The Sims 4 is getting official in-game Challenges!
During the official Inside Maxis Livestream that happened just a few moments ago, The Sims Team revealed a brand new feature coming to The Sims 4 called Scenarios!
This feature is going to allow players to start a new game in The Sims 4 with an official, pre-made Challenge put out by The Sims Team.
For next week’s update for The Sims 4 there are only going to be two Scenarios called “Making Money” and “Finding Love After a Breakup”.
Each Challenge Scenario will have its own set of rules and pre-made conditions set to your household. For the very simple Making Money Scenario, you’ll be starting out with 0 Simoleons on a lot on your choice and work your way up to a million Simoleons.
You’ll have a reminder on the top left corner of what your Scenario goal is. The rewards for completing a Scenario? Major Satisfaction Points that you can use to spend in the in-game Rewards Store.
This is only a first round of scenarios that The Sims Team will release and we can expect a lot more in the future. There are also going to be “limited-time” scenarios in the game. SimGuruDuck revealed that there will also be these limited-time Scenarios coming soon to The Sims 4 shortly after the feature launch:
- Too Many Toddlers
- Perfectly Well-Rounded
You can check out the Scenarios Feature in action in the livestream replay below:
With that being said, what do you think about The Sims 4 Scenarios? Let us know in the comments below!
So basically they are adding challanges like rags to riches, and acting like its a new feature/idea… okay…
and rewards are points for reward store? um…
Nothing new. Reward points have always been for the reward store to purchase potions and traits for sims. I always cheat reward points for the sims I create since I don’t play with whims.
I guess scenarios are great if you don’t cheat to add reward points or want tedium added to your game. But, let’s see what they have in the future. I for one want them to fix what they have broken like TRASH cans. the only one who can rummage in trash cans are children.
In general I like the idea of challenges in game, but the reward is quite boring. It would be great if the reward will add some unique personality features and interactions.
I agree .You can easily use a cheat to get rewards points so that is useless
I agree .You can easily use a cheat to get rewards points so that is useless
Does not seem to add much depth and/or consequences. But I guess they might be good if you’re feeling directionless in game. Not sure how I feel until I see it working in game.
Honestly they could have used this to bring back the positivity challenge, maybe spruce it up.
No, thanks.
So is it like have 1 million simoleons in the bank or have earned 1 million simoleons in total.
Great! The Sims Team can’t figure out the great lag and file bloat making the game unplayable from Cottage Living but they have all of this time to add these challenges, etc. To the game. I WILL NOT SPEND ANOTHER DIME ON THIS GAME UNTIL IT’S FIXED PROPERLY…
Well as a person who never uses Cheats, I really enjpy this idea. Also it gives me some new gameplay ideas if I dont know what to do. Really nice thing.
An important question, if they put that system, the old one of creating a new game in a totally new world without “challenge” will not be operational? 🙁
At movements doing my own Hallween challenge with a twist for Sims 4 but don’t what do for Sims 3 as like play both games.
I do love the idea, reminds me of Sims 2 for console and the objectives the story mode had
That being said, I absolutely dislike it being timed, as usual imposing a sense of urgency on players, I don’t like that one bit