The Sims 4 Guides

Community Poll: Vote for Your Favourite Sims 4 World!


Battle of The Sims 4 Worlds!

Have you ever wondered what the most popular Sims 4 world is? Or what the least popular world is according to players? Us too! To satisfy our curiosity, we’ve put together the ultimate poll to see which world from The Sims 4 is the most beloved by players! You’re going to help us decide the results by voting in our poll which includes all worlds and special areas in the game!

So here’s how it works; we’ve got three categories to vote in:

  • Residential Worlds
  • Destination Worlds
  • Hidden Worlds

Vote for your favourite world in each category but make your selection wisely because you only get two votes in the Residential category and one vote each in the Destination and Hidden categories for a total of four votes.

Are you ready? On your marks… get set… VOTE!

Favourite Residential World

Favourite Destination World

Favourite Hidden World

Which worlds did you vote for? Let us know in the comments!

Thank you to Nekro Von K from our Sims Community Facebook group for providing us with the Batuu screenshot.

About the author


A cranky old lady who prefers the company of cats and Sims over people. Occasionally peeks out from her lair long enough to chuck Sims articles at innocent bystanders.

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2 years ago

I voted Newcrest because I like the inherent customization of the blank world, and because I set my first big rotational play save there; Forgotten Hollow because I like the aesthetic and because Vampires is one of my favorite packs in general — also I’ve been visiting there a LOT lately; Selvadorada because it’s a beautiful jungle and going temple-running makes for a fun vacation; and the Magic Realm because I like magic — and I think it’s the only one I’ve ever been to. XD Though I totally get why Sulani is currently winning, as it IS a gorgeous place.

2 years ago

Born and raised in the Caribbean, I’m biased. I love tropical worlds and beaches so of course I picked Sulani and Selva Dorada

2 years ago

You missed one of the hidden worlds – The Mount Komorebi Summit. Like all the other hidden worlds, tt’s not visible on the map and you can’t just send your sim there. The only one way to get there is through gameplay which, in this case, is to climb the mountain. It’s by far the most difficult one to get to and it’s the only hidden world where your sim has a good chance of dying in their attempt to get there, so I think it deserves to be on the list. As for my picks, I chose Sulani and San Myshuno as my favourite residential worlds, Selvadorada as my favourite vacation world, and Sylvan Glade for the favourite hidden world.