The Sims 4 Kits The Sims 4 Guides

The Sims 4 Fashion Street Kit Overview

TS4 x64 2021 10 05 19 57 33

The Sims 4 Fashion Street Kit is one of two new Kit style packs that The Sims team has released today. With a focus on new Create A Sim options, the new Kit features over thirty new clothing options to choose from. Each is item comes in a range of different beautiful swatches inspired by the fashion and culture of Mumbai, India.

Note: The Fashion Street Kit does not contain any options for Child or Toddler Sims.


Two feminine tops for adults

Three masculine tops


Three feminine bottoms

Four masculine bottoms

Full Body

Three new full-body options for male and female Sims.


Two new shoe option suitable for both male and female Sims.

Styled Looks

There are three new Styled Looks that come with this Kit. Two for male Sims and one for female Sims. Colorful Traditions, Ornately Casual & Everyday Elegance.


Five new accessories for female Sims. The glasses, earrings and nose ring are also suitable for male Sims.


There are two new unisex Henna hand tattoos that come with the Kit. Each come in several different swatches and designs.

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About the author


Hey, I'm Krista! Long time Simmer and Sims Community Staff.

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