Ever wanted to do a Sims playthrough or story that was set way back when in Victorian or Medieval times but lacked the costumes to deck out your Sims in a way that looked believable? Me too. Of course, fan-made custom content can and has come to the rescue during times like these but what if you play on console? What if your computer can’t handle a lot of custom content? Or what if you’re just not that tech savvy and don’t want to bother with any of that?
Well here are a few of my favourite pieces and outfits I like to use to help tell my stories!
These gladiator costumes from Spooky Stuff do make for a great party costume but if you’re ever in need of some Ancient Roman battle attire, these should do quite nicely! They come in most masculine and feminine styles to suit either frame.
Writing or filming a story about Sims sailing the seven seas? Look no further than the Spooky Stuff and Get Famous packs, each of which contain a pirate costume for both masculine and feminine Sims. The pirate costume from Spooky Stuff is crisp and clean while the Get Famous costumes look more worn out and roughed up, perfect for a pirate fight!
When it comes to Victorian and Edwardian attire, The Sims 4 actually has a pretty decent selection for both masculine and feminine Sims! Numerous packs have brought a variety of pieces inspired by the Victorian and Edwardian periods, including Get Together, Vampires, Get Famous, and Vintage Glamour Stuff.
If you’re looking for even more selection, plenty more Victorian and French Renaissance outfits can be unlocked through the Acting career! Or just download a Sim from the Gallery who has everything unlocked then delete them from your household to gain access to their entire unlocked wardrobe!
Let’s head on over to the Wild West with these rootin’ tootin’ outfits courtesy of Get Famous and StrangerVille. Bella’s dress and Mortimer’s hat come from Get Famous, while Mortimer’s old-fashioned pinstripe suit is from StrangerVille. Combine the two packs to get some pretty great Old Western looks for your Sims.
And if you’re looking to go way back to Medieval times or even earlier, there are several options as well. Various tops, bottoms, hats (or hoods), and full body outfits from various packs like Outdoor Retreat, Realm of Magic, Get Famous, and even the Digital Deluxe version of the base game will help you tell those dark stories from Ye Olden Days.
And here are a few extra outfits that might be a little more costume than historical but that you may still find useful in some of your more fantastical historical stories nonetheless! Spooky Stuff has plenty of costumes and accessories to suit a wide variety of unconventional stories and even packs like Get Together have a few timeless pieces as well. Even some of the base game Star Wars outfits could be repurposed for some kind of prehistoric or apocalyptic gameplay.
Before we go, we can’t forget about the kids! Here are a few CAS pieces for the little ones that harken back to days long since passed. While there isn’t as wide a selection as there is for teen and older Sims, Spooky Stuff and Vampires offer the most historical looks for children. There is a pirate outfit, a Victorian tailcoat with ruffled collar, a princess dress in a Renaissance style, a gothic Victorian gown and a Victorian suit.
I hope some of these pieces will help you tell amazing historical stories in The Sims 4! Many of these pieces are my personal favourites when I’m telling stories based in history and I really enjoyed sharing them with you here today!
I would get a kit if the was historical cas stuff
Me too!