting some of the many talented Black Creators as part of celebrating Black History. GrimSuruDoi was joined by Mmkhayyy, SpringSims and ForeignSimmer to talk about their history with The Sims, favourite creations and discovering your own communities. One of the biggest topics covered during the Creator Chat was talking about diversity and inclusion and what they would like to see in the future.

After finishing the Creators Chat, we moved onto the Sims 411.

The Sims 411 is all about some of the hot topics that The Sims team have seen within the community lately and some of the things they will be doing.

There were two main questions, the first relating to fixing the skin tone issues for console players. Luckily there is a patch in the works that is currently scheduled for late March. The second question was around the black hairstyles and if they are going to be updated. They definitely will be updated and this is something that The Sims team will be working on going forward over the next few months. Again this is just the start and should see the first updates to the hairs in the near future.

The other part of The Sims 411 was the Laundry List. Now, the Laundry List has nothing to do with the Laundry Day Stuff Pack. It is in fact a list of the most reported concerns from players that the team are actively working on at the moment with an aim of the issues being resolved in time for the next patch. This list will be made available for the community to see with the first list being published around the 10th March.

There was just one more thing.

The Sims 21st Birthday Livestream Info & Overview

And with that, that was The Sims 21st Birthday Celebration Livestream!

About the author


Hey, I'm Krista! Long time Simmer and Sims Community Staff.

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