Since our latest Story Starter Kit features a bakery all set up for you to hop in and play, I thought I’d share a couple mods I love to use when running my own bakeries in The Sims 4! None of our Story Starter Kits require any CC or mods; they can be fully enjoyed by everyone on all platforms but if you are a mod user playing on PC, you might find these mini-mods by Ravasheen to be extremely useful if you’re playing with our Sugar and Secrets Story Starter Kit!
A-Dough-Able Cupcake Maker
First of all, that title is a-dough-able! The A-Dough-Able Cupcake Maker has all the functionality of the base game cupcake factory but doesn’t take up the entire room! Seriously, why did they make it so big? No one wants that in their kitchen, okay? You listening, EA?
Ravasheen’s much smaller cupcake maker is a cute little icing piping bag and sprinkle bag you can purchase out of the Build/Buy catalogue and store in the world, in your Sim’s inventory, or in the fridge! It’s super versatile and will allow you to bake not just the base game cupcakes, but all of the baked goods that come with the Baking skill from Get To Work. Sims will use any available oven to cook their delicious treats, including CC ovens and the countertop ovens from Dream Home Decorator! Ravasheen has even made matching baking trays for each item, how a-dough-able! (One day, I’ll stop using that pun but not today).
The mod is base game compatible but players with the Get To Work expansion pack will get the most functionality out of this mod. The piping bag requires Get To Work and will allow you to bake both the base game cupcakes and the Get To Work baking recipes. The sprinkle bag is base game compatible but will only allow you to make the base game cupcakes. If you’re having trouble putting your baked goods on a surface that will allow your Sims to decorate them, the object also come with a handy placement helper feature that will tell your Sim to move the desired dish to the correct placement for decorating.
Oh, and if you use Srsly’s Complete Cooking Overhaul mod, this mod is fully compatible with that, too!
Kiss of Fresh Hidden Lot Modifier
Another fantastic mod you’ll get a lot of use out of if you run a bakery is the Kiss of Fresh Hidden Lot Modifier by, you guessed it, Ravasheen! This mod is super simple but incredibly helpful! It adds a hidden lot trait that keeps all perishable items fresh forever! It also prevents flower arrangements from wilting so it’s useful for florists, too.
All you have to do to use this mod is find the Kiss of Fresh sign in Build/Buy and place it anywhere on the lot. It will make everything on the lot fresh forever. The sign also disappears when in Live mode so you don’t need to worry about the sign not fitting in with your lot’s design scheme. There are no lot or venue restrictions on the sign so you can place it anywhere you want! And since this lot trait is hidden, it won’t take up one of your three lot trait slots.
When you want to get rid of the hidden lot trait, just delete the sign! That’s it! I told you it was super simple!
These aren’t Ravasheen’s only mods you might find helpful for running a retail business! I just picked the two that I find myself using the most! Go check out her full catalogue on her website!
What are some of your favourite mods you find helpful for running a retail business? Let us know in the comments or come chat with us on social media!